9-10 years later
Speed: "Walking with a soda can" ~Butterfree in the sky~
Trace: "Sleeping at the Mission bord"
Speed: ... "Splashes Trace with soda"
Trace: "Startles awake." Gaaa!... Speed the Heck!
Speed: "Chuckles" sorry, better then hitting you,"stickes out his lounge out and lowers his blacked out glass in joking manner."
Trace: "grones in annoyance." ya alright pretty boy, anyway, all the good missions were taken,"gets up."
Speed: "shrugs" Wed, probably finish them to fast
They start walking away
Trace: By the way, when can I learn Curses Energy
Speed: Hmmm... unless you're willing to die, I won't... anyway, Trace, how have things been with your dad
Trace: "sighs and rolls eyes" ... not great
Speed: Why
Trace: he wants me to be a researcher when I want to be a rescuer
Speed: Hmmm... why not be both? You're definitely a good tactician
Trace: "Tilts head" mabey, if I did, then we woudent worry about traveling
Speed: "nods"
Trace: By the way, my dad made weired medals
Speed: "Squint" what kind
Trace: They are like Mega stones but evolve to the next evolution. Like, say if a Pikachu used one, they'd temporarily turn into a Richu
Speed: "Side eyes him." That doesn't sound right
Trace: Why
Speed: If it's like Mega evolution, Pokemon that aren't able to do it naturally, they'll suffer more than them
Trace: ya, I guess you have a have a valid point... hey speaking of family, how's your parents
Speed: "stops and looks at him"
Flash back
Speed: Uncle, I need to ask you something
Satoru: Yes, my little Speedy~
Speed: Did... they find my parents
Satoru: ... "Sighs," Speed, "holds Speeds shoulder." I'm sorry to say this, but... both your parents are dead
Speed: "Looks down"
Satoru: But "Neal's down." You still have me and your siblings...
Speed: ... "starts hugging him"... "starts tearing up."
Satoru: "pats his head" focuses on what you have kiddo
Back to the present
Trace: "Taps Speeds shoulder." Hey, you ok? "worried."
Speed: ... "wipes eyes" ya... let's focus on the present
Trace: "nods." ya alright, so first thing we have,"takes out a list." we need to deliver oran Berries, not too far from here
Speed: "Yawns" boring
Trace: I know, right
Speed: Well, let's get it down, "rushes away."
Trace: wa-
Speed crashes into someone
Silvia: "on the ground" Ouch
Speed: "gets off of her." Sorry about that. I didn't see you there. "He helps her up,"
Silvia: ya, I think so. "looks at Speed" ... "Gasp," you're the silver rank rescuer Speedy, I heard about you from some of my friends
Speed: ... it's because I'm pretty, or is it actually about my exploits
Trace: eather one... do you know who I am
Silvia: of cores your Dr. Robert's son... what's your name again
Trace: "grones." I knew it
Silvia: "Does a cute pose." My name is Silvia. Nice to meet you
Trace: "slight blush." she's cute
Speed: ... Wakey, Wakey Ao sen "punches him in the face"
Trace: ?! What was that for, and dont use blue on me
Speed: waking you up and don't worry, it was a normal punch
Gai: "walks up" there you are, I've been looking all over! Dad would turn me into a popsicle if anything happened to you
Speed: (I could go for a Popsical now, or just a frozen treat)
Silvia: I'm fine, big brother
Gai: All right, let's go
Silvia: Ok
They start walking away
Trace: "Nudges Speed with his elbow." Hey
Speed: What
Trace: By chance, were you hitting on her
Speed: "deadpan look" no, not my type
Trace: "Shrugs" your choice
Speed: Do you want me to hit you with Blue
Trace: alright fine "walks up to Silvia." Do you want to change out sometime
Silvia: "Chuckles" well, big brother says not to hang out with boys since I make every boy fall in love with me
Speed: "pushes glasses up," not all of them
Trace: "rolls eyes"
Silvia: ? "Walks up to Speed"
Speed: Why are you staring at me? "Process"
Silvia: "she goes for a kiss but is cut short."
Trace: "Not surprised"
Silvia: "shocked" what why can't I
Speed: simple answer "raises paw" it's my infinity, an old Gojo special
Silvia: "backs up" ... "shrugs" can't win, um all, "walks back to Gai." Wait up, big brother
Speed: weirdest girl I've ever met
Trace: ... "touches Speeds infinite" still up
Speed: "nods"
Later that night
Speed: "staring off into space"
Flare: Big bro, big bro, are you alright
Speed: Hmmm, ya, I'm alright just thinking about today
Crystal: "Reading a comic." You've been acting strange since you got back,"starts drinking water."
Speed: "leans back" ... a girl tried to kiss me
Crystal: "spits water in the air like"
Flare: "leaps away"
Speed: "uses infinity to keep the water from getting on him"
Crystal: "stops" seriously!
Speed: ya, we only meet today
Crystal: "laughing hysterical"
Satoru: "walks in." Did that actually happen
Speed: "nod"
Satoru: "Snorts," let me guess, not your type
Speed: "deadpan"
The next day
Wild mon: "paralyzed" you little brats!
Trace: Let's finish this. "Creates an Electro ball."
Speed: "smerks and runs in" Ao "slams palm into the wild mons back" Sen! "Launches it to Trace"
Trace: "Fires the ball and and a huge explosion appears,
A while later
Magnaton: Thanks for the help
W. Hypno: "Restrained"
Trace: Anytime, phew, what a day, probably not for you, though
Speed: "sighs" ya, can't find a good challenge these days
An explosion is heard in the distance
Speed: Heck, was that!
Trace: How sho- wait... my Dad!
Speed: "grabs his shoulder." Let's go
Robert: "On the ground bruised"
W.Lucario: Well, well, what do we have here
Trace: hey,Leave my dad alone!
Robert: What are you doing here? Get out of here
Speed: "uses Blue to warp Robert to them"
Trace: "preps an Electro ball"
W.Lucario: "Fires an Aura sphere"
Trace: "blocked but is sent back into a wall."
Speed: Trace!
W.Lucario: "Rushes up."
Speed: "puts up Infinity"
W.Luario: "uses Bullet punch"... "it doesn't work."Huu "keeps trying to hit, but they go short. "
Robert: "shoked"
Speed: "Sweat go's down his brow." (My infinity is making my head hurt) "warps away him and Robert to Trace with Blue"
Trace: "comes out of the wall and wipes away some spit."
Speed: "goes to One knee" ... "blood dribbles from his nose"
Trace: "shocked." you over used it
Speed: ya, I can still use Blue, though
Trace: "Looks to the w.Lucario and grits his teeth."
W.Lucario: You darn brats! "Goes for a Force palm"
Trace: "a small blue flame" appears from his paw. "
Speed: "eyes widen"
Trace: Back "walks tword the W.Lucario" the he*l... "Slames fist into the W.Lucarios face with Cursed Energy" Off!
W.Lucario: "sent back convulsing"
Trace: "shocked" ..."looks at his Paw with the blue flame." What is
Speed: "walks up" Cursed Energy
Trace: "Looks over" seriously
Speed: Yes, it looks like your rage awakened it
W.Lucario: "gets up with a paw over his face"
Speed: But first, let's knock this guy out
Tarce: "slams fist into paw." ya, I got things to work out
Speed: Guess I shouldn't hold back. "He takes off glasses and Six Eyes shimmer like gems."
W.Lucario: "growls" you miserable brats
Sound track: Fight Again (Jjk season 1)
W.Lucario: "runs in with a bullet punch."
Speed: "Runs in at blinding speed"
W.Lucario: "Rushes"
Speed: "Uses Infinity" (with the opening Trace gave us, I got a quick break) Trace!
Trace: "Leap over Speed" ...
W.Lucario: "Looks up."
Speed: (got cha) "slames fist into the w.Lucario with Cursed Energy"
W.Lucario: Gaaa
Trace: "slams fist into W.Lucarios head"
W.Lucario: "jolts head down from impact"
Speed and Trace: "Do some combos with Cursed Energy"
W.Lucario: "uses metal sound"
Speed and Trace: "sent back in different direction"
Trace: got a plan!
Speed: "smerks" ya "uses Blue and Teleport above W.Lucario"
W.Lucario: "Looks up." Bad move "goes for a Force Palm"
Trace: "Blue flames engulf his arms. " ... Sends a punch'
Blue flames turn Black and space distorts
Trace: Kokusen!!! "Unleshes a Black Flash"
W.Lucario: "sent forward into a wall"
Speed: "Teleports to Trace" Let's end it
Both: "Run to the W.Lucario" ... "punches it and" Kokusen!!! "Unleash another Black Flash"
W.Lucario: "Its ribs shater and goes unconscious."
Trace: ... "falls back due to fatigue"
Speed: "catches him" not bad, my friend
Ch 1 end
Please be ready for the next chapter
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