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// elsa
I hurriedly made my way down to the Slytherin common room. I was wearing a poofy yellow gown with black butterflies, along with elbow-high black gloves and black flats with silver jewels. Harry and I had agreed to meet in the ballroom, and Jamie and I had agreed to would meet in the Slytherin common room.

Jamie left the door to the common room slightly opened so I could enter, and when I did I saw that only Pansy Parkinson was there.

"Hi, Pansy. You look pretty," I commented.

"Elsa." Pansy's eyes flashed. "I heard that you and Draco are getting a bit... friendly."

"Oh, yeah. Draco and I are friends." I emphasised the word. "And plus, I think you guys make a cute couple!"

That was a total lie. I only said that to please Pansy because I could see the deadly look in her eyes. Draco and Pansy are so not my OTP.

"Really? Because we broke up." She crossed her arms.

"Oh, I, um, I'm sorry to hear that.  Do you need to... talk about it?" I honestly didn't know what Pansy wanted. Jamie please hurry up, I thought.

"Get out of my way," Pansy hissed, and pushed past me. I regained my balance, and to my surprise, stuck out my foot to trip her.

NO ELSA STOP DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING?! my brain yelled, but it was too late.

Pansy tripped, yet caught herself. She glared at me, but before she could make a move, I heard a voice say,

"Jamie's still getting ready, Elsa."

I looked up and saw Draco with black dress robes on.

"Oh, okay," I said with relief as Pansy stalked off.

"What was Parkinson saying?" he wondered.

"Um... she said I looked pretty," I lied.


I could tell Draco didn't believe me.

"Uh, you look nice," I told him, trying to change the subject. Please, Jamie, please hurry, I begged to myself again.

"Ready, Elsa!" Jamie finally came down the stairs.

"Hallelujah!" I exclaimed, rushed over towards her. I gasped. "I love your hair!"

"Thanks, that's what took me so long. I was re-dying it," Jamie told me. "Under-estimated how long it'd take."

"OMG, and your dress!"

She was wearing a black lace dress that came farther down in the back and cute galaxy-printed high heel boots.

"Thanks Elsa." Jamie blushed and smiled.

"You look great, Jamie." Draco smiled. Jamie squeezed his hand lightly.

"Let's go, I think Neville and Harry are waiting for us!" I said, and as we were leaving over my shoulder I called back, "Goodbye, Draco!"

And then the door slammed shut.


// neville
I waited anxiously for Jamie with Harry at a table in the ballroom.

"Neville, are you alright?" Harry looked at me.

"Sorta. What if I mess up and Jamie hates me forever?" I asked nervously.

"Neville, Jamie's pretty much the least judgmental person ever." Harry laughed. "And you won't mess up."

"Are you positive?" I asked. Before he could respond, Jamie and Elsa walked through the doors.

"Hey, I see them!" I heard Elsa call, and she and Jamie came over.

"H-Hi, Jamie." I blushed.

"Hey, Neville." She smiled.

I noticed her outfit. "You look... you look beautiful."

She blushed light pink. "Th-thanks, Neville. You look great as well."

"Uh, here!"

I saw Harry pull out a chair for Elsa to sit at, so I did the same.

"Um, thanks. Neville, are you okay?" she asked as she sat down.

"Me? Of course I am!" I adjusted the cuff to my suit nervously.

I suck at dates.


// phil
Dan and I entered the ballroom, hand in hand, and scanned the ballroom for our friends.

"Found them!" Dan exclaimed, and just as we were about to make our way over to them, we saw Marcus Flint, an ugly Slytherin.

"You guys came together? Are you, like, gay or something?" He snickered.

I felt tears beginning to well up in my eyes, but I responded, "Yes, we are actually gay."

"Honestly, Flint. Take a hint. We're holding hands, aren't we?" Dan rolled his eyes.

"Honestly, gay people shouldn't even be allowed in this school." Marcus rolled his eyes back.

"Hey, Flint, cut it out." To my surprise, Draco Flipping Malfoy came and defended us. "I ship it, so get lost."

Marcus, seeing the Slytherin Prince defending us, scurried off.

"Thanks, Malfoy." Dan smiled a bit.

Draco turned to us. "Not a problem, really. And I meant what I said. I really do ship it."

And with that, he walked away.

Dan and I looked at each other. He reached up his hand, wiping away the unshed tears.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. This is our night, remember? Fuck the haters. They'll just have to deal with it."

I laughed at Dan's forwardness and kissed his cheek.

"Come on, our friends are waiting."

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