🌟he saves you🌟

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You were just on patrol with your sidekick mike.

Mike> it's sooooo boring <

y / n> it is also better if there are no attacks <
mike sighted you were about to say something until there were several explosions in the next street

y / n> we have to go sonic boy <

mike> finally something exciting! <

you have arrived on the street where the explosions came from, there was a villain who made explosions with his quirk

y / n> make sure that no civilians are around and help the injured! <

mike> yes h / n < (hero name)

y / n> you are bored right? <

you asked the villain

villain> what's that to you, you rat! <

you ran up to the villain and used your quirk on him and he flew meters backwards

villain> ugh you will see! <

y / n> oh really ~? <

he ran towards you and made a movement with his arm as if he wanted to hit you right away you got ready and fought off until an explosion hit you from the left and you flew down

mike> h / n! <

y / n> i-im fine <

you got up without success because the explosuon hit you directly
the villain attacked mike too but then he fell somehow impotent on the floor and there he was your biggest crush edgehot that you have known for 5 years now he brought mike to the ambulance during that you tried to get up so ypu would not to stand there like the last idiot on earth you almost fell again but someone caught you. IT WAS HIM SHINYA KAMIHARA WHO NOW CARRIED YOU IN HIS ARMS

Edgeshot> I didn't know that I would meet you again this week <

y / n> ehhh me- umm well <

edgeshot> he caught you hard, I'll take you to recoverygirl <

y / n> uhhh okaaay heh <

you put your arms around his neck while he wore you in bridal style to recoverygirl.

(A/n just imagine him carring your oc ^^)


You woke up in recovery girls office

Recovery girl>finally you woke up your BOYFRIEND~ Is waiting for you<

Y/n: boyfriend?

Edgeshot that stood just there like a blushing mess: i-iam not h-her boy- friend ....

You giggled at his reaction

Recovery girl: but you like her don't you~
Now you were the blushing mess xD

Edgeshot: w-what eh *cough* I need to leave it's an emergency ... see you later revovery girl and get well soon y/n .

And with that he leaves the room


recovery girl: heh I know you Like~ HIM~ and that HE~ likes~ you~

Y/n: wha- how do you know that I like him I've never told you?

Recovery girl:I have my sources *demonic silent laugh*

/Y/n thoughts/ okay she is sometimes scary ... wait there was something ... OMG MIKE!

Y/n: Is mike- I mean sonic-boy all right?!

Recovery girl: yes yes he's all right now get some rest or you will be tired tomorrow it's late -^-

Y/n: huh oh it's DARK outside '-' ... how long was I out ?

Recovery girl: about 5 hours i guess

Y/n: so shinya waited 5 hours to make sure I'm okay?!?!?!??!?!?!

Recovery girl: yup! He's in love sweetheart he was asking me every 10 min if everything were all right ... but noch G-E-T S-O-M-E R-E-S-T all right ?

Y/n: ... y-yes

Sou you layed down

/Y/n thoughs/
Does he really have feelings for me ? Maybe but how does she know, does she have agents around the town that tell her all that ... nooo never .... but what if .... @-@

Edgeshot pov

That was a close one how does recovery girl know that I like y/n ? ....
But okay I need to go back for patrol
She is still on my mind

Okay I am going to call recovery

R/ = recoverygirl

E/ = edgeshot
R/ hello?
E/is y/n really all right?
R/so you really like her hmmm~
E/... how do you know.
R/ it is obviously honey.
E/ wait really?
R/yup but she can't see drought it -^-
E/... what if she tries to ignore that I like her and acts like that?
R/ask her out.
R/ on a date and tell her you like her and if not I will come for you!

*she hung up*

Did she really ... yes she did .... okay next time I see y/n I will ask her out and tell her what I feel to her ....


770 words

(A/n I hope you all liked it luv you all ♡)

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