Part 9

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In the football field, Pawin was sitting in the audience row beside the field. He was watching Marc training with the rest of his teammates. Next to Pawin was Chimon and AJ.
" You're Pawin, am I right? Marc's roommates ? " Chimon started the conversation between them.
" Chai...I'm Pawin but you can call me Win. How do you know me? " Pawin answered with a question.
" I'm Chimon and this is AJ....Marc always talks about you " Chimon said while pointing at AJ.
" About what ?.... " Before Pawin finished his sentences, AJ cut him.
" How could we don't know?! We saw you're watching that guy for a long time. It's obvious " AJ points at Marc who's at the field. Then Chimon and AJ leave for a while to prepare drinks for the football team.
" Mon...Marc told us to not tell anyone, right? You almost told him..not anyone know.. " AJ whispered to Chimon.
" Sorry.. Sorry.. " Chimon apologized.

Pawin just smiled...He was embarrassed actually. Someone just caught him thinking about Marc who looked handsome playing football.
Wait a minute....
Did he just said Marc was handsome? Pawin close his mouth. He couldn't believe he just said that. He looked around to make sure no one saw him. Luckily he said it in his thoughts.
" Oiii why did I just think about? What's wrong with me? Wait...Why's my heart is beating fast ? Oiiii !! " Pawin questions himself.

It was the rest time for the football team before trains again.
" Your drinks is here khap ! " AJ give every player one drink each. The situation is chaotic after that. They were chatting to each other with some of the players teasing around. Even though it was chaotic, Pawin was still sitting with his thoughts. He's in his own world and didn't realize Marc was getting closer to him.
" Baaa!!! " Marc surprised Pawin.
" Ai hiaa !! Sawadeeja.." Pawin was shocked.
" 55555 " Marc just laughed. Pawin reaction was so cute to him.
" You shocked me, Marc " Pawin said in a sulking tone. He was shocked that he even swears. He hated it when that word came out of his mouth while he was with someone else.
" 555 Sorry... You looked like you're in your own world so I just wanted to surprise you... Narak Jang ! " Marc says.
" Alaina ???! " Pawin asked Marc. He may be mistaken with the last sentence of Marc.
" Oo Maimee... " Marc shutters. He slipped out his words that he kept in his mouth.
" This mouth is very naughty " Marc said to himself. He slaps his mouth softly. They had a chit chat before Marc coach called them for training again.

While Marc's friends, Perth, Chimon, AJ and JJ are watching them.
" Oho wan jeab!! " AJ and JJ said in unison.
" Look at them.. hiding their true feelings " Chimon says making the other three confused.
" They?? Do you mean that Pawin also has feelings for Marc? How did you know ? Wasn't Marc the only one who had feelings? " Perth asks Chimon continuously.
" Isn't it obvious? AJ, you saw it too ! " Chimon answered. Both Perth and JJ are looking at AJ asking for an explanation.
" Me?? Do I know? " AJ points at himself. He was also confused.

" Hhaa... *sigh* You saw Pawin earlier,right? Don't you see his gaze? He was clearly liking Marc but he doesn't realize it. " Chimon explained. All of them looked at Marc and Pawin.
" You're right " JJ breaks the silence between them.
" So what do we do now? " Perth asks.
" Do what? " AJ asked Perth back.
" Ouuu... How to get them together? " Perth answered.
" But before that, we need to make sure of Pawin's feelings first. Remember what Marc told us this morning? " Chimon leads them. All of them nodded.

* Flashback *

Marc arrived after having breakfast with Pawin. His friends were already there. He sat down on a bench with Perth and Chimon in his right and AJ and JJ in his left.
" Marc.. who did you eat with in the cafeteria? He looked very famous. The girls were all over him. " Perth asks.
" Right... I don't think he's from our faculty. I have never seen him before. " Chimon continues.
" Ooo that guy. He's my roommate. The one that I've been telling you about. I think he's from the Psychology Faculty. Why do you ask ? " Marc just straight up answered the question.
" Oooo... " All of them awe in unison.

After that, Marc was wandering alone. He's in his deep thought. Not until his friends came next him and he uttered a question that was lingering in his head.
" When your heart beat rises when you're with someone, what does that mean? " Marc thinks.
" Huh?? " JJ is confused about Marc question.
" I mean...your heart beat suddenly goes faster than usual when you're with someone, what does that mean? Do you know? " Marc asked again.
" It means you have feelings for that person. Like when I'm with Mon. Why did you ask ? " Perth looked at Chimon who's already blushing.
" Really ???! " Marc was surprised. Does that mean he likes Pawin? But does Pawin like him back ? Why do he like him ?
" I?????.....Like????....Pawin????? " Marc questions himself but his words are heard by his friends.
" Huh????! You like Pawin????! " They almost shouted.
" Slow it down... " Marc quickly shut his friend's mouth.
" But how?? " AJ asked him.
" I also didn't know.. This morning, he woke me up. He looked at me while I was sleeping. I almost pinned him to bed...I was out of my mind. He just looked pretty. I adored him so much. When my eyes met his eyes, my heart suddenly beat faster. " Marc just speaks up on what's on his mind. He really trusts his friends.
" But it's weird. " Marc said.
" How so ? " Chimon asked back.
" I only felt this when with a girl but he's a boy. " Marc answered.
" Ai sutt !!! Do you forget that you're a Bi. We had the test together for fun. Remember? " Perth says in a teasing tone.
" Ohhh I forgot " Marc talked back.

" You are really.... " Perth smiled.
" Did he know that you liked him? " JJ asks the important question.
" If he knew, I wouldn't be asking you this, ai sutt...even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything though. " Marc answered while thinking about Pawin phobia.
" Why do you think so? " Chimon asked him again.
" Because he has a phobia. Phobia of Hurting People. I hope you kept this a secret. I'm the only person who knew about this. Even his parents don't know. So please keep this as a secret na ... " Marc asked them to keep the secret. He doesn't want to hurt Pawin. Pawin has suffered enough. All of them sigh.
" Okay... we'll keep this secret but don't hide your feelings for too long. " Perth advised him. Marc just nodded.

* End of Flashback *

So, Marc's friends came out with a plan to make Pawin realize his feelings for Marc without telling Marc.
" First, we need to be friends with Pawin to dig some information " Chimon made the plan for them. They walked to the audience row as they saw Pawin's friends were there too.

Meanwhile in the audience row, Pawin was attended by his friends, First, Khaotung, Winny and Satang.
" What are you doing here,peuan? " Winny sat down on Pawin left with Satang beside him.
" Just watching " Pawin answered.
" Who? " First turn to sit on Pawin's right with Khaotung.
" That guy. My roommate that I told you about. " Pawin points his finger to the person with the number 10 on his back.
" Ohhh.. " Satang looked at the person.
" You like him, am I right? " Khaotung asked Pawin.
" Uhh.... actually I didn't know it yet. Maybe I like him but how did you know? " Pawin curious.
" Come on...I could see it even on other planets. It's obvious. " First replied to him.
" Don't tell other people na " Pawin requested them to keep this secret.
" We won't.... Did you tell him yet? " Satang guaranteed to him.
" Not yet....I'm afraid " Pawin said.
" What are you afraid of ? " Winny asked him.
" What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore? What if he leaves me ? I don't want that ... I don't want... " Pawin started shaking again. His bad thoughts are over him.
" Okay ..okay...stop! " Khaotung stopped him from thinking as he realized that Pawin was shaking.
" Don't think too much na " Satang also realized that. They sigh as they are relieved that Pawin is fine.
" Just don't keep it for too long...It will hurt you later " First advised him.
" You will regret it " Winny talked back to him.
" Shut baa ! " Satang put his hand to Winny's mouth to shut him off. All of them just laughed as it was normal for them.

They were chatting when Perth, Chimon, AJ and JJ came and sat near them.

" Hi, Win... " Chimon call for Pawin.
" Hi...Chimon, AJ and who are they? " Pawin said.
" I'm Perth khap..Chimon faen. This is JJ, AJ's twin brother. We all are Marc's friends. " Perth introduced them. AJ and JJ wave at Pawin.
" Ohhh..." Pawin wave back at them.
" And who are they? " AJ asked.
" I'm Winny and this is my faen, Satang " Winny only introduces him and Satang.
" Ai only introduce him , don't you? I'm First and my faen, Khaotung. " First hit Winny in the back of his head.
" Ohhh...Nice to meet all of you " Chimon says.
" Us too ! " Khaotung replied.
" Perth, JJ...why don't you play? " Pawin realized that Perth and JJ weren't playing in the field.
" Ohhh...we have finished. Marc hasn't told you ? " JJ answered.
" No..he hasn't told me anything " Pawin checks his phone in case Marc has messaged him but there's no message from Marc. Pawin becomes worried. He just knew it , he really cared about Marc and doesn't want anything happened to him.
" Win... don't think too much. Maybe he's in the toilet... " Satang tried to calm Pawin down.
" Or your anxiety will come....don't think na " Khaotung relaxed him.
"Okay.." Pawin said but inside him are screaming Marc name hoping that he's fine.

Pawin calmed and relaxed himself as he was being told to but as soon as he saw Marc, he rushed over him.
" Win...khot toot. I was helping the coach earlier and my phone ran out of battery. Can ...... " Marc didn't finish his sentence when Win suddenly hugged him.
" Don't do it again na... it's making me worried. " Pawin says to Marc. Marc feel that Pawin body was shaking.
" Okay.. I won't do it again " Marc put his hand on Pawin back and patted him.
" Shhh.... I'm here now. " Marc calming Pawin. They let go of the hug after a while. Their friends who were still there just keep their eyes blind and slowly leave both of them alone.

Marc felt sorry to Pawin. He wiped Pawin face with his hand. He really loved this short cutie. He let Pawin let go of his emotions first then bring them to their dorm room.
" Let's go to the room first " Marc ask Pawin. He looked at Pawin worried face.
" He really cared about me. How could I possibly let him go ? " He talked to himself. Pawin answered him with a nod.

Meanwhile First, Khaotung, Winny, Satang, Perth, Chimon, AJ and JJ are watching them.
" Looks like we don't need any plan to get them together " Chimon smirk.
" That's right " Perth agreeing with his faen.
" Judging by this...I think we should be ready for our ears tomorrow " Winny and Satang laughs.
" I think we all know what's their feeling for each other before they knew it " AJ continue. All of them agree.

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