Note: I wrote this in the speed of Usain Bolt just because I want to write the kissing scene hahaha. It doesn't make any sense in my mind either, but yeah. This chapter's title is inspired by TXT's song and I quote; "in this world of zero, I know you are my 1."
"Do you mind if I kiss you?"
That was stupid question, Jake. You don't need to ask me or even wait for my permission, I will be happy to let you kiss me. But I didn't say that, and instead I only stare at him which his gaze is locking on me like magnet that is hard to repel. My, my, look at those endearing eyes. That would be a crime for having that face. How can someone resist?
I can.
"You did already kiss me though," I joke at him, ignoring my primal need to kiss him immediately. Please bear it with me, my brain and my heart! We need to hear his explanation first.
He chuckles as he presses his forehead against mine, his gaze is intimidating. "You know that's not what I meant," he strokes my head and plays with my hair.
"I will let you kiss me if you explain me everything, if you answer every of my question." I smug, feeling the little tease won't hurt anyone or who knows it will lure him. "What do you think about it?"
"No," he pulls his hand away from me as he leans back to the sofa; looking at me with this adorable yet mocking grin on his face. His smile is so annoying, I feel irritated.
"Why!" I whine until I stand up from my seat out of frustration.
He takes my hand and pulls me; making me standing between his legs, making him has to look up to stare at me in the eyes. I'm thrilled. Was it me the one that irritated a few seconds ago?
"What? You don't want to kiss me, right?" I pout as I avoid looking at him in the eyes.
"Why, of course. I want to, I will kiss every inch of you if that's the only requirement that you need," he is playing with my fingers as he smirks at me.
"Then, why won't you do it?" I hit him lightly in the shoulder.
"Well," he pulls me and makes me to sit on his lap, I obey. "I don't want you to be forced to do something that you don't want to do, just because of a kiss." His eyes are still locking with mine as he places my hand on his shoulder, moving his hand to my waist. "I will start taking control of you with the kiss, and perhaps influence you in every action even more with the power you just gave me." His fingers caress my waist, "I don't want that."
"I don't know that you have integrity," I joke.
"What are you actually thinking of me?" he chuckles.
"Anything but someone that has integrity," I grin. "Then, what should I tempt you with? I believe you have weak spot that you cannot even resist."
He stares at me. Those eyes are the villain.
"You," he leans on his head on the backrest of the sofa, looking at the ceiling while taking deep breath before turn to face me again. I blink confusedly. "I'm already loser in this game."
Just before I managed to ask him what does it mean, his hand already reaches my nape and pulls me closer to his face. My heart is beating faster as I close my eyes immediately, I can feel his warm breath brushes my lips, and so does his lips already attach on mine now. There is something inside my body, it's twirling and growing, even every fibre of my body tells me that they want him. His lips are soft and sweet, I'm not sure if that's normal or purely my subjective opinion toward him. But I enjoy it, and I hope he also enjoys the taste of me.
He nibbles my lips, he sucks it, and he tastes every inch of it. He claims me. His mouth is so possessive and it makes every part of me is melting and turning into liquid which flooding everywhere. He invades me as if I'm the unoccupied land and he names me his.
Good Lord, he is such a good kisser.
My breath is heavy as I feel like I'm running out of the oxygen, then I can feel Jake's hand is moving from my back of head to my hair. He pulls my hair gently as we break the kiss, makes me stretching my neck and showing more skin. His mouth now is occupying my neck but sometimes to my shoulder or even my collarbone, taking over every inch of it. My soul is being swallowed by him.
After he leaves a small kiss on my jaw, the kiss comes to a halt. His hand lets go of my hair then slowly trails on my nape then to my back, I shiver. Now I open my eyes and find his eyes are looking fixedly on me, I melted.
As both of us are slowly panting, I find that he smile at me, "now you are finally looking at me."
I blush.
"Well, now that you proved me right. You don't have integrity," I grin but my fingers are playing with his shirt nervously.
He chuckles then leans on to steal a kiss from my lips again. I didn't prepare myself for him to kill me like this.
"So, are you going to answer my questions?" I make sure.
"If I can," he says while nibbling my neck. It doesn't sting, but instead growing whole army of butterflies inside my belly.
"Okay," one word that comes out from my mouth managed to attract his attention toward me. He is now looking at me, waiting for me to continue speaking, while his hand still rubbing my waist. "What are you doing here actually?"
"Business matter," he replies shortly.
"The business that involves target and key?" I recall about what Athena said earlier.
"Yes," he nods.
"Is it related to the government and your hacking skill?" I ask again.
"Hacking, yes. Government, still doubtful."
He answers every of my question even though it's still vague, and I'm having so much things to ask and say to him until my brain is having hard time to list the order.
"Is Athena your partner?"
"Yes," he takes a short pause. "And there are few more people actually."
I frown, "are they women or men?"
He raises his brows, surprised with my question it seems. Then he smiles, it looks like he wants to tease me. But I don't even care. "Most of them are men. Do you have anything to concern about?"
Of course, I do. Why do you think I asked that?
"No," I say instead. My eyes are looking somewhere else.
"Hmm," he mutters then tugs my hair behind my ear. "She is nice person. If there will be bad person here, it must be me."
"How come?" my lips are pursed conflicted with his statement.
"Because I told you to forget about me but then I jump into your life and bring you here and I still have guts to ask you forget everything again," he smiles. But this time the smile doesn't ease any weight on me.
"Then why don't you try to become nice this time?" I cup his face as I frown.
He takes my hand and kisses my palm, "you will regret it."
"I won't," I disagree.
"We will never know that," his tone is cold.
"I do though," I insist.
Jake relents as he's only laughing as the response over my stubborn answer. He then takes his flip phone and switch to me, "let me take you home."
"How do you know it's not raining anymore?" I raise my brows, still sitting on his lap.
"It didn't rain anymore since I bought the food," he says nonchalantly while putting his flip phone inside his jeans pocket. "I lied."
I stand up from his lap as I take my purse from the table, I even forgot with the existence of my stuff. "You know you could just ask me to stay and I will do it," I suggest.
He stands up from his seat too; the narrow gap among the couch, the table and our bodies makes me bumping into his chest as he is trying to balance himself. "I will put that in mind," he pecks the back side of my head.
Just when I'm heading to the front door, I take a look on him but he is not behind me anymore. I notice the other room's door is already open, probably it is his room. I quickly go there and try to peek inside, "Jake?"
"One moment," I can hear his voice inside.
In the war between waiting outside and going inside, I choose the latter. I knock the door politely before going inside. The room is pretty dim with the light from the computer's screen as the helper to see our surroundings. His room is pretty clean, not that I expected it will be like any boys' usual room; rubbishes scattered everywhere, smoky smell, messy linen with pillows in the place that it shouldn't be. But Jake's room is neat and clean, and it doesn't smell bad. It even smells like him. I wonder what kind of perfume he's using.
"You know you will hurt your eyes if your room is this dark," I observe every corner but my eyes are catching his computer's screen interesting. As it shows few tabs with so many numbers or codes that you usually find in the hacking movie. That is too complex, thus it's hard for me to understand the meaning of it.
"I know," he chuckles. After finish doing whatever inside his computer and shut down his computer, he then walks to his bag and takes something out; it's a hoodie. "Up," he commands while finding the head hole in the hoodie. "Lift your arms up."
I do as he says.
He then helps me to wear his hoodie. I can smell his scent on it. The hoodie is much bigger of course, considering he is taller than me. It feels like I'm drowning on it. He fixes it then takes a look on me wearing his hoodie, I have no idea why but it makes my heart pounding so hard. It's either the fact that I'm wearing his hoodie right now and can smell his cologne, or how he stares on me makes me feeling all giddy inside.
"Free gift?" I tease him, thanking the room is not too bright for him to notice my cheeks that must be blushing really hard.
"Pretty much," he says as he is holding my hand to walk out of his room. He then takes his own hoodie that he used when he went to buy the food, his cap, and his own mask. "We don't want you to catch the cold, no?" he opens the front door and beckons me to walk out first.
As we walk to the parking lot where Jake's motorcycle is being parked, I notice Athena is sitting on the dustbin far away from us while smoking. Jake doesn't notice her like I do. At first, I didn't think Athena is noticing us either, but it looks like she actually does. While her eyes are following every movement from us, especially when the motorcycle is leaving the building; I wonder what she's thinking over me, maybe the ticking bomb which could disrupt the perfect equation they are planning.
I feel ticklish. It isn't possible since my position doesn't matter, I'm thinking too much. I should just focus on one thing that matter. I lean on Jake's back as I glance on him from the rear-view mirror as the helmet I've been wearing makes me hard to take a good look at Jake. Half of his face is covered by the black mask and the black cap doesn't help either. I wish I could see his face without any of those things sooner.
But just by being here near him knowing the fact that I can finally lie my eyes on his figure, feel his skin with my own hands, sensing his existence, managed to my heart's feeling full by his presence.
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