Whitetails: Veteran's Center
Soon the gates opened up to Jacob's truck and Angel dashed out to the balcony to see him pulling in. Joseph also joined her side watching his brother pull his truck to the side and climbing out being greeted by the night guard officer. He listened to the recent report walking up the steps and dismissed the officer after gathering all the information. Jacob tiredly trudged up to the third floor where his brother and Angel waited for him in his office.
Jacob opened the door to see them standing there and raised an eyebrow. "Any reason why you called Bliss and Mill?" Jacob slowly stripped his gun and holster from his body. "Or why you're here, Joseph?"
"Angel had called me over the radio about a bad feeling." Joseph calmly explained. "So I came to see what I could do to help. She had a vision of the Whitetails plotting to kill you tonight."
His brows shot up in surprise. "Really?" He widened his stance, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go on."
Angel looked down right guilty. "Claggett Bay gas station...sniper shot." She refused to meet his eyes, the vision still replaying in her head.
"Hmm." His voice purred. "Now isn't that something."
"Perhaps some hunters could fetch those militia members." Joseph pointed out taking his leave. "I suspect they are still waiting for you."
Jacob cleared his throat. "I'll send a hunting party. Thank you Joseph."
Joseph hugged his brother a little tighter. "Keep her close, she's got good instincts." Then the Father was on his way back to his island on a safe route home.
Jacob didn't say a word to Angel as he radioed over to his men to send a hunting party to the gas station using bliss to capture them. Angel felt frozen in place unsure of what to do. She never went into his office or made radio calls without permission before.
Jacob crossed the room over to her, his military boots filling her downward view. Her nails dug into her palms making crescent marks in her skin. She started trembling, holding back a dam of emotions of relief and fear. Jacob pulled her by her shoulder into his chest wrapping his arms around her body. Angel's composure snapped and she wept loudly in his chest. He hugged her tighter at each ragged breath she took trying to piece her back together.
"It's alright pup," He hushed her. "I'm here. I'm alright."
Angel wrapped her arms around Jacob, her hands clinging to his jacket tightly. No matter how much she tried convincing herself he was here and unscathed she still saw his blood over the windshield and the truck veering off the road. It only made her cry more.
Angel babbled, unable to calm herself. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to break your boundaries about your office-"
Jacob lifted her up by her butt placing her on top of his desk before pulling away holding a hand under her chin. Her ocean blue eyes spilled on going tears running down into his hand. "You've done nothing wrong. You've saved my life and besides I trust you enough to run my men I trust you enough to be here." He smiled softly.
Angel leaned into his hand starting to feel better. "I just keep seeing your death over and over."
He pulled her in for another tight hug and rested his bearded chin on top of her head. "I know. It's hard to get those back out of your head. I still have nightmares of Miller and other aspects of the war."
She peaked up at him. "You do?"
"Thought you've moved past all that."
He shrugged his broad shoulders moving sharply. "Doesn't mean I'm Scott free. I'm still human, Angel. I still feel guilt from time to time."
"You? Eden's top soldier? Mister cull the weak?" She teased, making him chuckle.
"Yes." He kissed her forehead. "But right now I'm tired more than anything."
Angel tried to slide down the desk and head to her room but Jacob snatched her in his arms before laying back on his bed. She landed on him, her hands braced on his chest as his arms became like a vice around her body. Her eyes were wide and her face was flushed red but all Jacob did was chuckle at her reaction thinking it was the most adorable reaction he had seen out of her yet. She struggled to escape his grip flustered at the sudden closeness she wasn't expecting but no matter what she did Jacob was not letting her go.
"Jake," She said breathlessly, her heart pounding in her chest.
He rolled to his side and she slipped between him and the wall in a protective nest. He nuzzled under her chin before relaxing in the small bed. "Sleep Angel. You'll need it for tomorrow."
Angel tried her best to settle down, still flustered about her situation. She huffed, a bit frustrated about the positioning.
"What now?" He chuckled, his eyes still closed.
"Just uncomfortable." She mumbled.
Jacob loosened his grip on her. "Get comfortable then."
Angel slid down a bit before entangling her legs with his and placing her head on his arm. "Thank you."
Jacob brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Good."
She slipped her hand in his and tucked them both under her chin. "Good night Jake."
He held her a little closer. "Good night pup."
They both slept through the night without any nightmares.
"Good." Jacob's voice encouraged as Angel cut through each challenge before her in the trial. She moved swiftly using her small stature as an advantage through the maze of the training grounds. She slid through halls taking out any opponent with ease.
Jacob had a satisfied smile on his face in his control office where he oversaw each trainee. Angel had pulled a man from his high ground post knocking him unconscious on the way down. "Not bad." He was impressed at her creativity. Before each room where she exchanged weapons Angel always took a calming breath to keep herself centered.
She came to the bunker like hellfire burning anyone down in her path diving between rooms and using all the cover to her advantage. A lot of her opponents found it difficult to keep track of her until she popped up taking out a few. Angel slid on her hip into the final room hitting the last man in the chest with a few rounds.
"Perfect." Jacob purred.
Angel surpassed any expectation Jacob had of her. Top in hand to hand combat, second best marksman (under him) and strategist specializing in covert ops. What amazed him the most was her ability to turn on and off her inner wolf with a flick of the switch. She held the soft, wise, compassion and happiness he fell for but also became the warrior he saw in her.
Angel walked into Jacob's office and sat herself on his desk casually. "So what's in for today's agenda, big wolf?"
Jacob's heart fluttered at his nickname given by her. "Dealing with the Whitetails." He stood up gathering his weapons and fixing his military jacket. "They want to negotiate."
"Where?" Angel tilted her head curiously.
"South entrance of the reserve." He holstered his red 1911 on his thigh.
"Who are you taking?" Angel had a bad feeling growing in her stomach.
"Just a few new recruits ready to prove themselves." His tone was dark.
"Am I going?"
His head snapped over to her, his eyes threatening. "Absolutely not."
Angel felt a little hurt. "Why not? I'm the top one out of the rookies! What if something happened and you needed back up?"
"I'd rather them be culled than risk you getting hurt." He growled.
"No, Angel!" Jacob's bark echoed in the office making the world fall silent. "You're too important to the project to risk."
"Me?" She scoffed. "What about you? You're the herald of the north. We need you even after the collapse." Her eyes dropped to the floor as she mumbled under her breath. "Especially me..."
Jacob took a calming sigh before closing the distance between them. He tilted her head up with a finger under her chin making their blue eyes meet. Her doe eyes made him question the mission and his own safety going out. But it was his duty to protect the project. "I'll come back to you, pup." He brought his forehead to hers. "I promise."
Angel's head fell from his onto his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his narrow waist holding him tight. Jacob's breath hitched having someone actually hug him. She buried her face in his chest overwhelmed with the fear of losing him.
Jacob ran his hands down her back hugging her tightly. "When I get back how about you and I go on a hunting trip. Just a few days. Okay?"
"Okay." She mumbled pulling away from him. "Take Solo with you, please?"
"I'll take him." Jacob kissed her cheek before heading out leaving her cherishing the roughness of his red beard against her face.
Angel paced nervously as night rolled in with a thunderstorm rumbling overhead. Jacob hadn't returned but called in for reinforcements making Angel that more nervous. Eventually a lone white Eden's Gate truck pulled up to the gate with all the Chosen Jacob had taken and called, packed in the truck and the bed of the pickup. Angel gripped the railing of the balcony watching everyone practically fall out of the truck. Thankfully everyone was accounted for even the herald of the north had made an appearance making Angel fight the urge to run down to his side. She impatiently waited for him to arrive at his office, not wanting to make him look weak to his men.
Jacob came in and locked the door behind him before leaning against the old white wood. She saw his legs buckle and Angel swooped in, catching him under his arms.
"Hey pup," His raspy voice lingered in her ear. "Told ya I'd come back for ya."
Angel smirked helping him over to his small twin cot. His sweat coating through his jacket and the smell of gunpowder tickling her nose. She wasn't unfamiliar to Jacob's sweaty and gunpowder dusted state; it felt more like home that he was like this. "Half dead doesn't count." He collapsed on his bed, his shoulders drooping down towards his knees completely exhausted. "Come on soldier, let's get you cleaned up."
Stripping him of his gear and clothes Jacob allowed her to do something that no one else was ever permitted to do, care for him. She carefully removed his clothes and he easily complied when she pulled him towards the shower that she had run to a soothing warmth. Dressed in a pair of gray sweats and no shirt exposing his scared chest and back, he came out to see her making up his bed for him and tensing at every rumble of thunder. She did her best to show no fear as he trained her but some PTSD couldn't be removed even with classical conditioning.
Jacob came over and collapsed on his bed with Angel trapped under him.
"Jacob!" She tried to squirm free. "I was in the middle of making your bed. Now get off."
"Too tired." He mumbled with a smile trying to keep his composure.
Angel was pinned on her belly in an awkward position causing her body to protest with pain. "Jake please..?"
With a slight blush, Jacob allowed her up only to have her lay down with him tucked to his side just as she had once before. "Storm's coming in," He planted a few kisses over her face making her cheeks turn bright red. "Gonna have a rough night tonight."
A loud clap of thunder nearly sent her into a full panic attack as she flinched trying to escape the bed. Jacob held on tight, encouraging that she was safe and protected with him. She allowed him to return her to his side, intertwining her leg with his and her head under his chin. His hand traced up and down her back lazily. "Relax pup."
Something large crawled onto the bed laying at the foot of the cot on her feet. Angel dared a glance to see a large white judge curled up keeping watch over his master and her. With Solo there to also guard her, Angel allowed her body to relax as her fingers tangled with his dog tags against his bare chest. He smiled at the feeling of her holding onto him so intimately and he too fell asleep like the woman who stole his heart.
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