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I just want to day thankyou for choosing to read this book.

I haven't thought of the full plot yet so I don't know what triggers there will be but when I have written more and if I have written them I will put a warning to let you know.

n o t e

All work on this book is fiction and was all produced by the imagination of the author, any similarities to people fictional or real as well as real events is purely coincidental.

My characters will be flawed and won't be perfect they will have insecurities and be irritating at times and you don't have to love them but please try to remember that no one is perfect, fictional and real.

Also constructive criticism is welcomed because I want my writing to improve so please let me know if there's something off that you spot.

c o p y r i g h t

Dylan © 2022 Miss Secret
All Rights Reserved.

t i m e l i n e

started: 30th June 2022

finished: not sure yet

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