A few uneventful weeks later, Sunny decided to surprise everyone with a trip to the beach. He dug out a speedo from the closet that is a bit too small. He found himself blushing at Tigra in her red 2 piece swimsuit. Antares wore his skull patterned swim trunks he also wears to sleep sometimes. Shiro wore white swim trunks with ruffles on the ends. Silver went with because he is Shiro's boyfriend now. Silver had said that he never thought he could fall in love again until he looked into Shiro's pure white eyes and knew he is the one for him. While Sunny was leaving the cave, he saw that he had mail. He thought the perfume Tigra ordered 3 months ago finally got here, but it was just a letter to him and another letter to Shiro. Neither had a return address, and both had the same handwriting which could be considered "bad" but looked cute in a way, no one recognized said handwriting. It looked like it was most likely a teenage girl, but we don't stereotype here. Could have been a 38 year old man for all we know! The one Sunny got said a bunch of random nonsense sentences then just randomly "Apple didn't kill her. I did. With magic. I chose him because I read her diary and it made sense. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." The one Shiro got was also random sentences but contained an out of nowhere "Winston Gripweed I know where you are. You are there. Sorry, I meant your name I gave you if you even still use it, Shiro. Clogs are ugly shoes!" Silver looked at Shiro, unable to speak. His green eyes moved up and down on Shiro's body. Eventually, he said "Merle? Is it really you? You've gotten so much skinnier and paler, and your hair is darker, and your eyes have lost their brown, but, y'know, I still love you. Why didn't you tell me!?" Shiro said "I had amnesia you absolute fool! And when I had a dream that explained my weird feeling around you I didn't know how to tell you!" Silver then pulled Shiro in for a hug, and said "I missed you, why did you leave with that girl?" Shiro confessed that he didn't remember. Silver kissed his lips and told him it's ok, because they're together now. Sunny knows who wrote those letters. It was Kuro. You know, that crazy lady we haven't heard from since chapter 2? See, I told you she was included in official character stuff instead of like Darlina or Gold or someone for a reason! (Seriously why do the nonexistent Gold enjoyers not know what she looks like. As the author she's literally stunning! It's a shame I haven't drawn her. Better send me some death threats so I hurry up and draw her! (please don't actually do that I will cry!)) Sunny decided to send the letters back to Kuro's house, but not before he graded them like an English teacher. Both got failing grades. Off the family went to the beach. They had a great time! Sunny and Tigra chased each other around in the sand, Antares joined some random kids' water gun war, and Shiro and Silver went off into the water together. Sunny noticed 2 girls staring at him, of course they were! He also saw Shiro lose his swim trunks in the water. He looked so embarrassed as he covered his private part with his hands and the whole beach heard Silver laugh as he picked the trunks up out of the water. When Sunny and Tigra got tired, they sat down and watched Antares win for his team then triumphantly wrap his soaked body in a towel and sit down. The family had a silly conversation, until Sunny noticed that his son hadn't said anything in a while, and looked like he saw something he REALLY liked. Sunny immediately knew what Antares saw. He was in awe staring at a beautiful blonde woman in a black bikini. She was taking a walk with a sweet, beautiful smile on her face. Her mouth was closed though. Antares was looking at her with sparkly eyes and dilated pupils. Sunny whispered to Antares "Do you think she's pretty?" A very embarrassed Antares whispered "Uh, yeah. Yeah I guess that's one way to explain why I can't stop looking at her." Sunny whispered "Go tell her! It'll make her day!" Antares whispered "Ok, I'll do it!" Sunny said "Wait a minute open your mouth", sniffed Antares's breath, and gave his son a thumbs up while saying "Ok you're good!" Antares was walking up to the girl when an old lady dropped her purse and was having trouble bending over to pick it back up. Antares quickly picked up the purse and handed it back to the lady, saying "Here you go ma'am!" The lady said "Thank you dear, such a sweet young man!" Antares then noticed that the beautiful woman had seen him pick up the purse. He knew this was his chance. He went up to her with butterflies in his stomach, and said "Hi, uh, I think you're very beautiful!" The woman's cheeks got pink, and she said "Thank you. You are handsome and sweet." The old lady said "Oh, young man! You are getting good karma for being so sweet! She will be your wife in a few years and you will give her a baby!" Antares's face got red and so did the blonde woman's, and he said "I don't even know her name..." The pretty woman said "Oh, my name is Zvezda! Zvezda Svetilo!" Antares shook her hand as he said "I'm Antares Mars, uh, nice to meet you Zvezda!" The two talked for a while and exchanged numbers, and Sunny had a feeling Antares would be getting ready for dates soon, but he had no idea what he would see when he got home...
Bonus (yes I'm reusing an edit I sent to 1 person for funsies):
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