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"Luna" Zach says. "What do you want" I say grabbing stuff from my locker. "I'm not here to talk talk to you" he says. "Then what?" I say. "Coach is coaching both teams and girls tryouts are Monday for the summer league" Zach says. "okay that's it?" I asked. "Baby i miss you" he says. I rolled my eyes closed my locker and walked away.


"Hey i'm Maddie i heard that you're trying out for basketball" she says. "yeah I am" I say sitting down. "Great now we have a full team" she says. I looked confused. "We usually don't have a full team." she says. "Oh really" I say. "Yeah and you're Varsity material" She says. I laughed. "i'm serious you're Not fat and not boney. What i'm trying to say is you have meat on your body. You're the good height and you're pretty. People wouldn't expect you to ball" she says. I laughed. "why thank you" I smile. "Can't wait for the team bonding with ya girly" she says getting up. "Thanks you too" I say.

"Hey kiddo how was school?" my mom asked. "It was good, um did dad get my text?" I asked unlocking my phone. "I did" he says walking out of his room. "Thanks for responding" I rolled my eyes. "You're welcome because i got them ungrateful" He says "thanks dad" I say sitting down. "What's wrong you've been a little quiet" My mom says. "I don't know. Zach and I aren't talking" my dad stopped me. "It's nothing bad we just had an argument and he said let's take a break and i'm like okay" I say shrugging while putting my feet on the chair. "Are you really okay?" My mom asked. "You're not okay" my dad says putting his arms around me. "I'm not" I start crying. "What's so special about him than the other boys" My mom says "He isn't like the rest" I say sniffling "What do you mean?" my dad says kissing my head. "He doesn't want me for sex" I say. "oh princess" he says. "you should talk to him if he's something different" he says "I don't know" I say wondering off into space. "Do whatever your heart desires" my mom says rubbing my hand. "Thanks mom" I say

"Now" Someone yells. "ha ha nice tried" i say moving away from Marcus and a bag in his hand. "Dammit" Justin says. "Now what do you want" I say "Marcus leave" He says He closed the door behind him. "Justin?" I say. "I'm homeless" Justin says. "okay?" i say confused "If Bryce gets locked up. I have no where to go" He starts crying. "My mom is in love with a meth head and love him more than me" He says. "that's why i need the tape so I can have at least one life line" He says. "Justin..." i say. "Luna please. Can you stop thinking about this dumb game this dumb feud we've created and start thinking like a human" He says. "Justin!" I yell. "i'm sorry, i don't know what you go threw after school i don't know how you feel. My brothers room is open for you if need a place to stay." I say  "Thank you but sleeping in a room or even a house with a cop i'll pass" he says. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Look! I didn't tell I told your little girlfriend that when i started coming here you guys started calling me emo, i'll play like an emo person." I say. "you what?" he says. "fuck" I say to myself. "Luna are you kidding me?" He says. "i had to think that what's gonna happen to me when he's gone" he says. "I'm broke" he says "i'm in pain" he says. I started to step back. "i have no where else to go Luna" he says. our faces were inches apart. "That's not my problem foley" i say breathing hard. He got closer and our lips were brushing against each other. "what about jess?" I asked. "She doesn't have to know" He says picking me up. He started to kiss me and all on my neck.

"Our little secret" he says putting his finger on my lips. "i can keep a secret" i smirk. "get out of here Deluca" he says. "my plan too" I say getting up and smacking my butt. I know you're probably thinking like. Damn Luna's a Groupie. I mean that might be the case but Justin was an accident. Bryce a different story. Well they're both a different story. I do miss Zach but i just fucked two of his best friends. "God what am I doing with my life" I say to myself while rubbing my face.

It's currently 2:30 ish in the morning and there was a loud sound on the ledge of my window. I got up and opened it. "Zach?" I say popping my head out. "Baby" he says. "It's Luna" I say. He climbed threw my window. "babyyy" he slurs. "Zach what the fuck" I say. "baby" he says. I rolled my eyes. "yes" i say quietly. "I miss you so fucking much" he says. "Okay" I say. He looked at me. "i know that i said we need to take a break but i miss you, i miss being able to hear your voice. Your soft snores on facetime. Hugging and kissing you" he says rubbing my arms. I started to cry. "Zach.... i can't" I cry."Why what's wrong?" he says. "Zach please not tonight" I beg. He put his hand around my neck. "Luna..." he says. "I'm sorry" i cry. "Luna, please tell me you didn't" he says. "Zach i'm sorry okay" I say threw my tears. "I gotta go" he says climbing out the window. "Zach wait" i cry. "and I thought you were different from others from Liberty High" He says. I just sat in the floor and cried. Star came in and hugged me. "It's gonna be okay" she says. "No it's not it's my fault" I cry. "What happen?" Venus says. "Her and Zach just broke up" Star says. "No" she says sitting on the floor with us. "Come on I'll sleep i here with you" Star says getting up. "Me too" Venus says laying in my bed. I got up and laid in the middle. "It's all my fault" I break down again. "We"ll talk in the morning we don't want mom and dad to wake up" Star says. "Okay" I say covering my face with my hand. I closed my eyes and just thoughts were running through my head.

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