charles calls jude

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charles: hey

jude: hey, how are you?

charles: i'm meeting the woman who spawned me in about forty six hours

jude: god, what are you even going to say to her?

charles: i figure i'll start with a "hey" then go to the million dollar question of why she left us and pretended to be dead

jude: that seems like a solid plan

charles: are you okay? you sound sad

jude: i'm okay. i just don't know what to do about us

charles: do you think your parents have caught on?

jude: i'm not sure. nate's been throwing them off and i think they think i'm dating katherine

charles: if they find out, you can always come live with me. i can't deal with clauds by myself

jude: i love you so much charlie

charles: jude thomas rogers, i thank god everyday for earning the pleasure to love you

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