I trust you

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My  friend here on Wattpad, who has been a great support literally forced me to keep writing, well mainly because it would distract me from my  personal life problems. And guess what, I really tried doing that. And somehow it has worked. So thankyou so much friend ♥️🥺 (she doesn't want to be mentioned.) 

Secondly, you all also sent me so many good and supportive messages as well commented on the last post, I am so moved 🥺. Thankyou all.

So, this had been in my mind for so long, and I decided to write it. It's a little emotional, so get your tissues ready maybe. And I made Efe the villain 😅


Eda picked up her bag and her laptop and stood up to leave her desk when Serkan, her fiancé, came up to her.

"Eda, where are you going?" He asked.
It was still 3 in the afternoon, so he wondered if she wasn't feeling well and leaving early. He wasn't anymore informed about her comings and goings officially as Efe was still her boss and she had refused when Serkan had offered her to be back on his team, because she really had Efe as her idol and wanted to learn from an internationally acclaimed landscape architect.

So Serkan had no choice but to accept it, although he was thankful that atleast Efe and his team worked in his office, so he would have Eda in front of his eyes all the time. He trusted Eda, but in last 6 months, since Efe had bought the shares from Selin, Serkan couldn't get himself to trust Efe.

"Serkan, Efe is working from his home today. So, he asked me to come there as well. We are working on landscape of that airport project" she said absent minded, collected her blueprints in a folder.

"Eda." Serkan said frustrated already.
"Why can't you just work from here? Why do you have to go to his house? What kind of boss calls you to work from his home?"

"Serkaaaann. Even you and your team works from your home a lot of times. What's the issue if Efe is working? Serkan I really don't understand, why do you hate Efe so much? I am learning so much from him." Eda said looking at him.

"Eda, you aren't going to listen to me, right?" Serkan said giving up on trying to reason with Eda about Efe, because she never really listened to him on this topic.

"Serkan, there's nothing wrong with going to his house to work. Stop acting out of jealousy. You know I am all yours." She said keeping her hand on his arm.

"Tamam. Be careful, okay? I will pick you up in the evening from his house." Serkan said, although his heart was still not convinced enough to let Eda go.

"Okay. I love you." Eda said. They were in the common office space and as much as Eda wanted, she couldn't kiss him. They had decided among themselves that they were going to keep their PDA minimum in office.

"I love you." Serkan said as Eda smiled at him and blew him an air kiss. And left.

He went back to his conference room office and sat down working.

Meanwhile Eda went to Efe's house to work with him on the airport project. Efe welcomed her in with a wide smile, inviting her in.

Eda sat down at the table to start her work, but Efe came from the kitchen interrupting her.
"Edacim, do you need some drink?" He asked.

Eda looked at the glass in his hand which he was currently sipping and it was whiskey. She spoke back surprised,
"Efe? You are drinking in the afternoon?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with drinking in afternoon? You should drink something too." Efe said getting a little too close to her. But Eda stepped back.

"No. No. I am fine. Let's work Efe. Rest of the team is not coming? ." She said as Serkan's word revolved in her mind Efe can't be trusted.

She pushed the thought away, and focused on the work as Efe replied, sitting on the chair next to her.

"No, only we both are working on this project. Come on, we will have a fun time." He said winking.

"Efe are you sure you can work? I mean you are drunk. We can work in office tomorrow." Eda said after a while as she saw Efe pour 3rd drink since she came.

"No, no Edacim. It's okay.. oops." Efe said as the glass fell down from his hand and shattered on the floor and the alcohol fell on Efe's shirt.

"Efe... you are drinking too much. Your shirt is spoiled. You can go change it. I will work in the meanwhile." Eda said clearly uncomfortable now.

"Ooopps yes. I will go." Efe said in his drunken state.
He acted as if he was going to fall on the first stair so Eda immediately rushed to help him get stable and helped him up the stairs.
"Efe. You are holding me tooo tight. Efe. Leave me." Eda said as Efe literally tightly held her arms causing little red marks on it.

"Sorry, Edacim. Umm that's my bedroom." Efe pointed towards a door and Eda led him there.

"You can change comfortably Efe. I will be downstairs." Eda said immediately as Efe entered the room.

"Edacim, what's the hurry? You can stay." Efe said winking.

"No, I will be packing up my work and leaving Efe. We can work tomorrow in office." Eda said firmly. She knew something wasn't right with the way Efe was talking and winking at her every now and then.

"Eda... why? Why are you leaving? Are you gonna run to your rich boyfriend? I don't understand why you love him? He is such cold hearted arrogant robot. You deserve someone better. Someone like me." Efe said totally drunk.

But not failing to feel the tight slap he received from Eda.

"Shut up Efe. You are my boss. What the fuck is wrong with you?" She said turning around and running down the stairs. And packing her stuff hurriedly. She now completely understood why Serkan was always skeptical about Efe.

As she ran over the shattered glass, a little piece pierced through her flats and injured her. But she didn't care. She quickly picked up her bag and opened the door, only to find Serkan getting out of his car.

"Serkan?" She said immediately. The distress in her voice gave her away and Serkan immediately rushed to her. Only then Eda noticed that there was a lot of paparazzi outside Efe's house, which was not present when Eda came 40 minutes ago. What had happened? Was it all Efe's plot? She didn't understand.

"Serkan. Umm. What? What's happening? I.. I don't understand." She said as Serkan held her hand and walked through the crowded reporters who were throwing weird questions at her.

"Eda shh. Stop talking. We will talk later." Serkan said harshly. And Eda teared up as she heard the questions.
What's your relationship to Efe Akman, Eda hanim?
Are you dating Efe Akman?
From your pictures, it seems so Eda hanim. What would you like to say so?
Were you cheating on Serkan Bolat?

"What pictures?" Eda whispered to Serkan shocked but he didn't reply and maintained his tough glance towards the reporters.

He opened the car door for Eda and made her sit, closing the door and sitting himself from the other side.

Without saying a word, he drove off immediately and Eda looked around speechless. To shocked to say anything.

A few minutes later, as she realised, he was making way towards their home, she spoke,
"Serkan? What pictures? What is wrong? I don't understand. I.." she said.

Serkan was at a red light when he opened his phone and a news article and passed the phone to her.

Eda looked at it with her mouth open as she read through the article from a gossip site and scrolled to see a picture. Her picture from today, when Efe came to stand too close to her with a glass of alcohol in his hand. It looked like someone had taken a picture from outside the house.

"Serkan.. this is not like that. Noo. I mean, he was drinking and out of his senses, I stopped his advances. This is not how it seems. Please trust me." Eda said tears rolling down her face as Serkan started driving again.

"I know." Serkan spoke briefly.

"Serkan somebody took the picture at the wrong time. This is not what it looks like. I.. I didn't know about these pictures. Who did this? I.. I am not cheating on you." She said crying.

"The pictures are being taken down and whoever did this will be sued." Serkan said, looking straight to the road and not on her.

"Serkan.. please. Look at me. I am sorry. I didn't know Efe would play like this.. I didn't do anything wrong." She said putting her hand on his arm but he moved his arm away.

"Yeah. You didn't do anything wrong!" Serkan said sarcastically. As he parked the car in front of their house, the apartment where they were currently living and got out of the car. He came towards Eda's door and opened it. Eda got out and followed him as Serkan walked towards the house, opened it and let her in.

"Serkaan. Listen to me." She said.
"Go the room and take a shower Eda. Freshen up." Serkan said controlling his anger.

"Serkan please." Eda said sobbing but Serkan spoke angrily,
"I said freshen up first Eda."

Eda flinched back a little and went to their room to take a quick shower and change her clothes.

Serkan was trying to control his anger as much as possible. The minute those pictures came up on some gossip sites, Serkan had been shown that by their current PR head, a nice and genuine guy. Serkan had ordered to get those pictures removed and sue whoever took and posted those at the earliest while he had left to get Eda from Efe's home. He was sure he was going to beat the shit out of Efe at his house but Eda had come out and due to paparazzi present there, he had to stop himself.

He trusted Eda. He knew she wasn't wrong or cheating him. He was just angry at her, for never listening to him.

He got a call from their PR manager, who informed him that the pictures were taking a little while to be taken down as they were still unable to track the source of those photos but he also mentioned that one of the magazine managers mentioned role of Selin in broadcasting those pictures and Efe planting that photographer himself. Serkan's blood boiled in anger as he realised Selin and Efe might be working together. He ordered them to do anything in their power to get those pictures down.

He poured himself a drank and stood in the balcony, his back towards the living room.
Meanwhile Eda came down freshened up and spoke from the living room.

"Serkan. We need to talk please." She said.
"Yeah. What do you want to say? That you are sorry? You didn't know this was going to happen?" He said.

"Serkan, I swear, I didn't know something like this would happen. Somebody plotted this. Somebody is trying to trap me and Efe." She said sobbing.

"Yeah. Well your dear Efe plotted this Eda. I got information that he was the one responsible for hiring that photographer." Serkan said.

"What?? Ohh my god. It was his plan. I can't believe it.. I mean Efe did something like this, I can't believe it." Eda said shocked.

"Yeah well why would you believe? About your dear Efe. I have told you a hundred times, he isn't as innocent as he seems, but you never listened to me.."

"Serkan. It's not like that. I trust you. I believe you. Trust me please." Eda said trying to move towards him.

"Well you never really trusted me. You always trusted Efe more than me. MORE THAN YOUR FIANCÉ. EDA.." Serkan said shouting but stopped mid sentence and took long breaths to calm himself down. He didn't really want to shout or fight with Eda. Not atleast now.

"Serkan lutfen. Understand me please."

"Eda, go to your room. Sleep. We will talk to tomorrow." He said.

"Serkan no. We need to talk today. You have to listen to me."
"Eda, go away. I can't talk right now."

"Serkan but."

"EDA I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE. GO AWAY. JUST LEAVE FOR GODS' SAKE. CAN'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME ONCE? Can't you for once agree to what I say?" He said shouting and throwing away his glass.

Eda flinched back scared and turned around and rushed up the stairs crying. While Serkan rubbed his forehead, picked up his car keys and left. He was going to beat the shit out of Efe. He was sure of that now. He thought Eda had gone up in their room and slept and he would come back in a while to sleep with her and comfort her, once his anger calms down.

Eda, on the other hand, misunderstood Serkan's anger and thought he wanted her to leave the house.

She rushed up, sobbing and packed up her stuff. Serkan didn't want to stay with her, she thought. He had asked her to leave.

She packed 2 of her suitcases and kept other stuff in boxes and thought to ask Seyfi tomorrow to drop it to her house. She took a taxi to her aunts' house and as soon as her aunt opened the door, she broke down crying.

Melo and her aunt tried their best to calm her down and took her to her room.

Serkan came back an hour later, he had gone to Efe's house, punched him a dozen times, until his nose was bleeding, probably broken and he had got a video confession of Efe's saying that it was his and Selin's idea to break their engagement because he loved Eda and Selin wanted Serkan.

Serkan sent that video to his PR head, and told him to air it publicly and then sue Efe and Selin both. He went back to the apartment and rushed up the stairs, only to realise that Eda was not there. He called her name and He checked the washroom, she wasn't there as well but he noticed the band aid kept there, which meant Eda was injured. He looked around the room and then saw the empty wardrobe and her stuff packed in boxes kept in the bedroom.

And then it dawned upon him. That she had left thinking he wanted her to go away. He cursed himself and called her a few times only to be left unanswered. He quickly picked up his keys and rushed out of the house hoping Eda would be safe in her aunt's house.

He went knocking on her aunt's door and waited for her to open. When Ayfer opened, she looked too stressed and Serkan got worried.

"Eda is here. Right? Eda came her Ayfer hanim?" He asked.

"Where is she? I need to talk to her." Serkan said.

"You believed in those rumours as well right? In those pictures? Serkan, she would never cheat on you. She loves you so much You believed them and you told her to get out of the house. I haven't seen her broken like this ever. Why would you do something like that?" Ayfer asked broken and desperate.

Serkan looked down guilty and spoke.
"I am sorry Ayfer hanim. I didn't believe those rumours. I know my Eda. And I love her so much. I trust her. I was just angry at her. I had warned her so many times about Efe but she never listened to me. I got a little angry at her. But I just told her to go to our room and not leave. She misunderstood."

"She was distressed and wouldn't stop crying. Her foot was bleeding. Probably due to some glass shard. I bandaged it again and her arms were bruised. I don't know how? If Efe did it, I swear I am gonna kill that person Serkan. I won't care about the consequences. We made her sleep with so much difficulty. You can come tomorrow." Ayfer spoke.

Serkan was angry at himself for ignoring Eda's injuries and making her feel that way.
"I will stay with her here for the night Ayfer hanim if you give me the permission."

"Peki tamam. But don't hurt her ever again like this." She said making way for Serkan to enter and he promised her, he would never.

Serkan went to her room and saw Eda sleeping in Melo's lap who was caressing her head and crying silently seeing the state of her best friend.

Serkan silently signaled her that he was here and took Melo's place quietly.

Melo left the room and closed the door while Serkan gently caressed her hair and wiped off her tears. He could see her aunt had applied an ointment on her bruised arm and a bandage on her foot.

Eda moved into him more in her sleep and he caressed her and gently slipped into bed and hugged her tightly.

It was around 2 in the night, when Serkan felt Eda's shaking body and tears and sobs, probably she was having nightmares. He hugged her to himself tightly and whispered.
"Shh, I am here. It's okay my love. I am here. You are with me. Calm down baby." He kept whispering and Eda opened her eyes a few seconds later.

"Serkan? You are here? For real?" She asked sobbing.

"Evet I am. I am sorry for shouting at you like that. But I am here now. You are safe now my love. Relax. Go back to sleep." He said wiping off her tears.

"You will be here in the morning as well?" She asked.

"Yes my love. I will be there. Calm down and go to sleep baby. I love you." He said kissing her forehead and hair.

Eda dozed off back to sleep as he kept caressing her back and hair.

The next morning he woke up before Eda and freshened up a bit and then went downstairs to get some breakfast for Eda before waking her up. She had probably not eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.

Serkan helped Ayfer hanim make some breakfast, not realising that Eda had woken up in the meantime and thought that she had dreamt about Serkan being there with her yesterday night and that it was not real.

She couldn't see Serkan when she woke up and she realised that it was all a dream and that Serkan didn't come. She couldn't stop herself from sobbing and then, she took her phone to see any messages or calls from him. There were none but somebody had forwarded her a new news article stating Eda Yildiz being a gold digger and a cheater.

She sobbed more and folded her knees, keeping her head on it and crying. Serkan who was walking up with her breakfast tray, heard her sobs and ran to the room.

"Eda.. Eda. What's wrong my love? Eda." He said keeping the tray aside, sitting on the floor with her and taking her in his arms.

"You are not real. You are not here. I am being delusional. I am imagining things. What's wrong with me?" She said sobbing.

"Eda. I am here. I am really here baby. You are not imagining it." He said.

"You are here?" She said looking at him and touching his face.

"I am baby." He said.

"You were here yesterday night as well or was it a dream?" She asked.

"I was here baby. I was here all night with you." He said sadly seeing her broken state.

"Why? You said me to leave." She said.

"Eda, I just said you to go to our room and leave me alone for sometime. I didn't want to fight with you in anger. I was trying to calm myself down. You misunderstood baby. I didn't ask you to leave the house my love." He said caressing her cheek.

"You didn't break up with me? You are not angry at me?"
"No I didn't my love. I am angry at you for not listening to me. But I am not angry at you because I think you are cheating on me. No Eda. I trust you. I never believed those shitty rumours." He said.

"But the world is believing. They are saying I am a cheater and.. and a gold digger." Eda said sobbing.

"Eda. Don't cry sweetheart please. The pictures were taken down. Efe and Selin were sued for it and the photographer too." He said hugging her tightly.

"Selin?" Eda looked up at him  from the hug and asked surprised.

"Yeah. It was Efe and Selin's plan to separate us." He said.

"How? What?" Eda said shocked.

"Efe told me himself. I punched the hell out of him though." Serkan said smiling and Eda chuckled in between her sobs.

"Efe is gone Eda. He gave me back the shares and left the holding." Serkan said as Eda tightly hugged him.

"Thankyou Serkan. Thankyou for trusting me." Eda said smiling.

"Eda. I will always trust you. I trust you." Serkan said kissing her forehead.

"I was scared that you broke up with me. That you didn't want me in your life after

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