Two days later
Pearl: "puts a satchel on Sunshine." All done. Is everyone ready
Silvia: More then ready! Let's go!
Leafy: Sis, weres your backpack
Lazuli: I'm not going...
Silvia: Why not? The beach is fun
Lazuli: I don't like it, it's too hot
Leafy: Ok, but it would be nice if you came
Lazuli: Sorry, Leafy. I mat not be there but you'll have a good time
Leafy: Okay
Speed: ... "Sighs," I guess I'm staying
Lazuli: Hold on what! Why I can take care of myself, besides, wouldn't you rather be with your siblings
Speed: Not like I have a choice, besides last time we left you home alone... you were in the Frezzer... for some reason, and all the ice cream was gone... you were sick for a whole day
Lazuli: "Blushes in emberesmemt" still!
Pearl: Alright, Speed will stay here. Besides, if anything happens, both of you can take care of it easily
Lazuli: "grones" fine
Black: we should get going
Pearl: Right
Sunshine: Da- big brother, you're not coming
Speed: "Hugs her." Don't worry, I can get there ten seconds flat
Sunshine: "Hugs back" A-aye
Speed: "Let's go." Have fun, Sunshine
Pearl: We're heading out
They leave to the beach
Lazuli: im going to my room. "She walks away and sighs." I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it,"goes into her room and takes a book. " Tee hee, now I can continue my story... let's see where I left off
Speed: "Knocks on the door"
Lazuli: "opens the door." What is it
Speed: So we're low on food, so I was thinking of going out for lunch
Lazuli: Sure, what time
Speed: The afternoon seems good
Lazuli: yea ok "closes door"
Speed: If you need something, just shout, "walks to the living room, and takes his game console."
Console: "it shows Salamence Fighters Y"
A while later
Lazuli: "She puts down her book." looks like I read all of them
Speed: "Knocks" Lazuli, it's almost noon. Let's go for lunch
Lazuli: "opens the door"
Speed: hungry yet
Lazuli: a little
Speed: All right, let's go then
Lazuli: Hey, um
Speed: ya
Lazuli: Sorry if it's intrusive, but... why are your eyes blue? Don't Jolteons have purple eyes
Speed: "Lowers glasses" ... I've had them since I hatched. My uncle has them to
Lazuli: Is he an Eeveelution
Speed: he's a Shiny Eevee. Actually, he won't evolve for some reason... off topic, but have you ever been on a date
Lazuli: day and time
Speed: Well ya, but I meant the other kind
Lazuli: Have you been on one
Speed: "Looks up" no... well, almost, I was like 9 or something
Lazuli: Can you explain
Speed: it's a boy and a girl going out to have fun, like going to the park or going to the movies
Lazuli: I need to start reading books that have that word... wait, who was the girl with you
Speed: Silvia has a history of making guys fall for her, didn't work on me, and she was not my type. She thought she was my girlfriend
Lazuli: But she was your friend
Speed: Girlfriend means like a romantic partner, I was more focused on being a rescuer
Lazuli: ow... speaking of that, how did you learn those moves
Speed: Well, I could tell you, but you'd have to do training to actually understand it
Lazuli: ... I'll think about it
Later in Sunny town
Lazuli: "looking around." Hey, we're are we going
Speed: one of my favorite places, "opens door" yo pops been a while
Pops: "Chuckles" welcome. However, you were here yesterday
Speed: "Chuckles," yeah, well, you know me, focus on where you are
Pops: usual, rice, curry, and ramen
Lazuli: "shocked" that much
Speed: "smerks" need the calories for training
Pops: And you young lady
Lazuli: Hmmm ... fried rice
Pops: drinks
Speed: the usual soda
Lazuli: lemonade
Pops: Very well
Both: "sit down"
Lazuli: So you come here often
Speed: ya, my best friend introduced me to this place, where rescuer buds still go on missions together
Lazuli: You have friends?
Speed: "Frowns" I find that insulting
Lazuli: "Giggles." No, you seem like the type not to make friends
Speed: "Rolls eyes" I'm not
Lazuli: Where are you from anyway
Speed: Green hills
Lazuli: hu
Speed: We're you almost ran into me. I live by that road
Lazuli: So that's why you were standing there
Speed: Now we're are you from
Lazuli: "looks away." I don't wanna talk about it
Speed: ... bad memories, I'm guessing
Lazuli: "nods"
Speed: "Shrugs" well, I won't pry
Lazuli: "Looks out side the window and sees some couples walking down the street"... "slight blush"
Speed: "Notices" something wrong
Lazuli: i-it's nothing just t-thinking about something
Their food arives and they eat
Speed: nom nom nom... thought Resterances and Earth me and you are the hungry ones
Lazuli: waaa
Pops: he does that a lot
Both: "exit"
Lazuli: That was really good
Speed: told you, before we go home, I heard you ran out of books, so I thought you'd like the bookstore, maybe gets some ice cream
Lazuli: "Sparkle eyes." Really?
Speed: ... "Faint blush" cute
Lazuli: "Blushes"
Speed: (I said that out loud!) Sorry
Lazuli: "Waves paws around." it's fine!
Later, at the book store
Lazuli: Hmmm, "sighs." Aready read those
Speed: "Looks around" ... "sees something," no way, "takes it."
Lazuli: What cha find
Speed: "shose her the book" Gi Gi: Bizzare Journey
Lazuli: ... um, ok... I didn't think you'd like reading
Speed: I like comics. My sister showed me her collection
Lazuli: Ok then, maybe I should ask her
Cheshire: "Hands over the packedge" here you go
Lazuli: Thank you~
Speed: "Sweat drops" that's a lot of books
Lazuli: I usually get ten
Speed: "eyes widen" holy Arceus
Excuse me, Arkoos
Lazuli: Are we going to get ice cream now
Speed: Of course
Lazuli: "smiles" great
Speed: "Tilts head" ... (Why do I feel like this)
Lazuli: mmm~ "Eating chocolate ice cream"
Speed: So what's your plan when we get home
Lazuli: Just read in my room
Speed: Don't you ever get tired of reading
Lazuli: No
Speed: "sighs"... say, has anyone ever had a crush on you
Lazuli: "grones" one. He's really creepy. I'm just glad I didn't run into him today
Speed: he's a flirt, I'm guessing
Lazuli: Yes, and weirdo. You're definitely better than him
Speed: "Thumbs up" that's good, at least
Lazuli: Was Silvia like that for you
Speed: wasn't a creep but kind of
Lazuli: ... can we get more ice cream
Speed: "deadpan"
Later back at the house
Lazuli: Finally... home at last
Speed: would have been back earlier if you didn't get five ice creams
Lazuli: "Side eyes him."
Speed: "raises paws" don't give me that look
Lazuli: "smiles" thanks. I'll be in my room
Speed: "nods"
Lazuli: "walks into her room." Wonder how Leafy is doing
Speed: "knocks on door"
Lazuli: "opens door." What do you want
Speed: ... to be honest, I just want some company
Lazuli: You really should have gone with others
Speed: "Sighs," ya, I know
Lazuli: You can come in. Just don't pull anything on me
Speed: I'm not a creep!
Lazuli: "Chuckles" just messing with you
Speed: "pouts"
Lazuli: You're just like your sister
Lazuli: "Reading"
Speed: "playing a game"
Lazuli: Just a book
Speed: I know what it is. By the color, is it a love story, Kris, showd me a few of those ... no reply
Lazuli: There is now, I'm trying to read , just shut up before I kick you out
Speed: "has a frown" back at the restaurant, you didn't want to answer my question, what happened
Lazuli: ..."puts book down and has a dark look." It's... It's not like hated that place
Speed: Then why don't you be honest with me
Lazuli: Why should I tell you?!
Speed: Well... because... look... you seem really upset when I mentioned it, I just can't help but wonder why
Lazuli: ... fine! I... I came from terry town, it's about 10 miles away from here, every time I think about it I'm reminded of that old man
Speed: You mean your dad
Lazuli: That old man kicked us out as soon as mom passed away...
Speed: ..."Rubs the back of his head." I know it's personal, but what happened to her was she sick,
Lazuli: I don't know. As soon as Leafy and I found her, we saw ... "shivers." we saw her lying in a small red puddle with a long red line on her neck and her bleeding out of her neck... then she stopped breathing "has a traumatized look in her eye"
Speed: ... was there anything moved? Was there someone else
Lazuli: No, everything was in its place, and it was only me, lefy, mom, and the old man
Speed: "thinks" did... did something feel different
Lazuli: ... there was this weired pressure
Speed: "relizes"
Lazuli: What
Speed: Cursed spirit
Lazuli: "feels like she's being drownd" w-whats that
Speed: she was attacked, not by a Pokémon or natural causes
Lazuli: Then what was it
Speed: You see, me and other mons here have what's called Cursed Energy
Lazuli: Cursed... Energy
Speed: it's energy that is caused by negative emotions. Everyone can create it, but not everyone can control it... when a collective amount of it is accumulated will give form to one, but now adays they cause Berserkers
Lazuli: That... that can't be true if it was something like that old man would have protected us, "desperate not to believe it"
Speed: I know it's hard to believe, but I need you to understand-
Lazuli: No! You're the one that needs to understand! Dad was always ignoring us, but he was never really mean to us until "starts crying" what happened to mom... i... "sob"...I... I don't know what happened to mom... "sob" and t-that old man... as soon as he got there he hit me...
"Sob" and said he'd burn us alive... "Sob" if we didn't leave the house, in the end we still don't know what happened to mom
Speed: ... "Hugs her,"
Lazuli: ... "crys in his shoulder"
Speed: at least... you saw her go, I've never really had parents, only my uncle
Lazuli: "Listening will still sobbing."
Speed: Ever since then, I've been trying to fill that hole with others
Lazuli: "Let's go" ...
Speed: I'm sorry
Lazuli: hu
Speed: If I had been born earlier, maybe I could have helped you, but at least you have your sister right
Lazuli: "wipes her eyes."
Speed: fell a little better
Lazuli: I guess so...
Speed: If we ever see, I'll be sure to use red on him
Lazuli: Really
Speed: I'm serious
Lazuli: "Yawns"
Speed: tired from crying
Lazuli: "hits him with her elbow."
Speed: "rolls eyes." Why don't you take a nap? I'm not a creep
Lazuli: ... okay... "goes to her bed,"
Speed: I'll lea-
Lazuli: No, please stay
Speed: "Yawns" guess I'm tired too
Lazuli: You can sleep on the floor
Speed: "takes a pillow and lays down." Well, sleep tight,"takes glasses off. " Sweet dreams
Lazuli: Huh?
Speed: ... I say that to Sunshine before bed
Lazuli: No, it's... nice
Speed: I hope the others are having fun
Lazuli: me to
Both: "go to sleep"
Hours later
Both: "Sleeping on the floor together"
Sunshine: D-big brother... "walks over" ... "sleeps between them"
Ch 7 end
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