Seeing Double

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*note a scabbard is a sword holder*
Bellamy, Clarke, and Monty had gone to the command center while you decide to go to Level 5. You knew that you had an identical twin who stayed here so you wouldn't get any looks. You meet up with Octavia and Jasper. You explain to him that you want to go inside. Jasper directs you to the dorm where Monty had told you where Key's cloths were. You secretly make your way to the dorm and see nothing but a yellow dress. A dress.... they expect you to put this on?! You haven't worn one of these since you had to hold the flag for Unity Day when you were 11! This is bull! You roll up your pants so they wouldn't be seen. You take off your shirt and jacket and slip on the dress. Crap your scabbard leaves a bulge. You shove your shirt into the other side of your pants so the bulge would be even. Where should I put my jacket? Aha! You lift up your dress and tie the jacket around your waist. You lower your dress. Luckily your jacket couldn't be seen. You quietly make your way to the elevator. You push the button and hear as it comes up. The door opens, revealing a guard. He points his gun at you and you run into the elevator and push the button for level 5.
"I'm sorry it had to come to this." You say before pistol-whipping him with his own gun. You take his keycard and order the elevator doors to shut and lock. You unlock the door and walk inside. Time to find Cage. But before you can even fully walk into the room two guards grab you. Well, maybe you  should've listened to Jasper when he said it wasn't safe. You try to take one of their guns, but the other knocks you out.
You wake up and you are brought into the drilling room. You are met with the sound of Raven's screams. You look around and see... yourself? Wait no! That's your sister! You look over and see your dad right beside her.
"KEY! DAD!" You scream, the guard hits you and locks your wrists in cuffs. You look over to your sister, it was like looking in a mirror, horror filled her face just like yours, yet you both had a sense of happiness to finally meet each other. Then the door opens revealing Cage. Raven screams again making you look away. The only thing you couldn't withstand was your friends suffering. You couldn't be around Octavia when she was attacked by the serphant, you cried your eyes out the time Bellamy was hurt and told you he was scared, and you had to leave camp when Jasper was constantly yelling.
You tried to go to your happy place, sitting in a field. this time you watched as Bellamy gave a small child a piggy back ride. He skipped along pretending to be a horse while both him and the child laughed their heads off. You look up towards the sky only to see red clouds, you raise a brow before it starts to begin raining blood. You look over and see Bellamy running around the field alone, grabbing his hair.
"COME BACK, PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" He says as he frantically tries to find the misplaced child.
"Bell?" You say drawing his attention.
"I'm sorry Kes, I didn't mean to lose_"
"Lose what?"
"Our child!"
"Why is it raining blood?"
"I didn't mean to.." Bellamy says tears running down his face. You look down at his hand and see a bloody knife, and off in the distance you hear a child crying.
This is NOT happy, go to a happy place, go to a happy place. You feel someone grab your wrists. You must have been screaming, and attracted Cage's attention. The guard uncuffs you and you instantly swing, but you're stopped and brought to the table. They're drilling you! You try your hardest to escape, but you're overpowered. They lay you on a table and strap you down, preventing you from moving. You feel someone hold your head in their hands.
"Shhh, it's ok. I'm finally here, I'm gonna numb you." You hear Finn say. You can't move your head, so he leans over you so you can see him. You feel something push against your thigh. Finn walks over to the spot as soon as you feel the pain. He numbs it and you feel nothing.
"Stop!" Cage orders after about a second of drilling. "She doesn't feel anything, try her other leg."
"You're gonna have to hold on Kes, I can't numb both your legs at once." Finn explains. Then you feel it, pain fills your leg as they drill into your bone, you can't help but scream. You knew Bellamy was watching from the command center, probably screaming also.
"BELLAMY! BELLAAAMMMY!" You scream, saying his name somewhat helped with your pain. You imagined Bellamy running in the room, killing Cage and every one of the guards, and unstrapping you from the table and craddling you in his arms. Thinking of Bellamy helped keep your mind off the pain a little, but not enough to keep you from screaming his name. Finn somehow manages to numb your leg releaving you of the pain. You hear Cage huff in aggravation.
"Take her off, and put her on." Cage orders. You don't get to see who replaces you till you get cuffed back to the wall. You look over to your dad and notice Abby is missing besides him. Uh oh.

A few moments pass before the door opens again, revealing Jasper. Great, Jasper's caught. Now we're screwed. They cuff him to the wall as they continue drilling Abby. As they start to finish up Jasper turns around.
"Restrain him." Cage orders. A guard comes over and points a gun at Jasper. You look in his hand and see a knife. Yay we're not too screwed! Then an alarm goes off, and the guards start moaning in pain. You watch as red hives form across their faces. Clarke irratitiated the level. You give a sigh of relief at the thought of being free. Jasper could get the keys and release you all. But he doesn't. Instead he runs out of the room.
"Jasper come back!" You and Harper scream, but to no avail. Hope was gone, your wrists are hurting from having all your weight put on them, you can't feel your legs, you can't stand, so you just hung there... hopeless. You look over to your dad and your newly found sister. This could possibly be the last time you see them. You listen to the moans and mumbling around you for the next few minutes, until the sound of the door opening grabs your attention. You look over and see Octavia running in.
"Hey, get the keys from the guard." Your dad orders her. She does as she is told and unlocks his cuffs. "Now unlock my daughter's." Your dad runs to Abby's aid and Octavia to your sister's.
"Here You go Kes." You hear Octavia say while uncuffing Key.
"You're talking to the wrong me." You say with a sarcastic tone and a small smile. Octavia looks at you and back at Key. "I hope you're nothing like her." She says to Key, jokingly. She runs over and uncuffs you, once you're free you reach to hug her but fall to the ground. She unlocks the person beside you and orders him to unlock the rest. Octavia picks you up and half carries half drags you out into the hallway. She sits you down and helps the others. You take off the dress and put your shirt and jacket back on. You try to stand up but fail, Finn is no where and pain is starting to fill your wounds. You then hear people running down the hall, you pull the sword out of your scabbard and get ready to use it. You fill with relief as you see Clarke, Monty, and Bellamy racing to the room. You expect Bellamy to race to your side and carry you.... but he doesn't. He doesn't even notice you. You try again to stand up. Your actions wake up your legs sending pain to every inch of your wounds. You use the wall to pull yourself up, and finally get on your feet. Man does it hurt, but it isn't too painful to where you can't stand at all. Sure, you had your bones drilled into and you can't walk, but at least you can pull yourself along the wall. Before you even reach the door you hear a feminine voice higher than yours speak. A voice that had no accent, very plain and well pronounced, as if she had learned to speak from some sort of sound book.
"You... you're the guy who had the slicked back hair." You hear the perfect voice say in an upset tone. The kind of tone that you hear as someone points their finger at someone. Not mad, but close.
"Wait, you're telling me Bellamy is the guy?" Monty says in a shocked and confused tone.
"Yes. He's the one who sent me to find this place even though he knew grounders roamed the woods." The voice replies as it grows slightly angrier with each word. "You promised you'd be right behind me if something was to happen. You lied to me!"
"No, you came back to camp_" Bellamy says scared and confused.
"You know very well I didn't come back to camp! You want to know what happened? I was taken by grounders, brought to their leader who treated me like her child. Then once I left there, I was kidnapped by Mountain Men, and brought into this place! These people treated me better in one day then you did in one week! And now you've killed them all!" The voice yells. You know that story, that's the story Finn told you. That voice is Key! What Finn said wasn't a lie. WAIT! Bellamy doesn't know about your sister! Why is Octavia letting this play out?! You finally make your way to the door and look inside the room. You see Octavia standing beside Kane, with Bellamy facing towards him. Bellamy shuffles a but to the side and there you see Key, so much hate filled in her eyes that she could've killed Bellamy with her glare. She walks toward the operating table, as if she's trying to walk away from the situation.
"I..I don't understand Kes_" Bellamy is interrupted by a scalpal thrown towards him. Key had picked up a scalpal and thrown it in one movement so fast nobody knew what had happened till after it did. Bellamy looks down and turns towards his left a bit, revealing the scalpal stuck in his vest. He looks at the scalpal and shakes his head a little while giving off a disappointed look, like the one he gave you that time you pushed the crutches into the floor. He pulls it and tells Octavia to hold it. He looks up at Key, probably giving her that, "ok, what were you thinking crazy best friend" smile. And by the looks of it, Key didn't like that face.
"Ok... you're mad. I get it_" Bellamy says in a calm friendly voice before Key lunges at him, armed with her fists. Luckily Kane grabs her and holds her back. You finally make your way into the room. Keeping yourself up by holding the door frame.
"Yeah," you say drawing the attention of your dad, Octavia, and Bellamy. He looks at you with a face full of so much confusion he had to be questioning the existence of everything. "there's two of me now." You say with a small laugh. Bellamy looks back at Key, then you again, then back at Key, then you again. He keeps doing it for a good ten seconds, pointing fingers at you then Key and Mummbling, "what" inbetween. The whole thing filled you with amusement. He finally gives up and walks away and tells people to get moving. Miller comes over and picks you up, and carries you. As you exit down the hall you get a glimpse of Bellamy and Clarke talking. That was the moment you realized what Clarke was doing. You realized Bellamy only talked to you lovingly when Clarke wasn't around, and when she was he didn't. You realized why he didn't notice you in the mines. He didn't notice because he was too busy staring at Clarke. How she ran up and hugged him when you returned with you right beside him, she wanted you to see. She was trying to win his affection and take him away from you, just like she did with Finn. And Bellamy is starting to fall, you can tell. If you didn't already dislike her with a burning passion, you sure did now. You always were the one coming up with plans and ideas, always 1-uping her, (mostly because of your mirror personality) and you always made her look bad when you were around. All you have to do is make her look worse, and Bellamy would be off her in no time. And that would require you to get your hands dirty.

Next chapter preview line:
You felt forgiven for everything you've ever done..... except one thing.

He was the root of your fear and the only one who could protect you from it.

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