They're the one

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possible tws, transphobia and a small(?) Breakdown

Tubbo's pov:

I woke up to my sister knocking on the door. "Tubbo, Can I come in?" I groaned as I rolled out of bed and opened the door. " What is it?" She had a worried expression on her face. "Mom found your binders again, I don't think you're gonna be able to talk her out of this again." Oh god. Last time she found my binders I had to talk her out of throwing them out.

"Well, that's gonna make things difficult" she giggled at that. "I'll try and take them but it might not work, you need to be more careful where you put them." I rolled my eyes "sorry, won't happen again" she waved and ran downstairs. I don't have the energy to really care anymore

All silence in the house was broken when my mother started yelling up the stairs. I could hear my name and several swear words. I'm probably in trouble now. If I don't "get my ass down there" soon I'm probably gonna be grounded or something.

I rushed down the stairs to find my mother with an angry expression on her face. Oh god. "Tara, what did I say about having these goddamned things. You know you can't have these, they make you look like a boy." I rolled my eyes which probably made her even more pissed "well maybe that's the fucking point mom. Maybe you can stop being an ass for once and let me live my life in peace?"

She looked like she wanted to hit something, it made me worried. She started yelling again and honestly I'm close to crying. Being yelled at always makes me cry, but this really isn't the time to break down. "I'm sorry mom but I'm not listening to this right now. I'll be upstairs if you need me."

I ran upstairs and shut my door as loudly as possible. I wish I could call Ranboo right now, they'd probably be able to help me. But hes probably in school right now so I guess I have to wait.

---time skip a couple hours lol---

I decided to finally go downstairs and grab something to eat. I slowly open my door and sneak down the stairs. I see my mother sitting at the dining table. I head to the kitchen and grab something to eat before sneaking towards the laundry room.

I'm silently hoping she didn't notice one or that I could steal back my binders. To my disappointment, she had found all of them. I went to leave the room and ran into my mother. "oh shit sorry" I tried to move past her but she grabbed my shoulders. "Tara, Ive decided to put my foot down. I think I'll be taking your electronics...I know you're mad but I think it's best."

God she makes me so mad "mom I bought those with my money, at least pay me the money back." She looked startled "No. Go back up to your room and I'll call you back down when your father comes home. I don't want to see you until then, you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." I replied, finally making my way past her and up the stairs. I flopped down on my bed and decided to check my phone. I smiled when I saw a text from them. God he makes me so happy, I think I may have a crush on him honestly.


Hey Tubbo, hows your day been?

It's been pretty
good how was yours?

It's been terrible 😔
I didn't get to see you

all day😥

Can I come over then?

Please do,
do I need to pick you up?

Nah I can walk

K see you
in a little bit<3

I giggled at what they said, he could always make things better. Although having cheered up a bit I did feel bad for lying to him. It felt wrong but I didn't want them to have to deal with me.

---time skip, he's at ranboo's house---

I was standing in front of ranboo's house, I don't know why but I was hesitant to knock. I had nothing to worry about. Well, other than the fact that I just snuck out my window to come here. That's unimportant though.

I finally knocked on the door and was immediately greeted by Ranboos mom. She seemed excited to see me. "Hi Tubbo! Ranboo told me you were coming! Oh, come in, they're up in their room." I said hello and hurried up to his room. I knocked on the door and was immediately embraced in a hug when the door was opened.

"You saw me yesterday, clingy bitch" they giggled and picked me up "ah! What the fuck Ranboo?!" He put me down and started laughing. It was cute when they laughed, it made me smile. "Sorry Tubbo, I missed you so much" I giggled "like I said, you saw me yesterday, how could you possibly miss me that much?" I swear I saw his face turn red "uh maybe it's just cause I love you so much, hm?"

We finally sat down on their floor and started talking about our day. Mostly them, since all they knew was that nothing happened. It was nice hearing him talk about things he liked, the smile on their face showed just how excited they were. Honestly I was close to a breakdown but I smiled through it.

I guess I zoned out because when I snapped out of it Ranboo looked worried. "Hey, is something wrong Tubbo?" The look of genuine worry in their eyes did it. I broke. Why did it have to happen here? Why did I have to start crying in front of them? He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into their lap. " Hey, it's okay. Don't cry Tubbo, everything's alright"

I finally managed to say something "im sorry" was all I could get out. God dammit why am I so weak? I should have been able to hold it together, why didn't it work? "Don't say sorry Tubbo, can you tell me what happened? Please?" I shook my head, I felt bad for doing it but I was not in the place to talk.

I felt him get up, picking me up in the process and setting me down in their bed. They got in behind me and snuggled me from behind. I was red as fuck but I was comfortable.

At some point I finally stopped crying and turned around to look at them. They looked so calm. He looked at me and smiled. "hey, are you okay?" I nodded. They still had their arms wrapped around me and although trying to ignore it, it still made me blush.

"I don't want to push anything but I have to ask. What happened Tubbo? You kinda started crying out of nowhere." I frowned, I didn't wanna talk about it but I know it'll probably help. "It was something that happened earlier today, it's honestly nothing Ranboo." They looked at me in disappointment. "I'm not taking that as an answer Tubbo. Did someone hurt you? If they did I will kick their a-"

I put my finger against their lips, "shhh" the look on his face was absolutely hilarious, but why was he blushing? "Tubbo." They said. "Fine. My mom found my binders and is probably throwing them out along with my stuff." He looked...angry? "Is there any way I can help? I can get you a new one if you need?" He was about to say something else but decided against it. I smiled "it's fine Ranboo, I can buy another one myself. It'll be fine, I promise." They didn't say anything and smiled back, holding me closer to their chest

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I was comfortable for once and I was very happy.


How to write a breakdown
1. Idfk

Word Count-1339)

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