Ch. 2 The Volturi Guards

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Bella, Edward, and Jacob met up with the others. They noticed that Esme, Carlisle, and Embry in his wolf form surround a scared female vampire newborn. Edward and Jacob tensed up as they stayed close to Bella. Embry turned his head back and sees Jacob with Bella and Edward. He shapeshifted back into his human form and walked up to Jacob.

" Jacob! I know you want to protect Bella, but I can't let you hurt Bree" Embry tells his best friend with a serious expression.  

" Bree?" Jacob blinks.

" Bree is my Imprintee" Embry turns around to look at Bree with a loving expression. " I feel sorry for Bree. Victoria and Riley forced her to become a vampire and to fight in the Newborn battle" He explained to Jacob. " I saw her hiding behind a tree, and I was about to kill her when she turned to look at me. When our eyes met, I knew right away that she is my Imprintee" He smiles. 

Jacob looks at his best friend and smiles at him.

" I'm happy for you, bro" He gently pats Embry's back. " From the looks of it, she seems like a nice person" He turns to look at Bree who is talking to Esme. 

Embry smiles. 

" Carlisle gave Bree sanctuary by joining the Cullen family" He tells him. 

Jacob nods his head. 

Bella and Edward looked at Bree and smiled at her. They are happy to gain a new family member.

While everyone is in peace, Alice froze when she sees a vision of the Volturi guards confronting them. 

" It's the Volturi guards!" Alice shouts. " They are on their way here to talk to Carlisle about why Bella hasn't become a vampire" She turns to look at everyone. 

Edward turns to look at Jacob.

" Jacob. You and Embry have to go. They don't know about our alliance with the wolf-shapeshifters" He explains to them.

Jacob turns to look at Bella.

Bella nods her head. 

" I'll be fine" She reassures him.

Jacob nods his head.

" Embry. We are leaving" He turns to look at his best friend.

Embry runs towards Bree and stands behind her.

" I am not leaving Bree. They could see her as an enemy and kill her..." He angrily growls. 

Jacob looks back at Edward.

" Bree can go with Embry and Jacob to our house" Carlisle speaks up.

" That's a good idea" Edward nods his head. " You three. Go to my house, right now" He tells them.

Jacob and Embry shapeshifted back into their wolf forms. Esme explained to Bree where the Cullen house is located. The Cullen family watched Bree, Jacob, and Embry run off into the woods and disappearing out of their eyesight. 

Bella turns around and looks forward at the forest where the Volturi guards would appear. She takes Edward's left hand with her right hand and tightly grasped it.

Edward turns to look at Bella.

" Don't worry, Bella. We will make sure that no harm will come to you" He reassures her.

Bella nods her head. 

Her heart skips a beat when she sees four Volturi guards stepping out of the forest and walking towards them.

The Cullen Family tensed up when they see Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri. They stayed closed to Bella as Carlisle steps forward. 

Jane looks at Carlisle and then at Bella who is standing by Edward's side. Her red eyes stared into Bella's chocolate brown eyes and angrily hissed because she can't give Bella a painful sensation like she usually does to other people. She looks away from Bella and then at Carlisle.

" I see she isn't a vampire" Jane tells Carlisle. " Your coven mates promised Aro that she would be a vampire. He is going to be very disappointed to find out that she is still a human" She explains to him.

Carlisle opened his mouth, but Edward cuts him off.

" We already have a date set for her to become a vampire" Edward tells Jane.

Jane turns to look at Edward.

Her eyes narrowed.

Edward screams in pain as he falls on his knees. 

Bella's eyes widened in horror when she sees the love of her life on the ground in pain.

" Edward!" She screamed. " Leave him alone! He is telling the truth" She steps forward using her body as a shield to protect Edward from Jane.

Jane looks away from Edward to Bella. 

Edward coughed a little. 

Bella looks at Jane with a serious expression.

" I want you to tell Aro this. Aro, this is Bella Swan. When we see each other again, I will be a vampire" She tells her.

Jane nods her head. 

She turns around.

" Alec, Felix, and Demetri. We are leaving" She tells them. " And Bella" She turns her head back to look at Bella. " I shall make sure he will receive that message" She looks away and runs off into the forest.

Alec, Felix, and Demetri followed her.

Bella couldn't believe that she stood up to Jane. She heard her name and turned around seeing Edward looking at her with a loving expression.  

" Edward" Bella kneels down next to Edward. 

" I'm okay" Edward reassures her. 

Bella looks down at Edward with a loving expression.

" I couldn't stand her hurting you. I didn't want my fiance to be in pain because of me. I had to protect you" She leans down and kisses Edward on the lips.

Edward kisses Bella back.

While the couple kiss, Alice squeals loudly.

" Fiance?! You two are getting married!" Alice jumps up and down. " Bella! Please let me be your wedding planner?" She happily asked Bella.

Bella and Edward pulled away from each other. 

Bella turns to look at Alice and smiles at her.

" Alice. You know you will always going to be my wedding planner and not just that. I want you as my Maid of Honor" She stands up and hugs Alice. 

Alice's eyes widened.

She hugs Bella back and smiles.

" Thank you, Bella. I will make sure your wedding will be the best memory you will have as a human" She tells her.

Bella smiles at that.

She looks at the others who are smiling at her. She closed her eyes feeling happy that her new family approves of Edward and her getting married. 

All Bella has to do next is to tell her father, Charlie Swan about her getting married to Edward. 

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