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"Shhhh." I brought my hand up to Reid's face, smacking him at an attempt to stop him from snoring. Instead of that though, he woke up, pushing my hand away as he groaned and rolled onto his side. He pulled me into him, leaving a trail of kisses along my back as he moved up to rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Rude." He said, planting a kiss on my neck.

"You're rude." I retorted lazily. I grabbed the hand that was wrapped around me, lacing our fingers together. His hand fit perfectly into mine.

"I'm trying to sleep." He pressed his lips against my cheek, attempting to wiggle closer.

"You're the one who's kissing me."

"Maybe if you turned around you could kiss me."

I brought his hand up to my lips, planting a quick kiss on it before doing as he said. I rolled over to face him, slowly opening my eyes. He looked so peaceful lying there. I brushed some air out of his eyes as he pulled me in. "You're actually kind of cute when you're sleeping." I said after pulling away.

He half opened his eyes, giving me an unimpressed stare. "Am I not cute otherwise?"

"Nope, not at all."

"I'm too tired to argue with you." He responded.


We laid there for a while, holding each other tightly. I knew by the time the sun was pouring through my window it was probably time to get up, but I didn't say anything. I wanted to enjoy this for a little while longer.

He rolled onto his back to stretch, rubbing his eyes before reaching his arms upward. They cracked a couple of times, causing him to let out a satisfied sigh.

I heard my phone ring, which caused my body to stiffen. "Can you pass me my phone?"

He nodded, struggling to glance over at my bedside table. He threw his arm out mindlessly, struggling to get a whole of it. Eventually he groaned and rolled over so he could easily grab it and hand it to me before returning to his stretching regimen.


"What are you doing right now?" Prentiss asked.

"Uh..." I struggled to sit up. I leaned my back against the wall, crossing my arms over my bare chest as I glanced over at Reid who gave me a confused look. "I'm just getting up. I, uh, had a long night."

"Oh?" She sounded surprised.

I gave Reid a panicked look, trying to come up with something on the spot. "Uh, yeah..." I let out an uncomfortable laugh when I finally thought of something. "Reid got really drunk last night so I had to take him home." I held back another laugh, watching as he narrowed his eyes at me.

Prentiss laughed. I shoved the phone towards Reid so he could hear, which caused him to roll his eyes and give my side a light shove before he hopped out of bed and wandered into the bathroom. I stared longingly at his naked body he disappeared behind the door. "Is he at your place right now?"

Her words brought me back. I shook the naked sight out of my mind, chewing my thumbnail as I spoke. "Uh, yeah, he crashed on my couch." I lied.

"Perfect. JJ just called me."

I frowned. "Seriously?"

"It's not case related, don't worry."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"She wants to do breakfast. Says she has news." Prentiss sounded excited.

"Oh?" I examined my thumbnail, which looked pretty gross. I really needed to stop chewing on it. "What's the plan then?"

"We're meeting at some brunch place on fifth in like an hour. Get Reid cleaned up and I'll come grab you guys."

"Sure, yeah." The bathroom door opened, I looked up at Reid, pressing my lips together to hold back a smile as I watched him tuck some hair behind his ear. He scanned the room curiously, searched for his clothes. "I'll send you my address."

"Sounds good."

I hung up and threw my phone aside. "I think they're over there." I pointed towards the left side of the bed next to my closet.

He looked up for a split second, giving me a nod as he walked over and crouched down to grab his briefs. He slipped them on and gave me a tired look as he rubbed his eyes again. "What's going on?"

I jumped out of bed, wandering over to where he stood. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in, resting the side of my face on his chest. He was so warm. "JJ's got some sort of news. Wants to do breakfast with everyone." I turned to look at him, staring at his lips with a smile.

He shook his head, holding back a smile of his own. "Can you please stop doing that?"

"Doing what?" I asked, pulling him closer.

"That." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, giving me a once over with his eyes before planting a quick kiss on my lips. "It's very distracting."

"Oh I'm distracting?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes, very much so," he responded, "it's quite unfair."

"So is life." I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes. "We should probably get ready."

"I don't want to." I wined, gripping him tighter.

He chuckled, rubbing his fingers along my back. It sent shivers down my spine. "I know, believe me, I do."

"I just wanna lay around and have sex all day."

He snorted.

I glanced up at his redden cheeks, feeling suddenly satisfied. It felt kind of good being the one who made him feel embarrassed. I ran my fingertips along his chest, stopping just below the waistband of his underwear, giving him an eyebrow raise. "We do have an hour." I suggested.

"You're actually going to be the death of me." He gripped the sides of my face, closing the space between us. When he pulled away he let out a heavy sigh. "Let's go shower."

"Okay!" I responded excitedly. I pulled away from his body, grabbing his hand as I pulled him into the bathroom.

After canoodling in the shower for a good twenty minutes we finally got back to business and scrubbed ourselves down. I hopped out before him, throwing a towel around my torso. I grabbed my toothbrush and started viciously brushing. I was anxious about seeing everyone and I couldn't help but think they'd know right away. I mean, we were profilers after all and catching people in lies was our specialty.

Reid turned off the water and stepped out. I opened up a drawer and handed him a towel before opening up another one and handing him an unopened toothbrush. I spat in the sink, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Why do you just have an extra toothbrush lying around?" He asked as he dried himself down.

"I'm an aggressive brusher," I raised my brush, showing him the damaged bristles, "you're supposed to replace them every three to four months, but I fuck the bristles up so much it's more like two for me."

"After last night that actually somehow makes sense." He chuckled.

"Was I too rough?" I asked, giving him an apologetic look.

He shook his head. "I've been tortured and almost killed by serial killers. I can take a girl choking me out in bed." He smirked.

"Okay," I put my toothbrush away, shaking my head, "now that's unfair."

"What's unfair?"

"You saying that." I responded. "It sounds way too attractive coming out of your mouth."

"My mouth?"

"Yes your mouth." Instantly I stared at his mouth, which was formed into the most mischievous smirk. "Ugh, okay," I closed my eyes, shaking my head, "I'm going to the other room before I try to jump your bones again." I walked into the bedroom, feeling my whole body tingle as I seriously thought about doing it. I heard him laugh.

He brushed his teeth, while I got dressed. I threw on a pair of jeans and an oversized striped tee. I put my hair into double braids and threw a black beanie overtop. I figured the frumpier I looked the more hungover I might seem. Plus, it would help Reid to not stare at my tits during breakfast. When I was ready I laid back in bed, scrolling through my phone.

Reid returned from the bathroom and gathered his clothes. He threw them on quickly and the returned to the bathroom.

We still had fifteen minutes so I texted Prentiss my address then decided to call Issac. I figured after the events of last night I should probably tell him. I jumped out of bed, the phone pressed tightly against my ear as I walked into the kitchen and started up a pot of coffee. I leaned against the counter, waiting for him to answer. When he didn't, I sighed, and sent him a text instead. guess who lost their dignity last night...

"Is that coffee I smell?" Reid wandered into the living room, peaking around to see me standing in the kitchen.

I nodded, glancing at the pot that was about half done. "I figured after last night you at least deserved a cup."

"Did you know that certain body odours are connected to human sexual attraction?" He blurted out. He leaned on the counter next to me, his arms crossed over his chest.

"And you bring this up why?"

"You always smell like fresh coffee," he responded, "and, uh that's probably my favourite smell other than old books."

I looked down at the floor, holding in the urge to let out the girliest shriek of excitement. I bet he didn't even realize how good at flirting he was.

"I read about this study where female participants were tasked with smelling the sweaty undershirts of multiple men," he licked his lips and raised his hands, waving them around as she spoke, "researchers found that the women could smell how symmetrical a man was, and using that information, judged his attractiveness."

"That's actually wild." I grabbed some cups from my cupboard and handed him one. "Oh, uh," I grabbed the sugar from the opposite end of the counter and put it in front of him before moving over slightly and pulling open the drawer to grab some spoons. "Here."

"Thank-you." We prepared our coffees, standing in silence as we blew on them and took a sip. At one point our eyes met and I could tell we were on the same page, because Reid let out a sigh and rested his mug on the counter. "So, uh, how do we go about this?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I mean, we definitely don't tell anybody." I said obviously.

He swallowed nervously, nodding his head. "I mean more in the sense of what this is going to be."

"I don't know." I answered. I knew for a fact I wasn't ready for this to be a relationship. Having sex and dating a coworker were two different things and while both were equally bad I felt like jumping into a relationship after only a week wasn't the brightest idea. I did, however, like him a lot and knew that despite the rules I wasn't going to be able to stop seeing him. Something about him made me feel good, right even. Sure, he was insufferable to work with sometimes and had this constant need to challenge me, but for some reason I liked it. I felt like it gave me the push I needed to be better. Plus, he was killer in the sack.

"Did you like last night?" He asked.


"Would you do it again?"


"Me too."

"I say we just do what we're doing. Go to work, be normal, and then whenever we need our needs filled we just, uh," I put out my hand, giving it an awkward shake, trying to think of the right word to say, "do whatever this is." I concluded poorly.

"Okay then," he nodded, "we just do this."

"Okay." I bit my lip, glancing at his lips. I couldn't stop staring at the them. It felt like I was a moth desperately staring into the light. I moved forward, pressing my lips against his one last time before my phone rang in my pocket. I sighed, pulling away. "Prentiss is here."

He rubbed my back as he drank the rest of his coffee and stuck it in the sink. "Back to reality, I suppose." He mumbled sadly. 

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