Ch 13: a day with the Squad

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About a week later

Silvia: Hey, everyone. I have an exciting announcement!

Pearl: "Tilts head." Well, spill then

Silvia: My dad wants to get to know you all soooo... we're heading to his beach house!

Lazuli: Beach house... ehhh

Sunshine: Veee, you ok, Mommy

Lazuli: Hmmm, ow yes, just... a little concerned

Silvia: And he said you can bring your families with

Speed: "Squints" as long as you don't try anything, I'm game

Silvia: "Thumbs up."

Peral: "Thinks" my family wouldn't mind, actually I think my cousin would like to meet Sunshine

Crystal: Hmmm, I think Uncle Satoru wouldn't mind going on vacation

Flare: "nod"

Speed: "looks over to Sunshine"

Sunshine: "Unsure."

Speed: "pats her head." Hey, don't worry, kiddo, besides you got your whole family coming with, "Smirks"

Sunshine: "Looks around and gives a hesitant nod."

Speed: "looks over to Black." You think Frost would be able to come

Black: ... "nods." I think so. He has a few breaks saved up. How long until we go

Silvia: Two months, for about a week there,

Black: I'll ask him

Pearl: Think we should bring Trace

Speed: I don't see why not "looks over to Lazuli and Leafy" ... hey Lazuli...

Lazuli: "gives him a reassuring smile." Ow, don't worry, we're fine

Speed: "Smile and nod."

Crystal: "Chuckles"

Silvia: "Claps paws" as much as I love seeing that. What are we going to do about the whole CE thing

Black: I don't think they'll care. Besides, a lot of use can explain it

Crystal: Speaking of CE "looks at Silvia with a smerk"

Silvia: "grones"

Lazuli: "scratches the back of her head," speaking of that "stands up." Let's go figure out what My Cursed Tequniqe will be

Speed: "nods." Let's get to work

Pearl: "Claps paws" ya

A while later

Flare: "Looks in a watering can and sees his eye red" hu, again "takes some of his pills and his eye goes back to normal"

Leafy: "Watering some plants." Hey, you okay, Flare

Flare: "nods" yep ju-

The fence gets cut up into multiple pieces

Flare and Leafy: "shocked"

Lazuli: "looks at her paw. "... what was that!

Speed: Hmmm, I think I've heard of this one. This is part of Muzushi "Shrine", this move is Kai "Dismantle", it creates invisible slashes, there are other parts of it though

Lazuli: "Rubs her paw."

Speed: Don't know how to feel.

Lazuli: "nods" ...

Pearl: "sighs and looks at her with reassurance." Don't worry, I went through the same thing with mine, had to deal with it due to my job

Lazuli: "Sighs" right... you two, ok

Leafy: we're fine, sis!


Silvia: "gets punched by the Cursed Doll" Gaaaa Again!

Crystal: Well, you were able to do it for a few hours, and we're able to do it while talking to me, so I think you should be ready to discover your Tequniqe "smirks"

Silvia: This is going to be terrifying or silly, isn't it

Crystal: Pick your poison, Cotten candy

A while later, back outside

Black: "Does a bird Shadow puppet" Nue

Nue: "appears crackling with electricity"

Speed: "activates Infinity" ready

Black: "nods" Nue

Nue: "He goes to Attack with Electricity, but it stops."

Speed: "points a finger" Aka "Fires an explosive force"

Nue: "sent back"

Black: "Catches Nue" ...

Speed: "smerks" well what next

Black: ... "takes out a cursed tool from Nue and rushes in"

Nue: "follows him and gets ready."

Speed: "starts making another Red"

Shadows: "slash and bolt"

Speed: "Palm strikes Nue and..." Aka Hadō! "Strikes Nue the Unleashes Red"

Nue: "sent flying"

Black: "releases Nue and makes another puppet" Orochi! "Summons a giant snake that's about to eat Speed"

Speed: "Teleports with Blue"

Orochi: "misses"

Speed: Ao Sen

Black: "gets pulled twords Speed

Speed: "goes for a punch."

Black: "dodges and then smirks"

Speed: hu, "eyes widen and look down"

Orochi: "beneath them with its mouth open."

Black: "clenches fist like a snake bite"

Orochi: "chomp"

On the side lines

Flare: ... "concerned." i mean, I know we're supposed to be a little crazy, but still

Orochi: "fades"

Speed and Black: "falling"

Flare: "Eyes widen." Fluffy catch them

Fluffy: "appears and goes to catch them"

Black: "Does a bird Shadow puppet" Nue

Nue: "appears and Black lands on it"

Fluffy: "Catches Speed"

Speed: ... "Pats Fluffys head." Thanks, buddy

Fluffy: "Chuckles and goes back to the ground"

Flare: You two ok

Speed: ya were fine. I can't believe you actually had Orochi eat us

Black: "Shrugs." Well, I gotta get creative, especially to compete with you

Speed: "Snorts," and that involves using Cursed Tools

Fluffy: "fades"

Crystal: "runs up while cakling." Guys, you gotta see this, hahaha!

All three: ?


A bunch of Plushies are moving around doing things, and a few are carrying Silvia

Silvia: "Sips some lemonade"

Crystal: "On the ground laghuing"

Black: Are these Shikigami

Speed: "looks at Silvias CE" no, these are all just plushes, they have Cores of CE

Flare: So she can make Cursed Corpses

Speed: No, it seems more like puppetry, mabey she just controls them by putting in cores

Lazuli: "walks over"... "Chuckles," you know, it's kind of funny that she got this when she did not like the Cursed Doll

Speed: "Snorts" ya

Sunshine: "jumps into the plushies, and the plushies go flying every"

Flare: "Snorts" just like Crystal

Black: "Tilts head." Hey, where's Pearl and Leafy

Leafy: "Watching all the plushies." What the heck

Pearl: "walks out of the kitchen with an irritated look." Silvia, keep your dolls out of the kitchen. There's felt everywhere!

Slivia: ow come on, it's not. "Her Cursed Corpses stop moving, and she falls. " ... aw man

Pearl: "Sighs." I regret having you being taught CE if I knew this would happen. I wouldn't have let you learn

Silvia: "starts picking up the plushies."

Sunshine: I'll help "picks up a giant pile that's bigger than her."

Pearl: ... hey, Speed, did you get a hold of your uncle

Speed: ya he said he's going to bring one of his friends with

A ways away far from sunny town

Satoru: So Suguru, what do you think

Suguru: I wouldn't mind. I need a break anyway. What about Shoko

Suguru is a Shiny Trevenent

Satoru: she said she was too busy with her Docter job. Would have been nice. My students' brothers have shattered legs

Suguru: "nods." ya, what about Utahime

Satoru: she just wanted to keep teaching, and she threw a tea cup at me

Suguru: "Snorts" sounds like something she would do... "looks down," you know I still can believe that Cursed Spirits actually disipeared but know there Berserkers, you think it's possible for something else to happen

Satoru: "Rubs chin" ... "smirks" I wouldn't worry about it

The screen goes to a picture of the squad as well as Tokyo and Kyoto students "I think will be fine"

Ch 13 End

Now I have a few things to say this will be going on temporary hiatus because the doc I used for this is still being written, so you're going to have to wait for a while

Anyway, thank you for a halfway to 1k views, have a good... whatever time of the day you have.

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