Hell's Paradise

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Now In the lead for favorite part written!!

You lead everyone into the prison section of the Ark. You order both Bellamy and Macallan to sit down on benches.
"What in tarnation were you thinking?" You yell.
"Shut up Macallan!_"
"Hey, I'm your big brother you don't don't tell me_"
"Alright, Calm down_"
"I'm the one who needs to calm down? I wasn't the one out there FIGHTING, YOU IDIOT!" You yell making Macallan drop his head in shame. You look over to Bellamy who already had his head dropped, but was looking at you. "And you," you say pointing the gun at him making him lift his head. "Tell me what you did that provoked him."
"What makes you think I started this?_" he asks offended as he stands and throws his hands up.
"I don't know Bellamy, maybe the fact that you're always trying to one-up him." You say sarcastically. Gosh, you sound like Murphy.
"You mean just like you do with Clarke?!" Bellamy asks.
"Are you seriously siding with Clarke in an argument she's not even in?!"
"CUT IT OUT!" Octavia yells grabbing your attention.
"What are you gonna do grounder princess?" Macallan mocks.
"Hey, leave my sister alone!" Bellamy orders Macallan.
"Why should I leave yours alone when I know what you've been doing to mine_"
"EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!!!" You yell at the top of your lungs making everyone go silent. "Just.... tell me how it started." You sigh. Macallan and Bellamy look at each other, deciding which one should go first. Macallan obviously being dominant over Bellamy speaks up.
"Well Mr. Used-to-be-King here decided he was going to tell Monty about_"
"Could you not tell her about that please?" Bellamy says scared before glancing over towards you.
"Whatever... well, I heard this conversation, and didn't like the things he was planning on doing, so I went up to him and said, 'Hey, I don't approve of what you're trying to do.' And he was like, 'oh, I didn't know it was any of your business.' And I pushed him and told him to not mess with me and he pushes me back so I punch him and then that's how it started." Macallan explains.
"What was this unnamed action that made him upset?" You say directed to Bellamy.
"I can't say_"
"Why not_"
"Because I just can't_"
"The last time you said that I put a knife to your chin." You explain. He gives you a just please don't look as you put your gun back into your weapon belt. You hop towards him, you realize the Pain isn't as bad as before and that you can walk. So you drop your crutches. Giving everyone in the room a little shock. You slowly walk towards him giving him a face of annoyance.
"Why can't you tell me?_"
"I just can_" he's cut off by a knife under his chin, the same one you had used before. And this time if you made him bleed you wouldn't cry.
You give off a sarcastic laugh and smirk before speaking.
"Listen Blake," you say in a tone similar to Murphy's. "I'm trying to prove to my father that I'm capable of keeping Arkadia intact, and you fighting my brother isn't helping me prove that point. So I need to know every detail of how this went down so when my dad asks me how I handled the situation I can tell him how the fight started.... Understand me?" You could tell he was trying his hardest not to smile. He even lifted up his arms to pull you into a hug but stopped himself.
"Yes m-ma'am." He says as he tries to hold back his laugh.
"Good." You say as you put the knife back into your pocket. You take a step back, and notice what was making him smile. You shake the thought and look back up at him, obviously noticing that you notice.
"So... what can you not tell me?"
"I... I was planning a date.... for.. us." Bellamy stutters. Your stern look drops at the word date. He was punched by Macallan, had a gun pointed at him by you, and had a knife to his chin just because he wanted to take you on a date.
"I told you one of those times that when I came back I was going to plan something special.... But I guess it isn't a surprise anymore." He continues as he scratches the back of his head. You look over to Macallan and give him a face of disgust before walking over towards him. You couldn't get in his face as good because he was about 7 inches taller than you were. *note Bellamy is 5'11" and Macallan is 6'2"* You shake your head in disappointment before turning to walk away.
"Make sure they stay separated." You say to Octavia before storming off.
Small Time Skip

"Raven don't you dare try to walk, you know you don't have your brace."
"I'm not a quitter like you Kesia." Raven says as she scoots herself to the side of the bed.
"Don't make me get Wick_"
"Oh, shut up! You wouldn't mess with him he's got work to do."
"What about Macallan," the sound of his name jolts Raven's head directly towards you. "He's going all over Arkadia talking about your little fling."
"What?" Raven questions a bit terrifed.
"Yeah, almost everyone knows."
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah, is that a problem?"
"Like hell it is!"
"Because me and Wick are together!" Her words make you fall back a little.
"So you_"
"Yeah... I did." Raven says with regret covering her voice.
"Well... I think we both know what you have to do." You say putting a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at you and gives a little nod.
Time Skip
"Happy Place"

You gasp for air as you pull your head from the water. You no longer hear voices. You look at your hands, no cuffs. You look around for a sign of Bellamy, but don't see him. You survey your surroundings. The stream lies in a wooded area and the field lied behind you just a few yards away. You know if he was anywhere he'd be there. You quietly walk alongside the river until you see a clearing on the other side. You jump across a few stones across the stream and make your way to the clearing. There's a small cabin with windows. You quietly walk towards it and see a tall and smaller figure off to the side by a honey suckle plant. You quietly sneak past as you examine more of the area. You see small patches of different kinds of yellow flowers covering small areas of the yard. You walk back towards the area the figures were. It looked like Bellamy in his dark teal shirt, absent of blood, and a small toddler. You pick up a rock and get close enough to hear their conversation.
"So you're gonna tear off the end like this, and your going to pull it out until... you see that? That's what we want." Bellamy explains before sucking the nectar out of the honeysuckle flower as the toddler does the same. "Is it good?"
"Yummy!" The toddler exclaims while they nod their head in joy. You pull the rock behind you, getting ready to hit Bellamy in the head, but he turns around and you quickly hide the rock behind your back.
"Hi!" Bellamy says with a happy grin on his face.
"Hey." You reply with a confused tone.
"Is everything alright?" He asks in a now caring voice.
"Yeah everything is fine."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure Bellamy."
"Bellamy?" He questions.
"What is that not your name?" You ask now irritated.
"You know it's not_"
"Then who are you?" He looks at you in a bit of confusion and silence.
"Hey, go inside. Mommy and I need to talk." He says motioning the toddler to go inside the cabin. The child does as told.
"Mommy?" You question.
"Hurry." He tells the child. You both stand in silence as you wait for the toddler to go inside the cabin.
"So I guess you don't know." Bellamy says as soon as the child is fully inside.
"Who are you?"
No. Say it with me. Eh"
"So if you're 'Emillai' then why do you look like Bellamy?"
"Because I'm his opposite. Bellamy... It means, "handsome friend." And Emillai means "ugly enemy" it just makes sense."
"What is this place?"
"This? This is Hell's Paradise!" Emillai says with a smile on his face as he looks around showingly. "This is where all of your happiest dreams turn to nightmares!"
"I don't have time to explain because you're about to get transferred to another nightmare, but this is where dreamers like you come when they die."
"I'm not dead!"
"Hate to break it to you but you're here."

Then you're back at the field this time having a little picnic with Emillai and the child. Emillai puts the child on his shoulders and pretends to be a horse galloping around the field. Then it all happens again. The blood, the crying, the terror. Instinctively you scream, but this time you can't escape until you've finished the nightmare meaning you'd have to go through the part where you're held underwater.

You finally escape from Hell's Paradise and back into the real world. You open you're eyes and are instantly greeted by Macallan. Relief fills his face as he notices you're awake.
"You're not allowed in here." You say in your stern voice, making him somewhat sad.
"I know, but Octavia said you've been asleep all day and_"
"All day?!" You question. You couldn't have been asleep all day! you had to prove to your dad you could take care of things!
"Yeah.." He answers confused.
"Where's Bellamy?" You ask changing the subject.
"I don't want you near_"
"Where. Is. He?" You ask through closed teeth.
"He's... he's already in his room, probably asleep." He didn't even say 'probably asleep' before you had gotten up and started walking towards his room.
"Kes_" He yells trying to bring you back. You turn around and see Raven still on her bed.
"How about you talk to your 'girlfriend' about how you were a one time thing!" You yell. Shocking both Raven and yourself. Macallan looks at Raven with a confused face. That should stall him. You walk off letting them figure out the situation while you run to Bellamy's room, your legs a little sore, but you manage. You get to his room and don't even knock. You don't hesitate to swing the door open, revealing a half naked Bellamy.
"JESUS!" He yells as you barge in. He must've taken a shower.
"Oh, it's just you." He says with a sigh before starting to put on his white tanktop.
"What are you doing?" You question harshly, stopping him.
"Well, I'm putting on a shirt."
"Well can you not do that?"
"What's wrong with_oh..." He realizes as he gets a seductive smile on his face. You slowly walk towards him and he does the same. When you two finally meet in the middle you embrace him. His warm body felt good against your shivering cold one. Stupid winter. You look at his face, and remember how Emillai's look exactly like it, making you jump back a bit. Bellamy notices this and let's you loose.
"Are you scared of me?" He questions like a sad 3 year old.
"No, no of course not." You lie with a fake smile.
"Is it because I..... I killed the people of Mount Weather?" His words stun you. You thought Clarke did it by herself.
"You... You did that?"
"Well... I guess you have another reason to believe I'm a monster." He says before reaching for his tanktop. He puts it on and heads toward the door, but you grab his arm stopping him. He stares at you annoyed, trying to cover up his heartbreak.
"You are not a monster to me Bellamy Blake." You say a tad aggrivated. "And the things you do don't define who you are." His annoyed look drops as his eyes glaze over with tears. You basically just forgave his for everything he's ever done, and he never has felt more loved in his entire life. He just can't contain it. He sucks in air, holding back his tears. You pull him into a hug and walk him over to the bed and sit down. He fights his tears and has soft spasms as he shakily breathes. After about 5 minutes of him crying, he's finally still. Believing he's asleep, you lightly lift his head off your shoulder and on the pillow. You quietly get off the bed and start to make your way to the door.
"Kes.." Bellamy whispers, grabbing your attention. "Please don't leave.." You walk towards the bed and lay your guard jacket on a chair. You lay right beside him and pull the covers over your bodies. You cup his face in your hand.
"I won't... I never will." You whisper before planting a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles as you rest your head on his chest and drift off to sleep.

Next part preview line:
Kesia............... You can't love a monster like me. And if you could, all I will do is hurt you.

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