Killer had gotten chips and drinks, Dust helping set up. People should be starting to come any minute now. There was a knock on the door. Killer sprang up and opened the door to see Nightmare, Dream, and Cross. They all had their own pillows and blankets. Killer stayed there, unmoving. They all had pajamas on.
"What? Are you going to let us in or not?" Nightmare asked annoyed. Killer blinked and moved aside. "So, are we the first ones here?" Killer nodded.
"So, who's all coming?" Cross asked.
"I think that my new friends are coming. And Horror and his roommate." Killer nodded, but he couldn't take his eyes off Nightmare. He didn't know that the skeleton liked pajamas. Or anything, for that matter.
"Can you quit the staring?" Nightmare mumbled. Killer nodded his head. Dust elbowed him.
"Yo. Can I ask you something in the bathroom really quick?" Killer went into the bathroom, Dust closing the door behind him. "Dude. Your face is red. Like, really red." Killer flushed, embarrassed.
"That's bad, right? I feel like that's bad." Dust shrugged.
"You probably just have a crush." Killer slapped Dust in the arm. Hard.
"Shut up. I don't get crushes when I've only known the person for a few days." Dust shrugged.
"I mean, with the color of your face right now, I'm just saying-" Killer burst out of the bathroom.
"So, it's just going to be us five, then four more people?" Nightmare rolled his eyes while Dream nodded.
"I guess." Just then, the door to the dorm burst open.
"Okay fools. Who's ready for world domination?" Killer stared at Dust.
"You didn't lock the door?" Dust scowled.
"Neither did you." Killer sighed.
"Welcome to this hell hole. Is that everyone?" They all looked around and nodded. The other four skeletons came into the room and sat down on the floor.
"So, what are some basic sleepover games?" One of Dreams friends asked.
"We could play truth or dare. Or spin the bottle. Or never have I ever." Dust nudged Killer.
"We should play truth or dare." If Dust was going to target Killer, Killer was going to target Dust. They all sat in a circle on the floor. "I'll go first." Dust turned to Killer and smirked.
"Bro no. Please." He mouthed. To his dismay, he didn't turn his head.
"Killer, truth or dare?" Killer didn't know what to do. No matter what he said, Dust would find a way to embarrass him.
"Truth, I guess."
"Is it true that you have a crush on someone?" Killer growled.
"No. Dust, is it true that you watch My Little Pony every night before you go to bed?" Dust's face turned extremely red, and Killer felt as if he'd won.
"You know what, Killer? Screw you." It was a small one, but a victory none the less. "Um, okay, Nightmare, truth or dare?" Oh no. Killer didn't know if this was worse or better.
"Dare. I'm not a chicken like Killer." Dust smirked a wicked smirk and Killer wanted to shrink back and die.
"I dare you to sit next to the hottest person in this room." Nightmare scowled.
"Can I sit next to myself?" Dust shook his head like the stuck up brat he was. Nightmare groaned.
"Personality or looks?" Dust shrugged.
"Either. Both. I don't care." Nightmare sighed and sat down next to Cross.
"Like hell I'm sitting next to any of you." Nightmare sighed and turned to Cross. "Truth or dare?" Cross shrugged.
"I think this game is getting too personal and violent, but you pick for me." Nightmare sighed.
"Let's just play spin the bottle. By the way, what are your names?" The skeletons introduced themselves as Ink, Blue, and Lust. They pulled out an empty apple cider bottle and put it in the middle.
"Do you all know the rules?" Dream asked. Ink shrugged.
"You just spin the bottle and kiss whoever it lands on, right?" They all nodded.
"So, Horror, you can go first." He nodded and spun the bottle. It landed on Dust, and they leaned forward and kissed. "Wait. Hold on. What if I land on my brother. There is no way that I'm kissing Nightmare, no offense brother." Nightmare shook his head.
"None taken. I feel the same way." Killer looked around. "I mean, you both know Cross. I guess you could kiss him." Dream nodded and Dust spun the bottle. It landed on Blue, and Dust got the faintest trace of blush on his face. Killer now had something to tease him about. Blue kissed Dust before he had any time to react.
"Okay. My turn." Blue spun the bottle and it landed on Dream. Their kiss was faster than any of the other kisses so far. Dream spun the bottle and it landed on Cross. Dream's face was so bright, and he wasn't making eye contact with Cross. Cross moved in front of him and tilted his head to face him. Dream's face was so incredibly bright. But Cross kissed him, and it was long and passionate, both of them a blushing mess afterword's. Cross spun the bottle and it landed on Killer. Cross, still recovering from the previous kiss, was dazed. Killer made it fast and simple. When Killer spun the bottle, it landed on Nightmare. Panicked, he turned to Dust. But he was only snickering. Killer grumbled and stood up and walked in front of Nightmare.
"This isn't my fault, so please don't kill me." He mumbled. Killer smashed his face against Nightmare's, his face exploding in a blush. When Killer pulled away, he swore he saw Nightmare have the absolute faintest blush on his cheeks.
It was so faint, Killer might've imagined it.
Error had to sit and watch Reaper continuously flirt with Geno. It was so cringe. He felt bad for the both of them. He sighed and pulled out his phone. He might as well have something to do.
Oh. Hey. What's up?
Nothing. I'm just bored lol
I'm having my first sleepover ever. I didn't know it was supposed to be so violent
That is something that he wouldn't know. He wondered if he'd ever get to meet Squid. He wondered what he looked like in real life. He wasn't the smartest, but he still liked him. A lot more than he would've admitted.
YAY. I did it. Its so hard to find time to write with school. But Nightmare and Killer simp for each other. So do Cross and Dream. All of them simp for each other.
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