Chapter 12

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Sunny was awoken from his dream about riding a unicorn when he heard what he thought was someone breaking in, but it was actually Antares running to the toilet yelling "SHE MADE ME EAT 11 WHOLE EXTRA JALAPENO BURRITOS WITH THAT SAUCE THAT HAS A WARNING ON THE MENU!" and then everyone heard him screaming his lungs out as his butt exploded into the toilet. After Sunny knew Antares was off the toilet, he went to ask how his date went. Antares said "Well it was good until we accidentally got too many burritos delivered to her house. They showed up in the middle of our movie and she made me eat all the extras even though they were her order!" Sunny put his hand on his son's shoulder and said "It's ok, your mother used to put fish in the fridge, they STINKED. Stank? Stunk? I don't know but you get my point." Antares said "She dumped me because I wasn't spicy enough for her." Sunny tried to hold in his laugh as he said "I don't think she's the one for you then!" Antares said "I think not" Sunny hugged his son while saying "Don't think too hard about it and go to bed. Good night Antares, I love you." Antares said "good night, love you too Dad, I need to change so please leave!" Sunny left the bathroom area through the privacy curtain and went back to bed. The next day, Antares understandably seemed sad the next day as he didn't say a word during breakfast, threw on the nearest clothes, and walked out for the day. Shiro said "Imagine." after Antares was gone and then put on that show he watches every morning. Sunny called a female character's chest flat and turned off the TV. Shiro looked offended, and asked "What was that for!?" Sunny said "My son got his heart broken last night and you say imagine?" Shiro said "The channel my show is on is called Imagine, how do you not know you have a voice activated remote!?" Sunny said "Oh. My bad carry on." and left to do some shopping. There was a hole in his pillow case, so he had to get a new one. When he was at the store, he saw so many pillow cases! He was a bit weirded out seeing a lot of them that had celebrities' faces on them. But, after literal hours of trying to decide he found a nice pillow case with a cool pattern. It was actually very tacky, but no one's gonna tell him that. Then, he saw something that MAJORLY caught his eye. A nice container of chocolate biscuits just at the end of the aisle, the last one! He ran up to it, only for a pale hand with an orange sleeve to grab it first. Sunny looked at the owner of the hand, to see that it was Kuro in a prison jumpsuit, with a police officer standing behind her. The officer said "Now remember, we're paying for these with YOUR money to give to the man you used magic on to make him kill someone." Kuro said "I know! Ugh!" Sunny asked "Wait how's Apple doing?" The officer said "We felt so bad for the little guy that we're letting him live in a mansion for free and making the very ugly woman who framed him go broke buying him stuff." Kuro said "Not my fault he picked up the potion!" Sunny said "Well I'm glad my friend gets to be happy after what he went through" and decided to let those biscuits go because he doesn't even need to eat, he just likes to. When Sunny left the store, he saw a familiar boy sitting on the sidewalk with 2 girls. That familiar boy was Antares. One of the girls had fair skin and short blonde hair and was wearing a pink dress, and the other had much darker skin and dark hair in a ponytail with the front dyed red and was wearing a black tank top and dark green cargo pants. Sunny walked up to Antares and said "Already trying to find new options, that's my boy!" Antares went beet red as both girls started laughing. Antares said "They're my friends Mersey and Reb" Sunny shook hands with the girl in pink and said "Nice to meet you Reb" then shook hands with the girl in the black tank top and said "And you as well Mersey!" Antares then began to laugh and said "You mixed them up!" Sunny said "My bad sorry girls" and they all had a conversation for a while, which led to "Antares's Dad" somehow becoming a member of their group. On the way home, Antares confessed to Sunny that he had kind of made himself fall for Zvezda because he has a crush on either Reb or Mersey, but isn't sure which one because he always sees both at once. Sunny told him to just wait for one of them to not show up and see if he has feelings for the other. Then they got home and ate the dinner that Shiro helped with but forgot to take out of the oven that was burnt so bad it was even black on the inside.


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