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At the hospital, Pawin was put in an intensive ward. His condition needs a doctor's observation for a few days. Within that time, Marc visited Pawin ward everyday to see his condition whether it's getting better or the same.

" Win...I bought food for you ! " Marc says as he enters the ward with plastic of food in his hands. Pawin just smiled. He still has the symptoms when he's with Marc but just keeps it cool.
" Khop Khun na .... Just put it there " Pawin orders Marc while struggling to get down from the bed due to his height.
" Okay... " Marc serves the food on the table and proceeds to help Pawin who's struggling.
"Why is he looking so cute struggling with his short height? " Marc thought in his head and smiled himself.

Marc holds Pawin's hand to help him get down the bed.
" Slowly..slowly " Marc said looking at the careless Pawin.
" I know.. I'm not a kid " Pawin answered Marc but his feet still didn't fully touch the floor, only tiptoeing.

As Pawin said that, he mistakenly took the wrong steps and his feet slipped over the bed side. He was surprised and almost fell but luckily, Marc was aware of the situation and held Pawin. Marc left hand now in Pawin's waist while his right were in the back to support unstable Pawin who almost fell. As the time seemed to stop, they were locked in each other's feelings. Pawin puppy eyes met with Marc narrow eyes in a softened gaze, their accidental body position with Pawin holding on Marc's waist, the gap between them, the line they never crossed. No one could bother them at this moment. They were transfixed with each other.

Marc's gaze changed to Pawin's pink lips that tempts him at the moment. He couldn't stop looking at Pawin's features that he's never seen this close. He adored this short cutie that he thought was very mysterious. Now, he wants to get to know this short cutie deeper.

Pawin couldn't do anything but to look at Marc's face that's closer than someone ever been with him. His gaze is fixed to Marc. He admired it . How could someone look so good just by its face? Marc's beauty isn't compared with other people he met. He's stuck in the moment just like Marc.

Suddenly, Pawin's friends, Winny, Satang, First and Khaotung visited him. Their visit wasn't expected by Pawin.
" How are you , peun rak !? " Winny crashed the ward without knocking.
" We're here na kha ! To give you nightmares. " First continues after Winny.
Marc and Pawin were obviously shocked letting go of their position immediately. Then acted like nothing happened but Pawin friends are fast.
" Are we interrupting something? " Satang asked jokingly while smirking.
" Looks like we came at the wrong time, right? " Khaotung continued his friend's joke. They all laugh to tease Marc and Pawin.
" Maii !!! " Marc and Pawin in unison denying the statement.

" Uhhh....Do you want to eat? " Pawin carefully thought his word to not make his friends misunderstand the situation but at the same time, he didn't want his friends to be sulky or hurt with his answer so he chose to change the topics.

They were having fun chatting after that. Mostly the topics are about Marc and Pawin condition also some lecture topics.
" Khun Thanik.. It's time for your appointment kha " One of the nurses in charge of Pawin ward calling Pawin for his appointment with Doctor Chana. They all followed Pawin till the doctor rooms but only the person that is a family member is allowed to accompany Pawin.
" Khun Thanik and Khun Natarit.. you can come in " The nurse said.
" This person also ? " Pawin asks as Marc wasn't his family member or something.
" Isn't he your faen, Khun Thanik? He told us when he bought you here. " The nurse answered.
" Ahhh " Pawin just nodded and went inside the doctor room with Marc .

Winny is the only one confused.
" Alaiwah ??! Why Marc can....can... " Winny asked in a dissatisfied tone.
" Why are you so late ? " Satang wonders how he can fall for someone who's dumb.
" Because he said ' faen ' " First laughs.
" He gets a free pass not like us " Khaotung explained.
" So, we are ' peun ' but Marc is ' faen ' ? " Winny tried to understand it.
" Tuk tong !!! " Three of them answered in unison and laughed at Winny.
" Ohh... I understand it now " Winny smiled as he finally understood it.

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