The end pt. 1

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I will reiterate what I have said before, the middle bits will be here soon. It's just that Netflix is a bitch and I haven't found my CD's.

On to the story.

"Edward, no!" The raw voice ripped through my throat as the homunculus formerly known as 'father' was walking towards Ed.

I was injured, my left leg was broken in at least two places, if not shattered.

My heart was beating, faster and faster as the scene was unfolding right before my unseeing eyes.

Alphonse and May were a little bit away from me, and they were in no better shape than I was.

I heard Al saying something. I knew what he was going to do. I couldn't stop him, I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't save Buccaneer, I couldn't save Greed...

And now I can't even save my almost lover from that god forsaken homunculus.

My thoughts turn to a pleading May and a determined Alphonse. He was reassuring her that Ed would come back for him.

"Hey Al," I somehow croak from my horse throat, "if Ed doesn't come back for you, I will personally kick his ass all the way back to Fort Briggs and get you back myself." I smile at him.

With my promise of an ass kicking as his blessing, and a sobbing May, he enters the portal of truth and he's gone.

I smile and drop my head onto the pavement below my bleeding body. I gave this fight everything I had.

Pretty sure I'm gonna die of blood loss, but it was worth it.

I close my grey eyes and pretend I can see the stars. It was the afternoon, and I could feel the sun on my face, but who the hell cares. This is my reality.

I remember back to my childhood. I try to think of my dads face, but all I get it a blur.

All I really do remember is on a cool spring day, I was laying on the ground outside my house.

I remember how soft the grass felt, and how it rustled in the wind.

I remember contemplating the existence of plants, a daisy to be specific.

I remember wondering why this daisy was alive in front of me. How it felt, standing there among the grass. How I could just rip it out of the ground and nobody would notice.

It was alive one second, dead the next.

I remember feeling bad for the flower. If I did decide to bring it home with me, it would just die a slow, and to my young self, a painful death.

And then I remember how I thought dead flowers were much more pretty than live ones.

I skip forward a few years, just barely after I had arrived at the fort.

"Do you know how to fight, little girl?" I heard General Armstrong's voice ring above me.

"No sir, but I would like to learn." I replied with just as much force, and a little sass.

She just laughed and pat me on the head.

"You'll make a fine solider, Ms. (Y/N)."

I smiled as I remembered my first encounter with the General. Less bloody than people would think, but I was scared shitless.

I remembered meeting Miles. I was there a little before he was stationed there. That's quite the funny story. I'll have to tell Ed sometime.


I remember the first day I met the pipsqueak.

"This is (Y/N), the ears of this place. Nothing happens around the fort that she doesn't hear about so don't even try to keep secrets,"

I Kept a straight face as she told the frightened boys my role in the Fort. It was difficult as she was highly exaggerating my abilities, I have a very well developed since of hearing I guess you could say. As thick as these walls were I could hear into the next room with ease, that had proven useful on multiple occasions when we were trying to crack down on spy's.

As she was talking I thought about why I couldn't hear the second boys breathing. I heard three people in the room with me, what with all the shifting around and stuff, but only two heart beats. I thought about different possibilities when I finally reached a solid conclusion. It's unnerving to see there are people in this world as stupid as me.

"Leave finding this Alcehestry girl to me. (Y/N) will be showing you both around until we can trust you," I caught the end of their conversation.  I turn towards the General and cocked my head in question,
"Yes, you can show them around now, keep an eye on them for me."

I nodded and smiled as I turned towards the boys. "As you know I'm (Y/N)," I say cheerfully, "I'll take you to the doc to see what she can do about that automail."

I smiled again.

'I was so different back then.' I thought.

Another memory made its way to the surface.

"Then why don't you be our leader." I heard Ed say.

They argued back and forth a bit.

"I'm a dog of the military, so I'm already used to rolling over on command." He said to him.

"And (Y/N) was a Briggs soldier. She's as strong as they come." I felt a smile almost grace my lips.

"and you'll have two chimera-" I stopped paying attention to what me was saying when I felt Greed's eyes on me. I can tell he was looking at my eyes.

He seemed to consider Ed's offer and laughed.

"Sure kid, it's settled. It seems you guys are working for me now." He paused for a second.

"But the blind girl has to go." he stated.

"Excuse me!" I shouted angrily. "I am a Briggs solder. I'm as tough as they come! Me being blind hasn't gotten in my way before, and I won't let it now." I yelled.

"If you want me to prove it to you I will. I've already taken down Sloth before so I'm not afraid of you." I say coldly.

"(Y/-" Ed starts and puts a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off and walk forward.

"The girls got spunk," he laughed, "alright. You can stay." He said.

Ed picked me up again and we started walking.

'Greed...' I thought sadly.

I knew it was him long before we reached him. I could tell because of a hushed sound of several souls talking at once. They weren't anguished, like Greed's, but more at peace. It had to be Hoenhime.

This was confirmed when Ed went and slugged him in the face.

"Edward! At least warn me before you slug me. And with your metal hand too!" He said before coming over to us.

"I see you have made some new friends."

"We're not- it's more like we're all in the same sinking ship." Said the chimera.

"And I guess you could say I'm the captain of that ship." Greed added.

"And you?" He said turning to me.

"Well, uhh." I looked to Ed for help. We just kind of looked at each other. Well, I looked in his direction. I could hear Ed's blood rushing to his head, suggesting he was blushing. And pretty bad too.

"I guess you could say I'm the only friend here." I said.

"These two seem to hate my guts and I hate this one even more then they hate me." I said to him, gesturing to the people I was talking about.

"It's like I'm just the blind badass girl who keeps all of them from getting killed." I say cracking a smile.

"So you're the one keeping them safe? Then I would like to thank you for looking after my son." Hoenhime said to me.

"Your welcome, but he can really be a pain in the ass sometimes." I say.

"I bet he can."

I took a shallow breath. I could feel my heart struggling to pump blood through my veins.

Are you hurt?" I ask grabbing his flesh arm and checking for wounds.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Shouldn't you be fighting Pride? It won't be long before the emergency lights come back on you know."

"I know, but you are my first priority." I say as I keep poking and prodding. I can tell he flushed at that comment and he looked away.

I heard cheering in the background of my thoughts. Ed had won the fight.

I took another labored breath, coughing up blood as I tried to fill my lungs with oxygen.

I felt Ed pull me closer to him. I sobbed into the crook of his neck.

"I don't deserve you." I said.

"What do you mean?" I heard him ask

"You are so wonderful and amazing and great. You're the only real friend I've ever had. I'm such an awful person and I've done bad things and I-I."

I was cut off my Ed's lips on mine. Effectively shutting off all brain activity as I just froze.

"I would never, ever hurt you. I love you too much to hurt you." I heard him say.

My breathing was now few and far between. They were shallow and painful. I felt myself getting dizzy.

I heard Edwards voice. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I heard him, and that was enough for me.

I heard gasps and felt an alchemic reaction pulse through the ground.

I fell in and out of consciousness and I felt people pick me up and move me. Their voices were muffled, but I could tell none of them were Edwards.

I had lost too much blood and my body was shutting down. I couldn't feel my legs, my arms, anything at all really.

I was numb, I was dying, and all I could think about was Edward as I fell back into unconsciousness again.

This time, I didn't wake up.

To be continued.

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