You Was On The Sofa As You Was Watching Tv, Your Phone Beeped As You Looked On Your Phone It Was A Message From Edd, It Read " I'll Be Back Shortly {Y/n}. " You Smiled as You Texted Back "Okay, Edd. "
------~ Time Skip. ~------
As You Was In Your Room Looking At A Funny Vid Your Heard The Door Knob Wiggle And Edd Stepped In, "Hey Um.. {Y/n}, Could You Ask Your Boss If You Could Take The Week Off?" As Edd Said, Blushing Softly.
"Sure!" You Smiled At Edd.
" Okay. " He Said As He Left The Room.
You Called You Boss To Ask If You Could Take The Week Off, Your Boss Replied And Said Yes. You Thanked Her, As You Hung Up The Phone. You Wanted To Take A Shower As You Got Your Clothing From The Closet, Your {F/c} Bra and Panties, Your Shirt, Your Pantes, And Your Socks.
--- ~Time Skip: Bathroom. ✓I'm Lazy.✓~---
As You Were Washing Yourself You Forgot To Lock The Door As Someone Walked In, " Tom If Your Drunk I-" You Got Cut Off As Edd Walked In The Shower,
" E- Edd!?!?! Wha-What Are You Doing In Here?!?!" As You Cover Yourself With The Shower Curtain To Hide Your Bare Skin, He Chuckled As He Removed The Curtain Making You Blush, He Pinned You To The Wall As, He, Kissed You, You Eyes Widened As He Was Still Kissing You, You Were Surprised That You Never Knew Edd Was A Good Kisser, Then You Kissed Back Wrapping Your Arms Around His Neck As He Grabbed Your Waist.
He Then Went To Your Neck And Started To Lick And Suck On It, You Moaned Softly.
"Moan For Me.~" Edd Said As He Messed With Your Breast And Had His Index Fingers On Your Nipples While Still Messing With Your Breast, You Moaned " Good Girl.~ " He Said, He Then Stopped As He Rubbed His Member Over Your Core, You Moaned Even More, You Wanted More Of It, It Felt So GOOD!~
"G-Go Faster.~" You Said Panting,
"Then beg for it then.~"
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