Playing the game our way! Pt. 1

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Guys, thank you for giving me so many prompts, I promise to write on them.

For now, I really am not in a good place in my life currently. So I am distracting myself off things with these cute Edser stories.

PS:- I was lazily writing another OS, but then I thought I really ought to give you guys a Valentines Special, and mostly because we won't be getting any from Hanker. Although I hope for that with all my heart 🥺

PS 2: Set around the time with Balca. Like when she was trying her best to gain Serkan's attention.

PS 3:- Don't kill me for this!! I have no clue why I wrote it this way.

To say Eda and Serkan were in a bad place right now would be an understatement. They were hell fucked up. With Eda's grandmother's arrival and Balca's tactic to snatch Serkan from Eda, they were really falling apart.

Even though Serkan was trying his best to persuade Eda to give them a second chance, their relationship a fresh new start but Eda had been first adamant that she wanted time, then Balca arrived in their lives and Serkan tried to milk out the situation in his favour by making her jealous but it also made Eda angry along with jealous and she started distancing herself as soon as her grandmother arrived. He never doubted her love for him. He could see that in her eyes. He knew Eda loved him, but the situation right now was just making her vulnerable and insecure and made her take a few steps back from him.

Valentines day was around the corner and all he really wanted to do right now was make Eda sit in his car and drive away somewhere far or just run away to another country where no one would find them. He just wanted a few days of peace with her, where they would just love each other endlessly. He would sort out everything else later. He was going to fight for Eda, fight beside her for whoever tried to break them. That he was sure of, but for now he just wanted her in his arms, no insecurities, no jealousy, no threats. Just her laughing and blushing in his arms. Was it too much that he was asking for?!

Eda was in a similar situation. All she wanted right now was his soothing words, his calmness transmitted to her among all the chaos. She was mad at her grandmother, at Balca and at the timing for spoiling the one good thing that happened in her life. She had already forgiven Serkan for hiding the truth from her long before her grandmother arrived. She was going to say yes to be his girlfriend again, but life had to fuck her over. She needed Serkan desperately, to tell her that he will sort everything out, to tell her that he was going to protect her, to tell her that he was going to love her to the end of times. Even though she knew she could protect herself, but she needed her man beside her. All the jealousy and insecurity was making her frustrated. tomorrow was Valentines day and she just wanted to be in his arms that day. His strong muscular arms. Away from the world. Where just she and he existed. Was it too much to ask for?!

She walked in the office, irritated already because the first thing she saw this morning was Balca in Serkan's office through the open doors. She was trying to explain Serkan some PR strategy, but what bothered her was she was too close. Trying to touch on his arms or hand or nudging his shoulder and Serkan was acting all innocent ?! If she had a gun in her hand, she was sure she would shoot Balca first straight on the head and then one shot for Serkan just whizzing past to the side of his head to tell him to come back to his senses. 😂

Her jealousy took the best of her and she could no longer tolerate the chaos her life was in currently. She kept her bag on her desk and walked in Serkan's room like she owned the place knocking once but not waiting for a response from him.

"Eda, good morning." Serkan looked up at the knock and smiled at Eda. For now, whatever crumbs of love and attention he was receiving from Eda, he was happy with that.

"Good morning. Serkan we need to talk." Eda spoke completely ignoring Balca.

"Eda, can't you see we are discussing something?" Balca spoke irritated.

Eda looked at Serkan making an angry and irritated face and he knew if he was to talk to Eda today and even forever, he had to do something.

"Balca, enough. Can you leave? Eda needs to talk." Serkan spoke.

"Ama, Serkan bey. This is something important. We need to finalise this at the earliest so that I can start working on this strategy." Balca wasn't ready to back down yet, not when working with Semiha hanim to separate Eda and Serkan was her hope to win Serkan.

"Balca, we will discuss it later." Serkan said now really irritated with Balca's constant tries to gain his attention... earlier, he loved the jealousy Eda showed because of this, but now it was getting too much for him.

"Serkan bey, I am going out to meet some reporters today. We won't get the time to discuss this. Can we discuss this at your house tonight?" Balca asked smirking at Eda.

"No, he will be busy tonight. And tomorrow." Eda spoke back immediately before even she could realise what she said.

Serkan immediately looked at Eda surprised but a little smirk on his lips which Eda didn't fail to notice.

"Umm do we have any plans for Valentines Eda?" Serkan asked with a challenge in his eyes for Eda.

Eda gave him a death stare. But she knew for what she was about to pull off, she needed to keep things secret and she had her doubts that Balca wasn't just trying to seduce Serkan, but that she was working with Semiha hanim because Eda had seen her go in and out of her grandmother's office a few times now.

"Serkan, I am here to discuss work." She said trying to justify Balca why she said what she said earlier.

"Umm Fikret bey called me. Since he still thought we are together. His is organising a small party for his wife. She just recovered from a life threatening disease. He invited us to celebrate with him. Umm he has booked a two day stay in Antalya for you and me. I.. kind of refused but he insisted you to be there." She said innocently.

"Eda. Ohh. I.. I will talk to Fikret bey. I will call him. It's okay I understand if you don't want to go with me now. I will explain him." He said sadly believing Eda's words while Balca looked at them.

"Umm but Eda. Fikret bey's wife really adores you? Can you go for her? I mean I will arrange separate rooms for us." Serkan spoke as Eda felt frustrated for Balca still being there.

"Serkan bey, can we discuss this now? I mean now you won't be available for another two days." Balca tried to intervene, not wanting Eda to agree to go to Antalya and already making a plan in her mind to somehow go to Antalya tomorrow, bump into Serkan and then make an excuse to why she was there in the first place. She was hell bent on spending the Valentines with Serkan anyhow.

"Balca. Can you leave? I am talking to Eda." Serkan spoke irritated now because by looks on Eda's face, he was sure Balca could be murdered any minute now and he would be next in line after that.

"I will tell you when I am free to discuss." He spoke to Balca and Balca gave up and left the room giving an angry stare to Eda.

"Ohh invite her to your house tonight. To discuss work." Eda spoke as soon as Balca left the conference room.

"Eda. What? What's going on? What's wrong? I have told you so many times that I don't even look at her that way." He said frustrated. He had tried a hundred times to tell Eda that he wasn't fending Balca's advances. He just had eyes for Eda.

"You listen to me Serkan Bolat. You will call Fikret bey now." Eda spoke irritated pointing fingers at him.

"Yeah. I will call him and tell him that's it's only me who is flying in tonight for his celebrations and that you don't want to come with me." Serkan spoke back angry and upset and disappointed.

"No. First you are going to listen to me." Eda said pushing him back against his bookshelf in the office. His back was on the bookshelf and he looked at her shocked.

"Eda? Ne? What are you doing? What's wrong? Now what did I do wrong? Isn't that what you want. To stay away from me as far as possible. So congratulations. I will be in Antalya tomorrow. For Valentines. Unfortunately alone." He said back mocking her.

"Shut up Serkan. You are spending your Valentines with me." Eda said literally pushing him back and her body completely pressed on him, not even an inch of distance between them.

"So you are coming to Antalya as well?" He asked excited.

"No. Listen to me now. And keep your mouth shut for 2 minutes." She said and he just nodded confused but loving the proximity after so long.

"You are going to call Fikret bey and tell him to lie."
"Lie.. about what?" He asked back confused.

"Listen to me." She said angry but whispering not wanting her voice to go outside. She was thankful that most of the doors of conference room were closed which meant nobody could see what was happening inside.

"You.. you will request Fikret bey to lie about all this when and if my grandmother calls him to confirm. Because I lied. He is not organising any celebration or anything." She said.

Serkan looked at her flabbergasted.
"I don't know how but you are going to convince him about this. To lie about this celebration. I know you have a good bond with him, so he will mostly agree."

"Tamam." Serkan spoke. Serkan knew he would convince Fikret bey anyhow if that meant spending the day with Eda that too Valentines.

"And then, you are going to go home from office early today. Just after I go out. You will book your private jet for the evening. To fly to Antalya." She said with a serious tone.

"Why would I go to Antalya if there is no celebrations?" He asked confused.

"Serkan when did I say that you are going? Your private jet is going!" She said back smirking.

"What? What are you doing Eda?" He asked still confused, not being able to join things so that they would make sense.

"Serkaaaan. Listen. My grandmother's men are following me. And you maybe. But anyways Balca is definitely following you. And I don't want to see her face. So, your car will be parked in the airport in the evening, your private jet will be booked to fly to Antalya and it will fly without you. I will meet you at my house at 8 in the night. Come by taxi." She said smiling when things finally clicked in his mind and it all made sense.

"Eda, you. You will be with me for Valentines." He said smiling. He hadn't even thought his wishes will come true. And now that they were probably going to be, he couldn't stop the wide smile that was creeping on his face.

"If all goes according to my plan. Don't fuck up please." She said dead serious. Serkan nodded back.

They were still pressed against each other against the bookshelf and before somebody would interrupt their moment, Eda decided to do the one thing she had been dying to do since a long time. Since the time he kissed her in the elevator, helping her fight her fears.

She tiptoed and kissed him. Serkan was taken aback for the moment but he found himself reciprocating back. He held her waist tightly and kissed her back equally passionate. This is something he had been longing to do.

"Serkan Bolat. Stop. Now." Eda spoke breaking the kiss as she realised his hands were on her thighs pushing them up and wrapping her thigh around his waist which made her realise he was growing hard. His erection pressed against her core. They were in office and she definitely had to be careful around her grandmother.
So she stepped back, much to both's displeasure.

"I will see you at night. Go home now telling everyone that you are going to Antalya for Fikret bey's celebration." She said stepping back and turning towards the door and Serkan looked at her smiling.

He would wait for the whole day if it meant he got to spend the night and the next whole day with Eda and that too when she herself was insisting on that and planned that.

"Okay." He said back smiling.

Eda turned back at the door and looked at Serkan with a little worry evident on her face, "Serkan, you will handle this right? Fikret bey and Antalya and everything?" She asked.

"I will. Don't worry baby. Trust me please. I will." He said fixing his shirt collar and his shirt which got a little crumpled with that mini making out session.

"I trust you Serkan." Eda spoke as she turned around and left the conference room and Serkan smiled. Maybe things were finally looking up. That one last sentence from Eda had reignited his hope to fight for her peri kizi. No matter who, when and what. He was going to get her back in his life because now he knew she wanted that too.

Eda left the conference room and just outside, she was met with Semiha hanim and Balca, and they were both together.

"Ahh Eda, I was telling Semiha hanim about the new PR strategy. Since she is the holding partner as well." Balca spoke herself and that's when Eda realised she was trying to justify why she was with Semiha Even without anyone asking. Eda realised she was working with Semiha hanim. She just pushed the thought away, she would deal with that later.

"Eda, what were you talking to Serkan about?" Semiha asked angrily and with threat in her voice.

"Ohh about that. We actually had to tell Fikret bey that we are no longer together. So, he is flying to Antalya today and I am not for Fikret bey's party." Eda spoke hoping that by now Serkan would have talked to Fikret bey and convinced him to lie.

"Ohh I will call Fikret bey and congratulate him." Semiha hanim spoke.

"Tamam." Eda spoke and left to sit at her desk.

She could see Balca make her way back to Serkan's office.
"Serkan bey, can we discuss this now? I heard you will be in Antalya for 2 days." Balca said knocking.

"Ahh Evet. Tell me the strategy fast. I need to leave for home. I have to pack my suitcase." He said.

Serkan discussed with Balca hurriedly and then left for his home, on the way out giving a small nod to Eda that nobody except Eda noticed.

Semiha hanim called Eda a little while later to her office.

"Eda, I have to go to Mardin for a few days. Something came up. I hope you will not do anything stupid behind me." Semiha hanim spoke. Eda thanked her lucky stars. The perfect timing for whatever came up in Mardin. She needed Semiha hanim out of Istanbul for 2 days and she thanked every god for making her wish come true.

"What will I do? You already made me break up with Serkan. He is going to Antalya for 2 days. What stupidity I will do? And besides your men follow me all the time." Eda spoke back irritated.

"Tamam. I will see you in 2 days then kizim." Semiha hanim spoke smiling. Semiha hanim knew she had pushed Eda back in the corner where she couldn't do anything. Plus Fikret bey just confirmed on the call about that celebration thing and Serkan being in Antalya. So Eda wouldn't be with Serkan.

"Whatever." Eda spoke and left the room. As soon as she closed the door of Semiha hanim's office. She cheered and grinned. Her plan was going to work. Just hoping everything goes well, she left for home. A few hours from now she would be in Serkan's arms and she didn't care about anything else.

Serkan did as Eda told him. He sent his chauffeur in his car to the airport and his private jet was booked to be flying to Antalya.
While Eda stayed home all the time.

Tahir who was traveling with Semiha hanim to Mardin spoke, "Semiha hanim, Serkan has reached the airport and his jet leaves in a few minutes for Antalya. And Eda hanim is at her home with Melo." He spoke as he got this information from his men following both Eda and Serkan.

"Tamam. Everything's good. Eda won't be with Serkan while we are away. Serkan will be in Antalya. So, give your men an off for the night and even tomorrow. We are good. Plus I have threatened Eda enough, she won't even dare meet Serkan with the fear that I will destroy him and his family." Semiha spoke smirking.

"Tamam Semiha hanim." Tahir spoke.

Around 8 in the evening, Serkan rang the bell of Eda's house, he was wearing a sweatshirt over his trackpants and his hoodie covering his head with the cap. Eda who was impatiently waiting ran to the door and quickly opened it, pulled him in and closed it behind her.

"Serkan.. huhh you are finally here. I was so scared." She spoke anxiously and Serkan pulled her in for a bear hug and then kissed her.

Melo coughed a little standing in the living room. Serkan immediately pulled back from Eda who laughed.

"I hope you don't mind Melo being home. I already sent Ayfer hala with chef Alex." Eda spoke biting her lips.

Serkan smiled and shook his head. "Only if she doesn't have a problem with the weird sounds she is going to listen the whole night." He whispered and winked.
"Serkaaaan." She spoke hitting him on his chest.

"Melo. Good evening." Serkan said peeping to the side and smiling at Melo.
"Eniste. It's good to see you back together." She spoke.

"Melo, we will be up in my room.." Eda said pulling him along with her to her room and Serkan followed behind holding her hand.

"Eda, you need to tell me what's going on. I am.." Serkan spoke seriously as they climbed the stairs.

She opened the door to her room and Serkan stopped mid sentence as he saw her room. Decorated with flowers and candles and a board with "Will you be my Valentine?" kept on the centre of the bed. He looked at Eda who was looking at him with teary eyes.

"Will you be my Valentine Serkan?" Eda asked teary eyed.

"Evet. Always and forever yours Eda." He said pulling her in for a hug as she sobbed a little onto his chest.

"Eda. What's going on? We need to talk. Please. I am getting worried for you." He spoke caressing her hair.

"Serkan.. I.. I will tell you everything. I promise. But Not tonight please. Tonight I need you." She said leaning back and looking at him.

He wiped off her tears with his thumb and leaned down to kiss her. Eda with her hand closed her door as she kissed him back. He was pushing his tongue in her mouth and Eda smiled when he picked her up. She immediately wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I love you Eda" he said completely dazed with the intensity of the kiss and he laid her down on the bed looming over her.

Eda had tears in her eyes as she spoke back, "I love you so much Serkan. It hurts." She said.

"It shouldn't hurt Eda. I won't let you get hurt." He said back as Eda pulled his hand and he landed on her.

"Make love to me. Please. I can't wait anymore. I want you. Inside me. We will talk about everything later." She said and Serkan nodded kissing her again.

He was lying on her kissing her and unbuttoning her shirt and Eda moaned as he tore away her shirt and his cold hands touched her warm body.

She parted from the kiss and instead started kissing his neck while he tugged onto her pants. He quickly removed them and there was Eda, his Eda in her bra and panties looking as hot as ever.
He quickly turned her around and unclasped her bra, kissing her back in the process and then turning her back towards him as he removed her bra and dived in to suck on her breasts. One nipple at a time. Taking his time pleasuring her, sucking her nipples as she loved.
Eda held onto his hair and moaned loudly when he bit her nipple a little and then soothed it with his tongue. He did the same with other and Eda's hand traveled down to the hem of his sweatshirt and she removed it hurriedly, moving her hands on his bare chest. She loved

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