Joseph's Island: Eden's Gate Compound
They pulled up into the compound where a lot of Chosen and followers of Joseph gathered near the church. Alan was screaming at Joseph who seemed to be meditating about the matter. Faith and Jean were flipping through a book distracting each other from the chaos as John stood like a wall un-phased by Alan's uproar. Angel slid into Jacob's arms out of the truck walking with him cautiously. She could feel the PTSD of her old life creeping up in her stomach like black bile by the sound of her dad's voice. Alan turned to see Angel walking with Jacob, his dog tags around her neck.
"You!" Alan marched straight for them.
Jacob gently pushed Angel by her hip behind him shielding her from her dad's wrath with his head held high. "What is it you want, Alan?"
"What do I want?!" Alan's face turned bright red. "For you to return my daughter!"
"She's not yours to have." Jacob led Angel to the church. "If you step foot in the Whitetails I'll have you strung up to the bridge." Jacob growled threateningly. Angel sneakily pulled Jacob's bowie knife from the holster without him noticing.
"You'll not brainwash my daughter! I choose who she marries!" As they passed Alan pulled Angel by her wrist hard nearly making her land in the dirt face down.
Angel was quick to get back her momentum just like Jacob trained her but this time she held a knife to Alan's throat. The blade barely broke the skin, making Alan inhale sharply. Jacob stood with his pistol aimed right at Alan ready to pull the trigger as other Chosen members held their rifles up following Jacob's example.
Flicker's of her vision blurred with the future coming alive in her mind. Her father's death, her family safe, the project collapsing and Jacob dying on a rock in the woods. She slowly backed away and the vision changed once more to her and Jacob surviving the collapse without her family. Her hand eased back before she withdrew her threat heading for Joseph. She whispered her vision to the Father who met her saddened blue eyes knowing what she saw was true.
"Let him go in peace." Joseph ordered.
The Chosen escorted Alan out of the compound and Faith had Jean sent back to the Henbane for more healing. Angel headed into the church avoiding everyone's eyes including Jacob's.
"What was that all about?" Jacob asked his brother.
"She had a vision," Joseph said calmly, also shaken by the vision she saw. "Her choice would have ended the project and your life. By steadying her hand she will now lose her family."
Jacob's eyes went wide, turning to see his future wife hang her head low as she braced her arms on the back of the pew of the church. He went to her, pulling her into his arms.
She clung to him still gripping his knife behind his back. "I wanted to do it," She mumbled into his chest. "I should have culled him but we would have lost everything...and you."
"Shh." Jacob soothed her. "He's not your sacrifice to make. None of us see you as weak but as strong to set aside your wrath and protect the project."
"But my family..."
"We'll find a way to save them." Jacob kissed the top of her head.
The peggies gathered around praising and thanking Angel for her choice and sacrifice to save the project before dispersing back to their regular duties. John and Joseph came into the church, closing the doors behind them. Angel handed Jacob his knife who was shocked to now realize that she had taken it. It brought back the memory of her first training day. Pride filled his chest.
"I believe there's a confession to be made by the two of you." Joseph stood on the small stage of his church, the candles flickering at his feet.
Jacob pushed Angel forward like a lioness offering her cub to the pride male. Angel felt nervous but Jacob stepped up next to her. "We do."
Joseph had a small smile opening his hands allowing them to continue.
"Angel and I have committed a sin of love." Jacob cleared his throat. "Only after she accepted my proposal of marriage."
Joseph now looked at Angel.
"Yes we did. We got...caught in the moment."
Joseph turned away for a moment of silence and Jacob placed a kiss on top of her head, his arm protectively around her waist. Jacob was ready for Joseph to turn them both away; he was ready to leave Eden's Gate to protect her.
"John," Joseph called softly.
"Yes, Joseph," John came up a little concerned for their atonement.
"Let it be known that Jacob and Angel have confessed, atoned and will correct their sin by marriage." Joseph spoke calmly and Jacob's tense shoulders relaxed.
"Yes Joseph." John smiled confidently.
Joseph stepped down to Angel resting his hands on her shoulders. "You have God's gift and I would like for you to be able to speak to me whenever these visions occur. No matter the time or proceeding. I would welcome the wisdom given to you as council and guidance. I would also like to welcome you into the family, sister." Joseph hugged her tightly.
Angel hugged the Father in return feeling at peace with her new home. "Thank you." Her voice quivered with tears of happiness.
Joseph released Angel in time for arms to wrap around her with a squeal of excitement to echo in the church.
"Congratulations!" Faith squealed. "I'm so happy for both of you!"
"Thank you." Angel hugged her back.
Faith released her. "We will have to celebrate! My region! My treat!"
"I think that would be a good idea." John backed her up. "Good for morale."
Angel slipped into Jacob's arms and he pulled her back against his chest, his bearded chin lightly resting on top of her head. "We'll have to be careful about the community."
"So?" John smirked. "We can invite them so they feel welcome."
"He has a point," Angel spoke up. "If your goal is to save as many as you can you'll want to earn their trust. That way they will join willingly. If you force them, they will rebel and could turn on the project later."
"She's right." Faith twirled in her dress. "Most of my followers fell into the Bliss fields and then joined. But the rest of Hope County is resisting our family."
"When was the last gathering where everyone was neighborly?" Angel asked.
"Pft," John thought back. "Months ago at a barbeque in Falls End. Since then we've expanded rapidly and the town has gotten nervous."
Angel leaned back into Jacob; his presence made her feel more confident in speaking up. "Was everything gathered, done legally?"
The Seed's looked shameful.
"Ah," Angel knew she had her work cut out for her. "That's the big thorn. Guess it's time to do damage control. If things are this tense all it will take is one person to start an uprising to bring the project down."
"You've seen this?" Joseph asked.
"Not exactly." Angel gnawed on her lip. "Before I joined I spent time with the people of Hope County and the townsfolk are dangerously on edge. Even the Rye's added a gun to their plane. They're gearing up for war and looking to Eli as their hope. They feel like none of you care about them. They're being pushed to fight for survival." She looked up to Jacob. "Like caged animals."
"They won't trust us right away." John pointed out.
"But they will trust me. Think about it." Angel proposed. "I built a relationship with them and they trust me so far but now that I'm engaged to Jacob the one they fear the most. They'll think I've softened him up a bit. I can convince them that you do care and then they will start to open up. Besides, members of Eden's Gate are their friends, their family. Wouldn't you want your family back?"
"Angel's right." Jacob supported her motion. "Eli is our biggest danger with him soloed out and no reinforcements the project will succeed."
Joseph watched Angel carefully. "You've seen something else haven't you?"
Angel debated telling them but knew it could be their saving motivation. "I saw what happened after the collapse. Eighteen years from now a tenth of Hope County will survive. Very few follow Joseph and the others band together at John's Ranch but there's a threat coming. It wipes out both communities."
"Anything specific?" Jacob asked.
Angel shook her head. "No, it was more like a panoramic view of the carnage."
"So our salvation would be in numbers?" John asked, feeling hopeless.
"And training." Angel pointed out. "Yes, there will be peace but another war will be coming."
"Then it's settled." Joseph decided. "We will repent our transgressions in hope of a unified community."
"Agreed." The siblings said in unison.
"I'll get started on the party details!" Faith skipped out of the church.
"I'll prepare the flock." John headed out patting Jacob on the shoulder.
"We should meet with the town." Joseph approached Angel. "Could you help arrange it?"
"Absolutely," Angel looked up at Jacob. "Momma wants to go dress shopping tomorrow."
Jacob thought about it for a moment. "It will be good for you. Would you like someone to tag along?"
"I think I'll be okay." She kissed his cheek. "If anything happens I'll head to John's." Angel could see the worry in his eyes. "What's wrong?"
Jacob sat down on the pew and Angel came to stand between his legs. "It's just hard to let you go."
She smiled. "What do you mean?"
His head hung low locks of his hair falling out of place. "I had you within reach for months safe and protected. Now with our relationship out I feel like I put a target on your back. You'll be going out without a guard..." He took a ragged sigh. "I've never had to worry about someone so close to me before."
Angel brushed his hair into place lifting his bearded chin. "That worry is a good thing as long as you don't go overboard. If you'd like, I'll take someone with me so you can relax."
He buried his face in her stomach wrapping his arms around her waist. "I love you."
She kissed the top of his head, her hands smoothing out the tense muscles in his back. "I love you more."
The following day Angel and her mother were escorted through town with two Chosen members loosely following. Jacob agreed a light look would give a soft impression to Eden's Gate so the Chosen dressed lightly with pistols.
Falls End hummed to life busy with small down work. The mechanic's air tools echoed around them, farmers came into the feed store for their herds, and Mary May swept the dirt off the porch of The Spread Eagle. Angel and Jean entered the small boutique where Kim Rye worked part time. The Chosen hung loosely outside since the space inside was limited.
"Is that Angel?" Kim asked, coming around the racks of clothes to give Angel a shallow hug, her pregnant belly getting in the way. "I haven't seen you in months, how are you?"
Angel smiled deeply, missing Kim's personality. "I'm doing well," She pulled her mother close. "My mother and I are wedding dress shopping."
Kim looked like a deer in headlights. "For a wedding or for a bride?"
"A bride," Jean choked up a bit. "Angel is getting married."
Kim lit up bubbling with joy. "Congratulations!" She led Angel near the back where two racks hung with old donated dresses of various styles and sizes. "We don't have a lot of dresses mostly because we're a small town but we might have a few brides willing to donate."
"No worries," Angel screened through a few dresses, the various fabrics rubbing against her arms. "It's not a big wedding, more intimate like a backyard wedding.
Kim stuffed Angel into an empire style gown that swallowed her like a pillow case. Angel stepped in front of the full length mirror as Kim fluffed out the hem. "Where are you having it?"
"No idea," Angel frowned at the dress on her. "I'm not traditional so I was thinking of an outdoor wedding since the valley is so gorgeous."
"There was this beautiful amphitheater in the Henbane carved from stone on top of a mountain with running ponds." Kim suggested slipping Angel into an A line style gown with satin. "Only problem would be that Eden's Gate owns that land now."
Angel moved in front of the mirror looking like a cake topper. "I wouldn't say that's a problem."
Kim scoffed. "Is too."
Angel picked at her nails. "Well you see, I'm marrying Jacob..."
Kim stared at her blankly for a moment. "Jacob? Jacob, Jacob? The soldier of Eden's Gate? Jacob Seed? That Jacob?"
Angel gnawed on her lip smiling. "Yes, I'm marrying Jacob Seed."
Kim turned to Jean flabbergasted. "What?!"
The Chosen heard Kim and came rushing making sure everyone was okay.
"I'm fine." Angel shooed them out. "Kim please don't be upset."
Kim pointed to the Chosen who walked out of the store. "You weren't kidding." She pressed a palm to her head sitting in a nearby chair. "How did you manage that?"
Angel started giggling. "After you and I met I joined Eden's Gate in Jacob's ranks to get away from my dad. We kind of ended up falling in love during my training. Actually before that when my family moved here we met the Seed's by helping them fix up their church in the Henbane. Jacob and I just hit it off."
"You're telling me the soldier, whose looks have probably killed, actually has a heart?" Kim glared.
Angel nodded. "He's very caring when you get to know him."
"Only if you're in Eden's Gate."
Angel kneeled in front of her. "Well I'm trying to fix that actually."
Kim gave her a pointed look.
"Come on Kim if they apologized, gave stuff back, and took care of the community wouldn't that be better? To be allies not enemies?"
Kim sighed. "No, that wouldn't be a bad idea." She took Angel's hands in hers. "Are you sure that you're okay marrying into that family?"
Angel met her eyes with tears piling up. "I am. I've never felt like I've belonged somewhere but when I'm with him things are different. Wholesome, true and..." Angel was at a loss for words. "Right."
Kim smiled softly, finding truth in Angel's words. "You obviously love him."
"There's just something about him." Jean agreed.
"Okay," Kim accepted Angel's choice. "Let's find you a dress."
"Thank you."
Kim got to her feet pulling out another dress. "Honey, if you can make peace the whole town will be thanking you."
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