Chapter 15

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Ed's POV

I woke up to a searing pain in my side. 'Oh right, I was recently impaled. I forgot about that.' It was still dark outside. Maybe early dawn.

I look over and I see (Y/N) sleeping, still snuggling my unhurt side. Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, like she was concentrating on something. My curiosity quickly turned to concern as her face was contorting into different emotions.

First it was anger. Her jaw was set and clenched.

And then it was surprise, and fear. Like she was seeing something that was upsetting.

Then it was horror. She started to turn her head and whimpered a bit.

I just held her closer, trying to calm and comfort her without waking her up. I don't want to be more injured than I already am.

Eventually, after rubbing her back and running my hand through her (H/C) hair she calmed down. But not before she whispered something and shed a single tear.

"I'm sorry, Ed." Is what was playing in my head ever since.

(Y/N)'s POV

I groggily opened my eyes to the blinding light of the open window, not that it mattered to me.

I blinked away the sleep still holding on to me, swinging my legs off the bed. Ed's spot is cold, he's been up for a while I guess.

I stumble over to the door, things were littered all over the ground.' I don't even want to know what that thing was' I thought to myself as I escaped the bedroom.

I walked into the main room, both the chimeras were there along with the doctor. Ed wasn't there, and I couldn't sense him anywhere in the house.

"Where'd Ed run off to?" I ask the doctor.
"He left early this morning, didn't say where he was goin'. Just that he'd be back soon." One of the chimeras responded.

"Oh," was all I could think of to say. I walked towards the front door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Said the same chimera. I turn my head.


And I left it at that.

I ended up wandering the town a bit, staying away from loud places. It can get a bit jarring sometimes.

I did a sweep of the area, hoping to locate Ed. When I didn't find him on the ground I moved up. Looking on the rooftops of the buildings.

I found him a couple blocks from the makeshift hospital. On a roof, like I had predicted. I scaled the nearest wall, and started jumping across the tops of the buildings.

I had made it to the spot Ed was sitting. He didn't hear me behind him. I could hear him talking to himself.

"Should I ask her about the dream? I mean, she should come to me if somethings bothering her. Right?" He sighed.

"Maybe I'm just overreacting. If she wanted to tell me she would. I shouldn't go into other people's business. I know she's not telling me something, something that might have happened to her." He quieted down a bit as he talked.

"I just want to know why she said sorry to me and cried-"

My eyes were wide at this point. 'He's talking about me! About my nightmare! Did I really talk in my sleep!? Did I really cry?!'

I walked backwards, silent as ever. I needed to get away from this. From everything. From the memories. From my feelings.

From love... From Ed.

I ran, and I don't think Ed saw me. As I sprinted to wherever the heck I was going I couldn't help but remember the dream.

It was that night. The night everything went wrong.

Ed was there, he was beside me. I could feel his presence, even though I don't know what he looks like.

I placed my hands of the transmutation circle. And it all starts again. I hear Ed scream and we suddenly are transported to another area.

I feel Al there. He's holding on to Ed. Even from here I know somethings definitely wrong.

"Why did you do this (Y/N)!!! We trusted you!" Al yelled at me as he cradled a hurt Ed.

Ed moves and is standing up beside Alphonse. "I could never love a stupid, weak, useless blind girl like you." He whispered as he walked towards me.

I tried to move, but I couldn't. I couldn't scream. I couldn't do anything but just stand there.

Ed swung his left leg at my head. It collided and sent me flying. Al got behind me and trapped me in his arms, regard-less of the fact I couldn't move to begin with.

Ed continued to beat the ever living shit out of me as Al held me in place.

"Fight back you coward! You really are weak, I thought you were a Briggs soldier!" Ed said.

I ended up freeing myself and kicking Ed across the room. He didn't get up.

"Ed!!!" I yell as I run over to his unmoving form.

Even though I just got my ass handed to me by this midget, I still care about him. I collapse next to him, he's not breathing.

At this point I'm a sobbing mess. Tears sending rivers down my cheeks.

"I am so sorry, Ed." I whisper. And it all faded away.

I touch my face after I ended up in an dark corner. It came back wet with tears.

"He's right, Ed could never love me. I mean, he practically told me himself." I say sniffling.

'I just need to forget all of this. Distance myself. You don't deserve a person like Ed.' I tell myself. But even that won't stop the throbbing pain in my chest.

'Maybe I'll just give him space. I'll go away for a bit. Find Alphonse, and travel with him instead.' I think to myself.

I got up from my corner. I don't know how long I was there for, but I can tell it's night by the temperature. It's chilly, but this is nothing compared to Briggs.

I made it home after an hour or so of walking. I peak into Ed's bedroom, well 'our' bedroom. Ed's in there already. He noticed my presence before I could turn around and leave.

"(Y/N)! I was worried about you! Where were you, I haven't seen you all day!"

I stopped moving. I just stood there. I felt the saltiness and warmth of the tears that are now familiar.

So now I'm just standing in the middle of Ed's room, crying like an idiot as Ed tries to figure out what's wrong.

Honestly, I have no idea why in crying in the first place. Maybe it's because of Ed's reaction to me. Maybe because of the dream. Or maybe it's because, I can't bring myself to leave anymore... I don't know.

I just walk over to Ed's bed and sit down beside him. I then decide to do something stupid.

"I heard you on the roof earlier. Talking to yourself, about my dream."

"...... Oh." Is all he said.

"I'm not mad or anything. Actually, it's nice to know you care about me enough to have a conversation with yourself about it." I say with a smile.

We're silent for a bit. Just comfortable in each others presence. I speak up and tell him about the dream, leaving out the fact that it was the brothers that did me wrong. I made it about some people in my past. Ed already heard about the man who tried to have his way with me back at Briggs, so I used him.

I also made it so I couldn't get to Ed before something happened to him. I didn't like lying to him, but I didn't want him to know it was him who hurt me. I just couldn't.

I ended up in a hug. Which ended up with Ed and I laying down. Which ended up with Ed cuddling me. What can I say, I like cuddles.

I was about to fall asleep, when I heard something that made my heart stop.

"I love you, (Y/N). I'd never let anything hurt you. I promise."

He didn't say anything after that. I think he thought I was sleeping. I obviously wasn't.

Internally I did a happy dance. If I had to choose between this moment right now, and getting my sight back, I'd choose Ed every time.

Hello my beautiful readers!! I know it's been forever and a half since I updated, but I've been pretty busy with life and stuff. I made this extra long for you.

Love ya!


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