Chapter 15

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Some months passed, and nothing important happened. Antares still has that crush on Reb, and still hasn't told her, even though EVERYONE KNOWS. And also, Shiro has lived in the cave for a year! His hair was growing long again, but he didn't really like how the back reached past his shoulders while the front only reached his chin, so he went to get it cut, and Sunny went with to yell at the poor stylist if they messed up. While he was waiting, a small, kinda cute, glasses wearing woman approached him and said "Don't do it! Your hair is beautiful!" Shiro said "Girl what- you don't even know me! But you're beautiful, what's your name?" The woman blushed and said "I'm Kaihua, and thank you for calling me beautiful, I think you are too, and who are you?" Shiro said "I'm Shiro, wanna grab lunch after we're done here?" Kaihua said "Of course, you're so handsome and seem so sweet!" Shiro smiled at her and giggled a bit. Sunny decided to ruin it. "Not sure if you're still gonna want him after he's done, he's getting his head shaved completely bald." Kaihua looked distraught. Shiro said "NO??? I'M JUST GETTING THE BACK A BIT SHORTER!" Sunny said "Oh right you told me on the way here you actually want a bowl cut, silly me!" Kaihua said "That's even worse!" Shiro said "Sunny stop it! I'm just getting the back a bit shorter so it's closer in length to the front, that's all, it'll still be long, after this I'm actually planning to grow it to my shoulders" Kaihua said "MMMMM you'll look so good. And you won't have to wait for me, I'm just here to reschedule an appointment, couldn't call because my phone literally exploded this morning." Shiro was in shock. Then, his name was called and he went over to the chair and said what he wanted, then after the poor woman Sunny death stared the whole time she was cutting Shiro's hair finished, he thanked her, paid with money Sunny created with a spell, and met Kaihua outside, Sunny decided to eavesdrop like he always does. He heard Kaihua compliment Shiro's haircut, then they walked off, and Sunny decided he didn't need to supervise their date, so he went home. When he got home, Tigra asked him where Shiro went, and he said "He's got a girl, they're getting lunch together" Silver, who was there to return Shiro's missing sock he found in his house, said "So he's finally gonna stop posting those extremely targeted vents with crying selfies, if he doesn't I'm gonna post about how I feel after his other ex blew up the tip of my-" "We don't need to hear about that. Why do you even HAVE one in the first place weren't you a DOLL!?" Sunny interrupted. Silver sighed and said "I was custom made for um, activities. In 1968, based on my old owner's favorite celebrity. I hate ittt he's 82 so that makes me also an old man." Sunny yelled "PAUL MCCARTNEY!?" Silver said "Yeaaa... I don't like telling people that, and I can NEVER listen to Beatles songs with a straight face" Sunny couldn't help but laugh, much to Silver's embarrassment. Then, there was awkward silence until he left to go make dinner. Nothing (other than Shiro texting Sunny to say he was taking Kaihua to the mall) happened until Antares got home and Silver was back with the food. Everyone went into panic mode when Haiiro said "I learned a new word!" Thankfully, the new word in question was "discombobulated" and not a curse word. After dinner while everyone was watching TV, Shiro came back with Kaihua holding his hand. The two dropped their shopping bags on the ground and Shiro led his date to his bed. Sunny AGAIN began to listen in. He heard as Shiro excitedly removed Kaihua's clothes, then his own. However, she did not like his private part very much. And by that I mean she concernedly asked "Why's it so hairy!?" Shiro said "Because the author of this story is into that and I'm her favorite character!" Kaihua yelled "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE AUTHOR!?" Shiro said "She's been trying to figure that out her whole life" Kaihua sighed and said "Well I don't really like that so uh bye, but I think we can be friends", then after they finished discussing and she put her clothes back on (he somehow got her to kiss him) she grabbed her shopping bags and walked out. Shiro, still naked, came out from behind his curtain and said "Never take a cute girl to lunch."


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