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"Kesia, wake up!" Bellamy yells while shaking you.
"Get off her, leave her alone! Kesia wake up!" You hear Macallan yell. You start to wake up. You're on the ground. You must have fallen while in your flashbacks.
"Are you ok?" Macallan questions.
"I'm fine, it was just a day dream." You say.
"But you were screaming." Macallan tells you still in his questioning tone.
"Yeah, she has those. You would've known that if you were there for her." Bellamy says in an aggravated tone.
"I didn't even know she was my sister until I was told that she was sent to the ground." Macallan replies through closed teeth. You finally get your eyes open and become fully awake. You see Macallan clentch his fist and stand up. Neither of them are looking at you, they're too busy fighting.
"Well how long ago was it until you met her?" Bellamy questions raising his voice. Macallan doesn't answer. You want to interfere, but you also want to see how far they would go. So you watch.
"Yeah, not even a whole day," Bellamy says raising his voice even more. "and I've known her ever since she was 5, so if you think that 11 years later you can just pop up and play big brother just know you can't! I know, I've been playing that role for 17 years, and it's something you can't just do in one day!"
"I know I can't, and I'm grateful that you played that role for her," Macallan says softly as he's trying to stay calm. "but now I'm here, so you can go."
"Since when do you get to tell me what to do?" Bellamy gets in Macallan's face.
"Would you like it if I told your sister what to do?" Macallan questions.
"No, but_"
"So what makes you think I would?" Macallan asks, you look at Bellamy who is embarrassed and defeated. He looks at you and notices that you probably just saw everything, making him even more embarrassed. Macallan notices him staring and notices you as well.
"We'll talk about this later." Macallan warns Bellamy, making sure to bump Bellamy's shoulder as he walks by.
Then Abby and Octavia come up the ladder. Bellamy walks toward you and holds out his hand. You grab it and he pulls you up. You see the heartbreak in Bellamy's eyes, he won't be able to take care of you the way he used to anymore. You hug him. Neither of you want to speak of what just happened, so you just don't talk at all.
Time Skip

You watch as Abby gives Lincoln a shot, before he starts convulsing again. You didn't feel the need to help, Abby worked with your mother, and your mother was an amazing doctor, so you trusted her like you would've trusted your Mother.
"He's gone." Abby says, shocking you. Well... maybe you should have done something.
"No." Octavia says before giving him chest compressions. Soon afterwards Clarke brings in the commander. Hey, that's Lexa, you know her, she was the one that took you in that time you ran from camp trying to find Octavia. She's the commander?
Lexa looks terrified, then she looks at you. You wanted didn't want to just sit there and look helpless, so you thought of something. The shock baton. You grab the baton and roll it to Abby, who must have thought of the same thing. She grabs it and shocks Lincoln. Nothing happens. She does it again. Miraculously he starts to breath again. Lexa looks in awe. She turns her head at you and you give her a nod. You stand up and walk towards her.
"You're Skai Kru?" Lexa questions suprised and upset.
"You're Heda?" You question in the same way as her.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Clarke questions.
"She saved my life, trained me how to fight, and taught me how to speak Trigedasleng." You say, you can tell Clarke doesn't understand the last part. "Grounder." You say.
"You never told me you were with Skai Kru." She says upset.
"You never told me you were Heda." You reply.
"I thought you already knew."
"That makes two of us."
"You killed my people."
"And you killed mine, but I have never spilt Tri Kru blood unless they had spilt Skai Kru blood." You defend. Lexa couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Just like you say..... Jus drein jus daun." You say with a smirk.
Time Skip
Bellamy point of view

I walk far infront of everyone else as we head back to camp. Strangely Kesia didn't want to walk next to me, but Octavia. I hear someone walking towards me, I expect it to be Kesia, but instead it's her brother.
"Remember when I said it wasn't over?" He asks.
"I think it is now." I say.
"Listen, I don't like you."
"Really, I never would have guessed."
"And that's exactly the reason why. I don't care if you're her boyfriend, her best friend, or her family friend, I know what's bad for her, and you're it." He says.
"Really you know her after a few hours?"
"The fact that you don't respect me, is the reason why I'm making sure you'll never be my brother-in-law. So if I find out that you've been talking to her, loving on her, or standing near her, I'll keep her away myself." He orders before walking back to the rest of the group. He didn't ask me to, he told me to. If he thinks this is best I'll do it. He's her actual family, and I'm just her friend, maybe he does know what's best, even if it means breaking my heart.
Time Skip
Kesia point of view

You see Finn sitting alone, obviously thinking. You start to walk by. You want nothing to do with him, but then you see his face, scared and devastated. You debate in your head for a while then turn around and walk towards him. You sit down and he doesn't even look at you, he keeps staring off into the distance. You try to think of something to say but you can't. You can tell he regrets what he did tremendously, and that makes you sad. You mindlessly take your hand and grab his, making him come out of his thoughts. He looks at you and you catch a glimpse of those brown regret-filled eyes. You feel him grab your hand back, accepting it. He starts to lean towards you, but then you hear someone coming. You both release hands quickly and look away from each other, acting like whatever you were doing never happened. You see Murphy walking towards you. Great the only person you didn't want to see. You see he has a gun, you wince a bit at the thought. He sits down on the other side of Finn.
"Hey man, Bryne actually gave me a gun. I guess we really are screwed huh?" Murphy says with a sarcastic, small laugh. Neither you or Finn say a word. You start to get up, you don't want to be near Murphy right now, but then you see Clarke and Bellamy, and you know it is something important, so you sit back down.
"Hey, we're reinforcing all of our defences, doubles on the border. No ones getting past that wire." Bellamy informs us. You and Finn both stand up. Apparently for different reasons.
"What?!" You ask, but Bellamy ignores you and keeps talking to Finn. You listen to them blabber until Clarke speaks.
"Right now we have to think about keeping you safe, I'm going to talk to Lincoln." She says. Then you remember what happened between you and Finn a while ago. You disliked Clarke, but you would never kiss her boyfriend. What were you thinking? Bellamy tells Finn to come with him and they all walk away. Leaving you with Murphy. He hops up, "Hey Princess, any orders for me?" He asks Clarke.
"Stay away from me." She tells him the same thing you wanted to. You give off a little laugh.
"Just trying to be helpful." He says like a sad 5 year old. Clarke slowly turns around and you know shes upset. You stand behind Murphy so you wouldn't get in the way.
"You were both with him at the village." Clarke says bringing you into the conversation you didn't want to be in, making you mad.
"I tried to stop him." Murphy says walking towards her.
"Not hard enough." Clarke says before walking away. You step out infront of Murphy.
"You know what, you wanna start blaming people Clarke," You yell making her stop. "he was out there looking for you." Clarke doesn't say anything, then walks away.
"She's only upset with us because she didn't get the chance to stop it." You tell Murphy.
"Yeah, only if we could've." He says with another small, sarcastic laugh wirh just a hint of regret. You grab his arm and turn him around to face you. He has his annoyed face as he usually does, but you know he's upset.
"Listen Murphy, we did the best that we could, and if you dare beat yourself up for that then just know I will too." You say. you know he can see the fire in your eyes. He tries to escape your grasp, but you don't let him.
"Come on Firegirl, let me go." He says annoyed.
"Not until you tell what's wrong." You say.
"I already did, now let me go." He orders trying to get out of your grasp again, but you tighten your hold.
"I can tell something else is bothering you." You say.
"God, you just don't give up do you." He groans.
"You're so stubborn." You groan back.
"I don't have another problem, but if I make one up will that satisfy you?" He asks in an annoyed tone.
"John Murphy_"
"Kesia Kane." You give him the biggest stank eye you've ever gave anyone, making him smile.
"You're cute when you're mad." He laughs.
"Shut up Murphy!" You yell. You try to keep your face from showing the embarrassment, but fail.
"You're not as strong as you try to be Firegirl. Trust me, I do the same thing, and there's always a limit that can only be passed by people we care about. And you cross it everyday, so it's good to know that care about me too." He's basically in your face. You can feel his breath on your cheeks, you knew what he was trying to do, and you didn't want it. You let go of his arm, and luckily he gets the hint.
"There's another limit you cross too." You say.
"Really? And what happens when I cross it?" He questions with a light, excited tone and a smile on his face.
"I get aggravated like right now. You get on my nerves everyday." You say with a smirk. He drops his smile, and you walk off.

You find Bellamy in time to see him walking out the gate. Where is he going this time? You run as fast as you can towards him, (now being able to do that with your leg finally being healed.) You scream his name, but he doesn't acknowledge you, you know he can hear you. You watch as he walks away as the gate shuts on your face. Is he ignoring you? You walk into the Ark and hear Abby talking to Lincoln. You realize he's back to normal. You walk in and see him strapped down.
"What's going on, is he still a reaper?" You ask.
"No." Octavia answers.
"Then why is he still__"
"Just forget it." Lincoln says.
"Kesia!" You hear your father say. You hadn't seen him in a while, and you definitely didn't want to see him now. He walks over to hug you but you back away.
"I found my brother." You say.
"Kesia that's great I__"
"He said he has been looking for me, that you told him about me the day you sent me down to Earth." You say crossing your arms.
"Kesia... I..."
"Don't...... just don't." You say before walking off.
Time Skip

It's dark when Bellamy and the others return. You run up towards them and Bellamy walks away. You couldn't take it anymore, you have to see why he's acting like this.
"Bellamy!" You yell while walking after him. He ignores you. You start to run.
"Bellamy Blake listen to me!" You yell. You reach him and try to turn him around but he frees himself. You run infront of him and stop. He tries to go around you, but you grab his arm. He frees himself again. You grab the knife out of your pocket and run infront of him again, pointing the knife at his face so he can see it. He stops.
"Bellamy Blake, I am sick and tired of this game you're playing. You are going to tell me what is going on!" You order as you look him dead in the eyes. They looked fearful, and not just because you had a knife.
"No." He says. He tries to walk around again and you step infront of him again, this time putting the knife on the bottom of his chin. You see him make a huge gulp.
"Bellamy," You say through closed teeth, you were angry as fire.
"I can't talk to you." He says. He wasn't telling you anything, you just got madder by the second. You started to bare down hard on his skin with the knife. So hard that blood started to drip down the blade.
"ANSWER ME BELLAMY!" You scream.
"I'M SORRY I JUST CAN'T!" He yell-cries, pain dripping from his voice. You pull the knife away and only then do you realize the blood. You drop the knife immediately and tears fill your eyes.
"I'm so sorry Bell... I didn't..... I'm a monster." You say as you start to cry. You try to hug him but he walks towards the fence. Leaving you alone. You fall on the ground, and sob for a few minutes. You didn't even get up when you heard grounders screaming. It's only until Raven and Clarke see you that you stand up. Raven grabs your hand but pulls back immediately as she touches the blood on your hands.
"I'll be back." She says before walking away with Clarke. A few minutes later she comes back and helps you up. She walks with you to the fence and shows you what is happening. You see Finn tied to a pole. Then a few minutes later Clarke. You watch as she walks toward Finn. They appear to talk and then Finn drops his head. Clarke steps back revealing a stab wound in Finn's chest. She stabbed him in the heart. Raven screams and drops to the ground. You drop down with her and comfort her. You can't believe what you just witnessed.

A/N: if you like Imagine Dragons then the next chapter is going to be your favorite!!

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