Return of the Lost Keyblade Hero

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The Bequeathing

After chasing away Maleficent, Pete and their allies Sora and Dewey are stood on the roof of one of the buildings in Disney Town looking at bright sunset together.

Dewey: This has been one heck of a party.

Sora: You said it. But everything turned out okay in the end, right?

Dewey: Yeah, congratulations on winning the Million Dreams Award.

Sora: Thanks Dewey. So what is it you wanted to talk about?

Dewey: I just wanted to know something. Dewey walks up to the edge of the building and looks out into the distance, his expression unseeable. After you saved Kairi, the cost of using the Power of Waking the way you did...was vanishing to another far-off world where no one could find you, right?

Sora: Sora is a little taken aback by the question but answers solemnly. Yeah, that was price I had to pay.

Dewey: As you waited to vanish from the world...were you afraid?

Sora: Yeah, I was afraid. In fact, when I first found out from Chirithy what would happen to me my heart was racing. I was afraid of losing my life...

Dewey: How is it that you were so strong that you're willing to face your fears and sacrifice your life despite the consequences? Despite that fear you used the Power of Waking anyway.

Sora: The answer to that is simple Dewey. Sora gives a bright smile. It's because of Kairi, I'm strong enough to face my fears. He places a hand over his heart. She's the light in my heart, the one who holds me together...and that's because I love her. I thought I was done for when the Heartless destroyed me the first time but Kairi's light held my body together and I was able to save everyone.

Dewey: You really do care about her.

Sora: Yeah...I thought we could finally be together forever after we defeated Xehanort...only... He saddens as he clenches his fists. Xehanort dashed any hopes of that happy ending happening. The thought of her alone and her heart literally shattered to sickened me. I refused to let her be alone like that again...she's already suffered enough because of Xehanort and all his incarnations. That's one of the reasons why I was more than happy to sacrifice my life...because I want her to live...and breathe. She deserves it after everything she's had to go through. We all do. I knew that I wouldn't be gone forever. I believed thinking about my friends would eventually lead me back to them. I believed that with all my heart.

Dewey: really are strong Sora.

Sora: Sora smiles at that compliment. Not really. If I'm strong it's because of the support I have from my friends...especially Kairi. I'm sure if that had been Webby, you'd do the same thing Dewey.

Dewey: Dewey smiles a little into the distance. Yeah, of course I would. Webby means everything to me. If she were to die...I don't know what I'd do. Whenever she's when she lost affects me too. I really like it when she smiles. Like Kairi with you, Webby is the light in my heart and seeing her everyday has kept me going through all my adventures.

Riku's Theme

Sora can't help but stare at Dewey along with the bright sunset. For a while in Dewey's place Sora is watching himself when he was 4 years old standing at the edge of the roof. He gasps a little and when 4 year old Sora turns around with a smile he's replaced by Dewey again and he's smiling brightly. An idea comes to Sora's mind.

Sora: Say, Dewey. Is there...any reason why you're always looking for adventure. Something tells me your love for it has a lot more to do than just thrills and daring dangers.

Dewey: Uncle Donald says you aren't the brightest but your quite insightful when you want to be. The truth is...I wanna be strong some Uncle Donald, Mom and Uncle Scrooge. He turns to stare off into the distance again. They went out on so many adventures and became really strong. I know how to fight...but I also know through one of my future adventures I'll find it...the strength that I need.

Sora: Strength for what.

Dewey: Dewey turns back to Sora with a cheerful smile. To protect the things that really matter to me, the people that I love. You know like my brothers, my family, friends and especially, Webby.

Sora gives a big, proud smile as he nods in agreement with what he just heard. Looking at Dewey reminds the Keyblade Hero of himself when he was just a little boy, the need to protect, caring about his friends and family more than anything in the world, the desire for adventure, the need to protect his loved ones and always rushing into danger without reminds Sora of himself. Sora makes one of the biggest decisions of his life as he walks up to Dewey.

Sora: Outside of this world, Twilight Town and Radiant a much bigger one. There are a lot of adventures just waiting for you Dewey and I know something that will help you face those adventures.

Dewey: What would that be?

Sora bends down on one knee, holding out his hand to summon Kingdom Key, his signature Keyblade. He holds his Keyblade upside down and leans the handle towards Dewey for the same bequeathing ceremony Terra did for Riku, much to the blue wearing duck's confusion and surprise.

Sora: In your hand take this key,
so long as you have the makings,
then through this simple act of taking,
its wielder you shall one day be.
And you will find me friend.
Nothing will contain you then.
No more borders around, or below, or above,
so long as you champion the ones you love.

Dewey: Dewey is almost speechless. Me? A Keyblade wielder? You really think I can use one?

Sora: I know you can use one. You have a good heart Dewey. You care about others, especially the people you love a lot and are willing to do anything to protect them. And looking at reminds me of myself when I was little. I're more than ready. You have a lot of heart. A keyblade is perfect for you.

Dewey's beak is wide open in surprise and amazement before he gives off a grateful smile before reaching out for Kingdom Key and clasping the handle tightly. A surge of light pours from Sora and envelops Dewey briefly, having accepted the power of Keyblader Wielder. They have a big moment together under the sunlight.

Unbeknownst to them, Donald was hiding and leaning against wall with his arms crossed, having heard and watched the whole scene. He looks at Dewey and Sora with proud expressions.

Sora reels back Kingdom Key and dismisses it with a smile.

Sora: You've gotta keep this a secret okay, otherwise all the magic wears off. At least that's what Terra told me (1)

Dewey: Dewey zip motions his lips. Hey, my lips are sealed.

Sora ruffles Dewey's hair and the daring pair burst into laughter. Donald smiles at the scene.

Donald: They grow up so fast.

With Dewey has accepted the power, a Keyblade will soon appear in his hands.

Donald's Nightmare

Donald opened his eyes found himself inside McDuck Manor but to his great and utter horror everything around him has been destroyed. The entire ceiling and most of the wall have crumbled to a huge amount of debris on the the floor that Donald finds himself walking on along with a multitude of valuable objects. Donald is frightened by the foggy, dark, night-like skies high above and this time it's not the work of Magica. But what really disgusts Donald the most and makes his beak wide open in shock, fear and horror are the dead bodies lying around. Scrooge, Daisy, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, Launchpad, Beakely, April, May, June, Gladstone, Fethry, Fergus, Down, Mickey, Goofy and Minnie...everyone he knows and loved all lying on the ruins of McDuck Manor completely bruised, bleeding and dead. Donald could only walk around speechless, staring at their lifeless bodies, wanting to cry or each out to them but all he's able to do is choke on his own breath. He then reaches the body of someone he lost 11 years ago...Della...his sister. He bends down by her side, placing hand on her cheek. He quacks in shock when Della grabs his hand and beggingly opens her eyes.

Della: You...could've...saved us...

And with that she dies and Donald is wracked with guilt. He looks up to see the moon closer to Earth and coming from it are golden versions of the Spear of Selene, hundreds of them. He senses someone behind and turns around to Lunaris with his back turned.

Donald Who...who are you...?

Lunaris turns his head with a haunting and evil smile. Donald hears something and quacks to see one of the rockets crashing towarrds him. He screams as he gets crushed and now he's seeing something far stranger and terrifying.

Throughout space, the planet Mars has been decimated into a barren wasteland and the Purple Power Stone is revealed.

Deep inside the gold city of Tranquillity is the Blue Space Stone.

€His Save the Queen Staff explodes, revealing the slightly larger yellow Mind Stone.*

The Time Tub explodes and that reveals the Green Time Stone.

Lena's amulet opens up to reveal the Red Reality Stone inside it.

Last but not least hidden deep inside what appears to be Castle McDuck is the Orange Soul Stone.

The 6 Infinity Stones come together in the Infinity Gauntlet and a pair of fingers are snapped, invoking a white flash of light. (2)

Donald bolts out of his hammock bed with a scream, panting wildly in fear after one of the worst nightmares of his life. Sweat beads his face as he tries to process everything he just witnessed in his head.

Donald: Wh-what was that...?

Scenes shift to the bathroom where Donald splashes his face with water. He looks at his reflection in fear and anxiety and then out of nowhere he saw Scrooge by the door.

Scrooge: You just had a nightmare, didn't you.

Donald: Yeah...

Scrooge: Scrooge comes up and puts a hand on his shoulder. Do you want to talk about it?

Donald: All I can say is...I've got to find those Infinity Stones...before anyone else does...otherwise something far worse than the Shadow War will happen.

He knows the location of 3 Infinity Stones...but where are the others? He is unaware that two of them have already been found by an approaching evil and 6th is hidden somewhere else on Earth or maybe even in space.

Della on the Moon

Back on the moon where Della is, we go to Gyro's Gravity workout chamber but things are different. The metal dome that can be seen outside next to the Spear of Selene is covered in a yellow forcefield. A golden device has been attached to the door which has created the forcefield, obviously a gift from Lunaris that Della has borrowed. The device has separated the inside of the gravity chamber from the passage of time, allowing Della to take all the time she wants to re-train and condition her body to regain the muscles and strength she lost. Inside the chamber years can pass and Della will not age or grow taller one bit while only minutes to mere days pass outside.

Della is inside the chamber wearing her workout clothes, consisting of her small olive sports bra that wraps around her neck, leaving her entire abdomen and back exposed, black tracksuit trousers with white stripes on each side, her pure white trainers and her hair is tied in a ponytail.

The room is at boiling temperature in response to the massive gravity of 1000G, creating an invisible weight in the room that's crushing Della who's screaming in pain and anger as she stands in once spot lifting up the massive machine weighing 1,000,000kg, picking up from where she left off, pushing herself far more than she did before. She wears heavy bands around her ankles and wrists and She struggles to stand on two feet as she growls monstrously, veins threatening to explode from her body, face and eyes more than ever and she stands in a puddle of her sweat as it runs down her body. But however long she's been doing her training inside the chamber seems to have helped her regain a lot of her muscular figure. Her shredded 6-pack abs have returned, her biceps are muscular and sculpted and her back muscles are insanely ripped and have unbelievable definition. Della slowly lifts the machine repeatedly as her muscles continue bulking.

Della: 999,999,981...999,999,982...999,999,983...999,999,984...999,999,985...999,999,986...999,999,987... 999,999,988... 999,999,989... 999,999,990... 999,999,991... 999,999,992... 999,999,993... 999,999,994... 999,999,995... 999,999,996... 999,999,997... 999,999,998... 999,999,999... Her body is in pain and she's screaming in agony. I've...gotta get...stronger! This isn't enough! I WANT MORE POWER! MORE STRENGTH! One...more...push! 1 BILLION!

She roars with rage, anger and determination as loudly as she could, lifting the huge machine high above her head. Her back, biceps, triceps and abs are bulking up uncontrollably, her body becoming more shredded with each passing minute the chamber... a symbol of her fiery determination to return home to meet her children and make amends with her brother.


(1) Kingdom Hearts BBS - Terra Bequeathing Riku

(2) Avengers Age of Ultron - Tony and Thor's visions

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