Chapter 10: Good Start for Monday

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I thought I make a good choice by asking permission to take off from work today but it's not even half of day and Jake already left me by myself.

"What should I do today?" I sigh as I lean my back on the headboard with my laptop on my lap. The arrow on my screen moving toward the blue bird icon; I decided to open Twitter. Sometimes the fastest way to get news is by scrolling social media. Because most of people will immediately post whatever shocking event that they experience, it's just naturally outcome with the power of internet nowadays. I try by searching with bodies, dead, and so many random keywords that might help me to get news. But nothing. Instead I got notification with get help hotline show up.

Then I try to search in news online site. I'm scanning whatever written there as my fingers continuously scrolling on the pad. I'm reading swiftly the title and the article under it, trying to find something important. I'm going back to the main page, clicking the article, skimming, going back again. It takes almost an hour for me doing it but no, nothing. It feels like the world becomes so safe and peaceful. I'm in dilemma if I should be grateful or complained.


"Huh?" I quickly click the article and read every word that written on my screen. Three homeless found dead with red eyes and foam came out from their mouths. Apparently the cause of their dead is not found yet and the police are still trying to investigate it. I immediately search for the articles that sharing the same variables; homeless, dead with foam in their mouths, unknown cause of death. And I found like five articles for these past two months and six if I included the latest one I just read. If I counted it right, there are already ten bodies that just found. Ten bodies for these past two months? What if there is more but the police don't find it yet.

This is interesting. This is ironically interesting.

Soon, I put away my laptop and change my outfit into the decent one; dark brown trousers, black turtleneck, and plaid coat. I grab my purse and head out from my flat. Thankfully there is taxi parking across the building, I ask the driver to drive me to the crime scene right away.

As expected, the place is full of people; either it's police or journalist or even people that passing by. I'm just hoping to not encounter my workmate since I said that I'm having fever. But the universe is not with me right now since Ambrose already heading toward me.

"Clarke." He greets me while smiling widely. Dimples, I just noticed. "I thought you are not feeling good today?"

"I am," I make faking cough. He chuckles. "But I cannot help myself to not come here after reading the articles. I assume you are doing the same thing?"

"This case is interesting. I'm intriguing to find out because I have read six same articles about it." He shrugs as his thumb pointing at the few polices discussing from far away. "I assume you have done the same thing?"

I nod. "It's interesting indeed. I have assumption it's from the same 'serial killer'"-I make air quotation with my fingers-"because the pattern kind of similar. Homeless, foam came out from their mouths, happening at night, in the quiet alley."

"Right, and it's happening too fast. Imagine murdering ten people for two months. What are they thinking?" he clenches his jaw while his gaze is looking at the crime scene. He strangely looks stressed out as if he knows these people personally.

"Who did you mean?" I ask, trying to make sure. "If the police, probably they are lacking of some clues. If our serial killer, probably they are energetic and lively kind of person."

I didn't mean to joke about some people's death but I cannot help it with the awkward situation when I'm not that close with this workmate of mine thus I cannot read his demeanour and intention. Luckily, Ambrose laughs softly and appreciates my dry joke.

"Do you want to team up and find out who is our energetic and lively serial killer, Clarke?"

"Do you want what? Team up?" I try to ensure my hearing.

"Yes. Collaborate with me, Clarke." He smiles again, but I wince.

Nothing is wrong on his words, nothing really. But Ambrose is literally my senior; he's been working in Racounter for three years if I'm not mistaken. He is the best one in our department, his articles always good and he managed to get and investigate cases only by himself. I never see him team up with another person, even our seniors who always ask him to collaborate with him.


So, when Ambrose asking if we can team up together, I don't know how to response but lifting my eyebrows and making that funny face. "You want me to team up with you? You?"

"Yes," he chuckles. "What is so wrong about that?"

"It's just..." I'm trying to find good way to explain that he is not that kind of person who will easily ask someone to collaborate with him. "You always work by yourself."

"Sometimes, yeah." He puts both of his hands inside his trousers pocket, his emerald eyes are staring at me. "But I want to have some companion for this case and I think you are the right person."

"Why me?"

"Because you are you, Clarke. You will be good partner for this case."

I'm being sceptical with his offer, but it's no harm to try it out. Especially when my partner is William Ambrose, I can learn so many things from him. And who knows, if we are succeed to reveal this our energetic and lively serial killer then I can get promotion. After all, didn't I the one that hope for getting my own investigation like I have done with Hannah's case back then?

"I will be honour," I smile. "I'm looking forward to our teamwork." I offer my hand to him for a handshake.

He takes my hand fully and squeezes it before shaking it. "So then, are you up for coffee right now? I want to talk about it in details."

I take a look at my wristwatch, it's still early for lunch but I can feel my stomach growling. After all, I'm not feeding myself much this morning. "What about brunch?" I suggest, hoping he won't mind. "I didn't grab anything to eat before going here."

He lifts his brows, showing surprised. "Much better. Let's go, I know a good place."

Ambrose then beckons me to follow him, leading him to spot that far away from the crowded officers and journalists. Then he takes out his key and makes his black SUVs' light to switch on as the sign that the key is already unlocked. He quickly grabs the passenger seat's door and look at me, gesturing me to go inside.

"Thank you," I say gratefully then sit in the passenger seat while wrapping myself with the safety belt. He smiles as reply and walks toward driver's seat.

As soon as he also buckles himself with the seat belt, he starts the engine and drives us away from the crime scene. I'm sitting straight and stiffly in my seat as I'm not feeling comfortable enough to lean and be comfy beside him. Imagine you need to start hanging out with one of top student in your school while you are just a mediocre and normal type of students. Imagine how awkward it will be or how stressful and tensed the situation I put myself into.

Suddenly I regret my decision to agree with his offer. But it's too late for now.

"So, are you feeling better right now?" his gaze is fixated on the road.

"I didn't feel well this morning," I lie. "But it becomes much better now."

"Becomes much better after reading those articles?" he jokes then glances at me. I snort.

"Probably. It has higher chance for healing me rather than a cup of warm milk and medicine."

He chuckles as he turns the steering wheel. We are spending twenty minutes with silence as both of us are going to the city centre. As soon as he gets nice spot to park his car, both of us are getting off from his car.

He beckons me to follow him and we are passing through the crowded and just before I'm about to ask him where he will take me, he goes inside the restaurant and I follow.

The place is not so crowded and the atmosphere of restaurant gives me American dinner restaurant that I used to look from the movies or series I have watched. "Fancy," I mumble.

"Glad you like it," he smiles then chooses to sit on the red leather sofa far in the corner of restaurant. I decide to sit across him.

Just when we lay ourselves onto the seats, the waitress already comes and greets us by passing the menu. We give our orders to her as I ordered for chicken and waffle and chocolate milkshake for my beverage, while Ambrose ordered their famous menu that included sausage, toast, egg, and every best vegetables that can they put with bottle of water as his companion.

"So, what should we do first? I mean, I need to know what my job description is as your partner in this case." I take out my journal and pen from my purse.

"Well, we don't have many leads for starting with the right feet. But, for now, I want both of us to read every article that related and point out every interesting thing. That's what we can do for now, at least."

"Hmm," I hum as keep writing in my journal. "That will do. Later I will give you my opinion about the investigation if I find something important and interesting." I then stop writing and look at him who is still staring at me. "Where should I send you my two cents? I don't have your email."

"Two cents," he laughs. "It's not the right word. But don't send it through email, let's just exchange numbers."

"Why not email? It will be more convenient as we will exchange documents and it's work related."

He is about to explain but then our orders already arrive; I'm moving my stuffs over so the waitress can put our foods. Both of us deliver the gratitude and smile. "I read and reply much faster through phone message rather than email."

I sip my chocolate milk then feed myself with the chicken and waffle. Heaven. "Okay, what is your number?"

He takes out his smartphone from his pocket and then hand it to me, "your number."

I take his phone on me and type my number then save it as contact with 'MC Clarke Racounter' as the display name. "Here you go," I hand him back his phone.

"Thank you," he smiles. "Feel free to ask me if you have some obstacles during research. We are partner after all."

We spend our brunch without nothing much to talk about, it's not as tensed as before but no doubt that is kind of awkward. Apparently, Ambrose is not much of talker but an observer since I keep finding him staring at me. That is so much difference when I saw him in the office or our cafeteria; where I always find him happily talking with our workmates. Maybe it's because we don't have much interaction before that's why this is so gawky.

We finally finished our food and intend to pay to the cashier, Ambrose is taking his wallet out from his coat, "let me pay for today."

"Oh-no, no." I immediately take my wallet out. "Let's just pay for each other's meal. I don't find reasons for you to pay my meal."

"Why not? I'm the one who invite you first."

"But I'm the one who suggest for having brunch." I give my card to the cashier lady.

Ambrose laughs then finally relents, "next time maybe?"

I turn at him and shrug, "who knows? Later, Ambrose."

I walk out from the restaurant and Ambrose quickly catches up behind my back, he is fastening his pace so then he now walks besides me. "Where are you going?"

"Going back to the crime scene, I didn't have the chance earlier."

"Let me drive you there," he offers.

"No, it's okay."

"I insist, Clarke."

I sigh and now this time for me to become lenient and agree with him. When we arrived again in the crime scene, there are not so many people anymore. Maybe they are already having what they look for.

"Well then, I will check if there is something new."

"Okay," he smiles. "I really want to accompany you and go back there again but-"

"It's fine, Ambrose. I'm quite competent journalist myself, I won't mess up."

"I'm looking forward for your invention."

Now here I am, observing everything that my eyes can take. There are some officers that protect the place so no one cannot pass through it easily, some strangers that are watching from afar, and I think I can recognise 3 people there are journalists trying to dig some information based on their looks and how they keep forcing some officers to answer questions.

I'm getting closer to the area as I strategize for those officers to spill some beans. Polices won't easily open up to journalist, it's like giving your blood to the vampire. Dangerous, indeed. How words can be twisted and become weapon. But they won't tell a single word to common people either, as they won't cause any panic wave.

Thinking, thinking.

Oh, I will just do that.

I pretend to pass in front of them then deliberately slip and let my stuff falls down and scatter on the ground in front of two officers. "Oh, silly me..." I curse on myself poorly.

One of the officers quickly help me to stand up and the other one collect my stuffs, "you alright, Miss?"

"Yes, thank you very much." I smile adorably. "I cannot focus and it makes me lose my balance," I tuck the strand of my hair behind my ear then look at the officer that help me to stand up from down then to his eyes. There is rosiness on his cheeks. Always working.

"Always love to help," he smiles and stares at me deeply. Meanwhile his friend already back to his post while smiling like idiot. Maybe he intends to help his friend.

"What are you doing, looks so intimidating yet fascinating?" I ask while looking at somewhere else, then staring at him.

"Oh," he hesitates for a while but then a cocky grin shows up at his face. "Just serving my purpose. You know, Miss, it's quite dangerous around here. Why are you wandering by yourself?"

"Oh, but it's only noon?" I pretend to be surprised. "After all, I have you here with me. Why should I be worried?" I flash him with my smile.

His cheeks flush.

"But you said it's quite dangerous. What's exactly happened?" I furrow my brows, convince him that I'm terrified.

"Nothing's much. Just couple of junkie homeless, maybe they are taken wrong newly perilous drugs." He turns behind and makes gesture with his hand. "We have heard it's because of unknown drugs and try to look for it."

"Poor things, I should be careful with candies from strangers."

He chuckles. "You should. But as far as I know that these drugs just pass along around homeless. Since we have found fourteen bodies this far and they are homeless." He gasps and immediately covers his mouth with his hand. "I shouldn't tell you this, not even all of this information already leak to the public."

I reassure him with my smile then caress his shoulder. "Thank you, officer. I feel protected knowing you all already did so much to protect this city."

"My pleasure, Miss. I really need to get back to my spot," he bites his lips to supress his smile but fail miserably. "Be careful."

"I will, officer." I then wink and walk away.

I get not so many informations but that's not exactly useless. I just found out it's not ten bodies but fourteen? God, what's happening exactly? What kind of drugs these actually and why only homeless this far?

I'm just walking away from the crime scene, not knowing where I should go, as long as I can clear my head since all of these results make my head dizzy.

"Your method is really awe-inspiring!"

I turn my head to look at who is talking and finding a woman that looks like in her early 30s is smiling and walking toward me. "Excuse me?"

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