Chapter 6

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A few days passed and Luna didn't hear any news of the King.  She tried asking the guards what had happened but she was only answered with their lifeless eyes.  She also tried looking for that lilac servant, the one that didn't seemed to be under a trance but she was nowhere to be found so that didn't help either.

The Princess couldn't shake off the feeling of something amiss.

His abrupt departure and disappearance did not bode well with her.

Why are you concerned with him? Now that he's gone, it means you can go find Celestia and the others.

''Right...'' Luna muttered, sitting upright on her bed.

The two guards outside. I need to find an excuse to get out. But what?

Luna thought hard, then found one that would befit a princess.

She opened her door and calmly left, leaving the two guards that were at her door alarmed.

"Your Highness, where are you going? " One of the guards asked.

Luna stopped in her tracks, breathing in hard.

"To pick a chambermaid of course.'' Luna said, assuming a haughty tone.'' I am a princess. I have my needs."

The two guards stared at each other.

"The king said you were to remain in your chambers at all times." Said the second guard, opening her chamber doors."Your Highness, if you will."

"I am your future queen,'' Luna lashed, teal eyes alight .''And I say I will be choosing a chambermaid. I am sure the King will not mind my actions so why do you?"

The two Guards looked at her, dumbfounded."Then allow us to escort you."

"Very well then," Luna said, tipping her chin up to continue the act.

The trio made their way through the Crystal halls silently. This made Luna slightly appreciate that they were under Sombra's control.

They weren't allowed to talk unless necessary.

And weren't allowed to think much as well.

" Where are you headed off to, Princess?"

Luna stiffened at the voice. She sucked her chest and turned to see King Sombra.

" To pick a chambermaid, of course." She repeated smoothly.

He tilted his head. "And where do you wish to find one?"

"The dungeons. It is not as if there's anywhere else I can find one, can I?" Luna said.

" I see. Then allow me to come with you then." Sombra said with a twinkle in his eye.'' I know a thing and two about good servants.''

Before Luna could say anything, he was already walking off.

She cursed at him silently.

Luna followed begrudgingly behind, unsure of what else to do.

"Why the sudden thought of a chambermaid?" Sombra asked, turning to Luna.

Luna stared at him, startled by the question."Well... I do need someone to clean up my chambers, don't I? I am a princess thus quite accustomed to the use of a chambermaid."

Sombra gave Luna a look then laughed." Ah, of course, forgive my oversight."

Luna turned a slight shade of red from embarrassment at his laugh.

She had never needed chambermaids much back in Canterlot, instead, she was quite competent with basic housekeeping.

But now she had to act like a prissy princess who didn't know how to use a broom.

They continued to quietly walk together and on this time, Luna had managed to see new details of Sombra she had never noticed before. Like how deeply crimson his eyes were as he looked at the walls. Or how his hair was so contradicting; the sleekness and flow of his hair against the sharply curled up ends. It was as if he wasn't human... Well, he isn't human.

As far as Luna knew.

She must have had been staring at him for a long time as she realised his eyes were on her, noticing her observation.

Luna scrambled for an explanation." Y-You have flowing hair just like me!"

She wanted to kill herself right there and then.

Sombra's eyes widened at her sudden remark. He lifted his hand and touched his hair.

" Yes." He mused, looking back at her." I suppose I do."

She grasped the fabric of her dress, sheepish. Well done, Luna.

Sombra caught her flustered expression but said nothing, returning to stare absentmindedly at the walls.

She changed the topic quickly. " What..what happened to you back inside the dining hall?"

" A fluctuation in my magic," He said, not turning to face her. " A small price for using dark magic I suppose."

Luna didn't respond, feeling he was not telling the whole truth.

They made it down the stairs and into the dungeons,where they saw two guards at the dimly lit entrance. Sombra nodded to them and they unblocked the entranceway.

"After you," Sombra said.

Luna went inside the hallway and quickly scanned around for anyone familiar. She walked passed each cell, most of them filled by Crystal citizens unfit to fight.

Her stomach fell deeper and deeper as she couldn't spot anyone familiar.

At the corner of her eye, she spotted two pink-haired girls at the corner of a cell deep within the dungeons. One was fairly tall and had long and lovely pastel hair while the other was short and had outrageously and popping curly hair shooting out from the top of her head.

She straightened and stopped right in front of their cell.

Yes, she knew them.

She remembered them from Nightmare Night. She remembered distinctly that one of them screamed at her in terror and the other was the leader of a following of children. Good memories.

Pinkie caught her staring and her eyes widened, about to open her mouth-

Sombra appeared beside Luna and his eyes slid to where she was looking.

" Two element bearers,'' Sombra said, eyes sliding back to Luna. ''An interesting choice.''

She swallowed, looking up at the king.

" I know who they are, I don't need your reminder." Luna mustered coolly." Besides, it's all the better. My chambermaids should be people I know and trust and who better than the very two element bearers?"

He raised a eyebrow. ''Do you really think I'd free a pair of enemies into the palace?''

"They can't stay here forever.'' Luna said.''If they were to stay here,they could stage a rebellion with the rest of their cellmates. One of them is the element of laughter. She could easily brighten their spirits and inspire hope in them. Why not place them with me? All your dangerous threats conveniently placed in one room, under the constant watch of your guards.''

Sombra's eyed her dangerously, the red of his eyes made more distinct with the spewing purple mist shadowing them. Luna caught the intensity of his gaze but didn't back down.

"Make them my chambermaids," Luna said firmly.

Sombra searched her eyes carefully, his expression unreadable.

"Release the element bearers." He said finally.

Thank the stars

The guards left their posts and opened the cell gates, pulling out Fluttershy and Pinkie.

Luna grinned as the two girls looked at her in a mix of shock and gratefulness.

" There will be more guards assigned to you." Sombra said quietly, watching her.

Luna understood him fully. There was a warning in his tone.

If she tried anything with them...

"Of course. Thank you for your help." Luna replied, curtsying.

Sombra bowed in return and left the dungeons.

She turned and smiled at her new companions, teal eyes aglow.

One victory.


THAT WAS ONE LONG CHAPTER. But that was what I've been aiming for now each chapter. A minimum of a thousand words. To try to make up for my rare updates on this book,haha. I love you guys but geez school and life is not doing any favours for me to update this book but I will try my very best! Thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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