Always going to be together- part 4

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Crystal: we're back!

Lazuli gets out the room

Lazuli sees Stella

Lazuli: h-hey g-guys

Sylvia: hi?

Leafy and flare walks by

Leafy: sis?

Lazuli: oh umm h-hey

Leafy: are you ok?

Lazuli: y-yep!

Speedy: are you sure?

Lazuli: yeah...

Speedy: oh ok then..

Mollie: are you guys hungry?

Flare: a little bit..

Mollie: you guys can get something from the fridge or we can probably go to a restaurant..?

Crystal: yeah!

At the restaurant...

Sylvia: yum!

Stella: thx for inviting us!

Mollie: no problem!

Speedy looks at lazuli

Lazuli looks at speedy back

Lazuli: ....

Speedy: what's wrong lazuli?

Lazuli: nothing...

Speedy: ...

After eating...

Stella: that was delicious and thanks to your mom!

Speedy: yeah...

Stella: what's wrong..?

Speedy: do you know what's wrong with lazuli..?

Stella: umm... N-no..

Speedy sees lazuli

Stella: want to hang out tomorrow...?

Speedy goes to lazuli

Speedy grabs lazuli by her paw

Lazuli: speedy..?

After finding a spot

Speedy: here this the good spot

Lazuli: what are you doing...

Speedy: I just want to say sorry..

Lazuli: sorry for what..?

Speedy: for not hanging out with you...

Lazuli: yeah yeah I know.. You like that Stella girl right..?

Speedy: huh? What?! No?!

Lazuli: I know you do! Stop lying!

Speedy: I'm not lying!

Lazuli: yes you are!

Lazuli starts crying

Lazuli runs away

Speedy: wait lazuli!

Lazuli: leave me alone!

Speedy: no! Until I explain to you what's going ok!

Lazuli: no! I hate you just go with your girl friend Stella!

Speedy: wait what?! I don't love her I love you!

Lazuli: leave me alone!

Speedy: no until you calm down!

Lazuli uses ice on speedy

Speedy dodges it

Speedy: stop lazuli you're getting crazy!

Lazuli: the crazy one is you!

Speedy: lazuli wait!

Lazuli walks away

Speedy runs to her and blocked her

Lazuli: leave me alone!

Speedy: no!

Lazuli: why not you can have Stella and not me!

Speedy: w-wait can I just explain to you?

Lazuli: fine but..hurry up!

Speedy: it all started when we were sleeping with each other and and then when we waked up you punched me and you ran and then I was looking for you but.. Then I crashed into stella and then she told me if she wanted to hang out and then I thought you needed some time or break to think about that so that's why I wanted you to have a break...

Speedy looks at lazuli but she's sad and her tiers in her cheeks..

Speedy: look I'm sorry... I didn't know you were jealous..

Lazuli: I wasn't jealous well.. A little bit..

Speedy: why?

Lazuli: cuz when me and you and Stella were hanging out she was acting weird and then I noticed that she likes you that's why I got jealous...

Speedy: that's why you were jealous..?

Lazuli: yeah..

Speedy: I'm sorry I didn't hangout with you..

Lazuli: i-its okay...

Speedy and lazuli look at each other

Lazuli runs to speedy and then she kisses him and speedy kisses her back

Stella and Sylvia walks by

Stella: t-they kissed...

Sylvia: yeah...

Stella: I have a plan..

Sylvia: what plan is it?

Stella:  is to make them break up and make speedy mine~

Sylvia: huh? No he's mine!

Stella: it can be both of us

Sylvia: sure~

Stella: crystal can help us do the plan

Sylvia: yeah let's go until their caught us

Lazuli broke the kiss

Lazuli: speedy for you even love me?

Speedy: of course I do who else will I love?

Lazuli: umm I don't know

Speedy hugs lazuli

Lazuli hugs him back

They broke the hug

Lazuli: we should go now I'm getting tired..

Speedy: same with me.


Stella: crystal!

Crystal: what?

Stella: we need your help!

Crystal: ooo~ whats the problem~

Stella: I need you to make speedy and lazuli to not be together anymore

Crystal: why?

Stella: cuz I love speedy so much~

Crystal: umm.. I don't know about that..

Sylvia: crystal I'm fine with itπŸ˜‰

Crystal: oh alright then~

Stella: and we can start tomorrow~

Crystal and Sylvia: on it!

When they got back from the restaurant...

Crystal: yay finally home!

Icicy: yeah!

Sylvia: let's just say we can all have a sleepover at my house!

Mollie: I guess sure if you guys want to have a sleep over?

All: sure..?

Sylvia: let's go then!

At Sylvia house...

Sylvia: hey dad! And creepy brother!

Frank: hi sweetie

Gai: Hey little sis! wait...

Gai looks at speedy

Gai: my law brother!

Gai hugs speedy

Speedy: h-hey

Gai: why are you guys here?

Frank looks at icicy

Frank: you look like Cc

Icicy: bc CC is my sister

Frank: she is?

Icicy: yeah..?

Frank: alright then I'm going to sleep now..

Sylvia: alrighty!

Gai: so all the boys go to my room to sleep!

Sylvia: me and Stella and even crystal are going to sleep in my room!

Lazuli: what about us?

Speedy: yeah what about them?

Gai: Sylvia don't let then out you know that?

Sylvia and Stella and crystal goes to Sylvia room

Gai: you guys can sleep in the couch it has a lot of room there

Icicy: alright then...

When the boys left to gais room..

Lazuli: we shouldn't have came here

Leafy: yeah..

Icicy: do you guys want to see what their doing..?

Lazuli: huh?

Icicy: yeah I can see what their planing on

Leafy: let's see it then..

Icicy uses her power to see what the others girls are doing..

Sylvia: so remember the plan right..?

Crystal: yep we can sneek on the boys the boys are next door..

Stella: yeah me and Sylvia will be close to speedy~

Sylvia: no you can be close to speedy I'll be with flare~

Crystal: ok let's go now!

Icicy stops using her power

Lazuli: oh heck no she's not stealing my bf!

Lazuli runs to the boys room

Leafy: sis wait up!

Icicy: wait for me too

When the others girls got to the room

Gai: so... How is it going with your-

Sylvia: hey guys!

Crystal: hello!

Stella: hi!

Gai and speedy and flare: hi?

Stella sits by speedy and Sylvia sits by flare and crystal sits by gai

Speedy: umm.. Stella what are you doing?

Stella: do you love me?

Speedy: uhm sorry Stella but.. I love lazuli but we can be friends..?

Stella kisses speedy in the lips

Flare: huh?

Flare grabs Stella and puts her behind him

Flare: what do you think you're doing Stella!

Crystal: speedy..?

Speedy: huh?

Sylvia: are you ok?

Speedy: leave me alone Stella and Sylvia and you crystal you're grounded!

Flare: ...

Speedy: we're leaving we're taking the girls not you guys!

Lazuli: are you guys ok?

Speedy: I'm fine..

Lazuli: it's bc that Stella right speed..?

Speedy: ...

Lazuli: *sigh* yeah I knew it!

Flare: Stella kissed big bro in the lips

Leafy: what..?

Lazuli: say what!

Icicy: lazuli can you be quiet Sylvia's dad is sleeping!

Lazuli: yeah ik sorry

Speedy: we should leave now..

Icicy: yeah...

Meanwhile they were walking...

Lazuli: are you ok?

Speedy: I'm fine..

Lazuli goes close to speedy

Speedy: lazuli want me to carry you?

Lazuli: I guess sure wait what!

Speedy carries lazuli

Lazuli: you're fur is soft..

Speedy: lazuli stop that...

Lazuli: sorry..

Icicy: guys?

Speedy and lazuli and flare: yea?

Icicy: speed do you know Stella is trying to be your gf

Speedy: she does?

Icicy: and crystal, Sylvia, and Stella are doing a plan..

Lazuli: yeah...

Flare: that's why I'm not letting Stella do something weird to you and Sylvia..

Speedy: thx guys.. I'll talk to her tomorrow..

Lazuli: can I get ice cream tomorrow?

Icicy: me too?

Flare: same with me!

Speedy: shh leafy is sleeping and sure..

Icicy: umm speedy lazuli fell asleep on you..?

Speedy: oh..

Speedy mind: she looks cute when she sleeps... Either ways I'm sleepy to so let's hurry up and walk home..

To be continued...

Hey guys sorry it was short some times I don't have time and that and can I have a shout out to... EVERYONE WHO READS THIS THANK YOU! FOR A LOT OF READERS! LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! Oh and comment some questions to the eeveelutions bc I'm going to do some questions to the eeveelutions and if you guys want to ask them then go ahead plz I want to do it! And I'm going to do an other stories soon when I finished this! Thank you πŸ’– Stay safe everyone! πŸ˜‡

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