Louie and Lena

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The afternoon sun shines brightly over Duckburg as the limo drives through the streets. And it isn't crashing into anyone since its being driven by Scrooge and at the back was Louie nervously playing on his phone. Scrooge can see his anxiety via the rear-view mirror.

Scrooge: You alright, lad?

Louie: Uh…yeah, I'm fine Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge: You don't look fine, Louie. I can tell just by looking at nervous look in your eyes that you're feeling quite anxious right now.

Louie: Well, can you really blame me? I mean, this is the first date ever I'm going out with Lena. The two of us have had plenty romantic moments before but now…this is a really serious day for us and… I really want to do my best to make Lena happy. Especially, since she was never allowed to have her own life because of that evil witch, Magica De Spell. I really want to make this date the best for her.

Scrooge: Aah, quit your havering, lad. You don't need to make this date perfect, Louie. Lena will love wherever you take her. All the lass will want is to spend time with you. Just be yourself on this date. No need to be anyone different. You're a good person Louie and Lena loves you for you. Don't forget that.

Louie: Louie smiles a little. Thanks, Uncle Scrooge. By the way, I'm surprised you're driving me to my date. I thought it was going to be Launchpad or Uncle Donald.

Scrooge: Launchpad is taking care of something for me with Beakely, as for your Uncle Donald… His face saddens. He's going around other worlds with Mickey and Goofy to search for clues on the whereabouts of Sora.

Louie: That's right. I almost forgot…

Louie also saddens, remembering on the day the entire Duck-McDuck family and the Guardians of Light had a party on Destiny Island to celebrate their victory over Master Xehanort. The family was introduced to Roxas, Lea, Xion, Namine and Isa and they reunited with Ventus, Terra and Aqua who had returned from their grim fates. New bonds were formed but it was all ruined because as Sora and Kairi shared a private moment and a kiss together, Sora vanished right before her eyes due to using the Power of Waking to restore destroyed hearts 7 times when it's supposed to awaken sleeping hearts, thus breaking a nature taboo.

Louie: I'm really worried about Sora.

Scrooge: We all are.

Louie: What do you think happened to him? Are we sure he's not dead.

Scrooge: Scrooge just boastfully smiles. Of course not, that young lad is as tough as nails just like me, Donald, Della and Dewey.

Louie: Louie smiles. Yeah, that's true.

Scrooge: Besides, from what Master Yen Sid said, the lad isn't dead. He's just been transported to another world which he can't escape from. So, there's hope of finding him.

Louie: I sure hope so, Uncle Scrooge.

Meanwhile, Lena was leaning against a lamppost on the pavement by a bench but not with her usual cool expression. Instead, she's looking quite anxious as she taps her toes and plays on her mobile. The pink highlight in her hair is purple but she still wears her regular clothes.

Lena: Okay, Lena…play it coo, no pressure. This is just the first ever date you're going out on with the person you love most. Just be yourself…be the girl Louie loves most. What could go wrong?

She hears tyres screeching and looks to see the limo park next to the pavement. Louie steps out smiling with his hands in his pocket and Lena opens her beak in happiness to see him. She walks over and they meet while giving warm smiles.

Louie: Hey, beautiful.

Lena: Hi, handsome.

Scrooge: Scrooge pokes his head out the window. You two have fun on this little romantic adventure of yours. I'll see you at the mansion once you're done Louie. Have fun you too!

And with that, Scrooge takes off in the limo as Louie and Lena look back to each other.

Louie: I love the new purple in your hair, Lena. It looks pretty on you.

Lena: Lena blushes as she twirls the purple in her hair. Oh, really. Thanks Lou.

Louie: Louie takes a little sniff. Say, what's that strawberry smell, you trying out new perfume?

Lena: Yeah, Violet suggested it. I wanted to look my best for this first date together.

Louie: I think you were beautiful enough already.

Lena: Lena becomes a little redder. Oh, stop it. You're making me blush.

The both of them laugh together.

Louie: So…where do you wanna go first?

Lena: Lena sweetly bends down. I'll let you decide.

Louie: I think I know what we can do first. He holds out his hand. Shall we.

Lena: Lena takes it with a smile. Lead the way.

And with that said the both of them walk hand in hand to their first destination.


Donald's staff and Scrooge's dime falls out of the sky. The dime rolls and the staff flies away from Donald and Scrooge who are smirking with confidence. Donald motions Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Scrooge to follow his lead and they run after both items while running from all of their enemies.

Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg!

They now run in the city itself, everything zooms out to reveal multiple people to Launchpad who give a salute before quickly taking back control over the plane.

Race cars, lasers, airplanes

It's a duck-blur!

Webby uses a flashlight to help search the dime and staff in the darkness but the kids gets scared away by Demonworth.

Might solve a mystery or rewrite history!

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Scenes shift to a room where Donald, Scrooge and the kids relish with the treasure they've found but yelp in horror when a lobster monster arrives causing Louie to make a run for it but loses the gold he picked up in the process.

Every day they're out there making

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Donald is in his houseboat with a determined expression sailing it across a violent storm across the seas with Scrooge right next to him and Launchpad placing the boys in one life jacket. Unfortunately a rope from a pirate ship ensnares Launchpad and swings him around.

Tales of derring-do

Bad and good luck tales! Woo-oo!

Beakely drives Scrooge through a safari where he fails to grab his dime. The kids ride on a rhino with Donald being dragged a long rope and failing to catch his staff.

Scenes shift to a room where Dewey pulls out a sword, opening a cage that releases the Golden Dragon. Beakely and Donald get into a battle stance and the fire on Scrooge's torch goes out.

D-d-d-danger! Lurks behind you!

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do, just grab on to some…

Scrooge is tapped on the shoulder and now the mummy of Toth-Ra is chasing the 6 ducks across the room. Webby fires her grappling hook which grips onto a pole. Everyone holds onto her and they fly up. They surround Toth-Ra, grab onto lose papers sticking from his body and pull. He spins until he's reduced to nothing but bones.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

They run back to the gold room.

Every day they're out there making

The Duck/McDuck family are surrounded by their enemies again. Donald holds out his hand and his staff comes flying back to him. He leaps up and a blast of lightning changes his clothes before casting a thunder spell that shocks the Beagle Boys and clashes with Merlock. Scrooge stops where he is fearlessly before flipping up and diving inside the coins. He comes back and Donald, Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby continue fearlessly running across the floor of coins with the Sunchaser following.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Tales of derring-

Bad and good-

Not ponytails or cottontails, no

DuckTales! WOO-OO!

As he's chases by his enemies, Scrooge swims after his dime until he reaches the top of a formation where Beakely pulls the kids and Donald up. Donald points his staff at their enemies and the rest gets into a battle stance while Scrooge finally catches his dime. Just as they were about to crash the Sunchaser crashes into 'DuckTales' signs, knocking their enemies off.

Ma Beagle is outside her junk hut snoring and sleeping on her chair.

Louie and Lena are outside with a catapult ready. On it is a large cake and the mischievous duo is reeling back the catapult together with evil grins on their faces.

Louie: What better way for a duo like us to have fun on date than by pranking some of Scrooge's enemy.

Lena: I don't think I can come up with anything better.

Louie: What flavour is this made of!?

Lena: Chocolate! It's the sweet Ma Beagle hates the most. It's an angle I found.

Louie: Nice!

Lena: You got the phone to take the picture, right?

Louie:Of course! And the shrink ray?

Lena: Lena brings out a ray gun. Got it!

Louie: The catapult is leaned back. Ready? 3, 2, 1…

Lena: Fire away!

They let go and the catapult throws the cake forward, sending it flying into the junkyard.

Ma Beagle opens her eyes when she hears something falling down from the sky. She gets up to take a closer look at it but the sun's brightness shadowed the object.

Ma Beagle: What the hoo-ha is that!? The object is getting closer and she becomes terrified. And why's it heading straight for me!?

Ma Beagle screams in horror and the chocolate cake slams into her face, drenching her in liquid chocolate. She splutters and spits out as much as she can.


The Classic Beagle Boys run appear and run towards the exit, only for more cake to be catapulted and slams into their faces, sending Big Time flying and Bouncer and Burger comically falling on their backs.

Louie and Lena pop up the top of the exit and quickly snaps a picture of Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys hilariously either trying to get the cake off them or smashing into each other. Ma notices the flash but is too late to spot the kids.

Ma Beagle: Someone just snapped a photo of us, find them now!

But they're too late; Louie and Lena have already ran off and what horrifies the Beagle Boys even more is that when they get out they find their truck has been shrunk to a diminutive size.

Louie and Lena are laughing together on a bench. Louie is on his back clutching his stomach while Lena leans on him for support.

Louie: Oh man! That was so totally worth almost getting caught!

Lena: I know right! Totally hilarious!

Louie: The look on their faces! Priceless! Look, here's the photo!

On his phone, Louie shows photos of Ma Beagle angrily barking orders covered in cake, Big Time in a comical daze and Bouncer falling on top of Burger and crushing him. Every time they look at one picture Louie and Lena's laughter become louder and more hysterical.

Lena: This is gonna look so good on the internet! It's nice that we still make a great team when it comes to pranking!

Louie: You said it! And by the way, that chocolate cake prank of yours was brilliant!

Lena: Well, it wasn't as great as that catapult you made! And how'd you know Ma Beagle would be sleeping in front of her hut!

Louie: Oh, I took time to spy on her and study her schedules just for this big day.

Lena: Nice! Now that's what I call seeing the angles!

Louie: They sit up. Let's go prank a couple more of Scrooge's enemies and then we can do some normal boyfriend and girlfriend activities.

Lena: Cool! Where to!?


Louie and Lena finish graffitiing a wall with green and purple spray can of paints. They snidely smirk at each other as it reads out "Mark Beaks Sucks!"

Beaks himself is surfing the net and is shocked to find a photo of the graffiti he knows nothing about posted online and he is outraged to see it has 1 million likes.

Half an hour later he gets out of his bus, finds the graffiti and looks at it while holding his phone in shock. Before he could do or say anything Louie snatches his phone and tosses it to Lena who casually drops it into a rubbish bin. Beaks looks from the kids to the bin before diving in for his phone just a truck comes up, picks up the bin and Beaks falls inside while typing his phone. Louie and Lena wrap their arms around each other laughing as the truck leaves. The both of them then send a beam from the ray gun and shrinks Beaks car.

Glomgold hears a knock and opens his door to see a sack with a note attached that reads "Gift that will make your Richer than Scrooge McDuck" much to his evil delight, but when he opens it up a Harpy screeches out. Once again he's dragged outside upside down and Louie and Lena record it on the pavement, giving each other a fist bump in the process.

They then look to an expensive looking car and shrink it down too, only for their expressions to morph into horror when they see it doesn't belong to Glomgold but a duck that looks like the toon duck version of Stan Lee who drops his keys.

Stan Lee: Well, the 60s were fun but now I'm paying for it.

Embarrassed, Louie and Lena blast the car again and it grows back to normal. Stan Lee laughs and gets inside his vehicle before driving off. Louie and Lena throw up their hands exchanging sheepish looks.

Louie and Lena have conned their way into the drama theatre to enjoy a mole monster movie. The both of them are sat on box seats sharing a bucket of popcorn and each having a can of Pep. A hilarious scene occurs that make them laugh so hard they didn't notice their hands dig into popcorn together. When they do they look to each other in surprise before smiling and blushing

At the beach where there are currently a lot of people Louie and Lena are having fun in their swimsuits, Louie in his green trunks and Lena in her black one-piece bathing suit.

Lena lies on the sand wearing sunglasses while Louie swims in the water and has a good time doing it. He looks at Lena lying alone in the sand and mischievously grins before secretly swimming over while underwater. Lena shouts in surprise when she's pulled in. Louie emerges laughing and Lena is shivering with her sunglasses off before grinning at Louie. She splashes and he returns it. Then Lena tackles Louie into the water, laughing and pinning her down until Louie pushes back and they're both underwater. They burst back onto the sand with Lena on Louie as they both laugh together. They exchange romantic looks before sharing a warm kiss.

They both lie next to each other on the sand to sunbathe.

They each have vanilla and strawberry ice-cream as the walk down the beach eating, talking and laughing.

Louie and Lena walk down the pavement in their normal clothes. The green-wearing duck becomes deeply red when Lena wraps her arm around his and leans on his shoulder.

Louie and Lena are taking pictures in a photo booth. They wrap their arms around each other finger-gunning at the screen, next Louie laughs when Lena ruffles her hair, vice versa, next they make funny faces and finally Louie comically freezes in happiness when Lena gives a big kiss on his face.

It's night now and Louie and Lena conned their way into a stadium where they're sat on the edges of box seats to watch a Featherweight performance. UV lights illuminate the entire stadium as they cheer as loudly as they could as the Featherweight rock the house with their loud music. When it ends the audience roar with cheers and Louie and Lena join hands as they watch. Lena leans on Louie's shoulder and he happily wraps his arm around her.

The both of them are now sat opposite of each other in a restaurant eating pizza. They regale over their fun today.

Louie: Those Featherweights sure know how to rock the house!

Lena: I know, right! That's why they're my favourite band and why I wear their shirt! That was the best concert I had ever been to!

Louie: What made it so different from the others?

Lena: I guess… She blushes as she twirls her hair. It's the fact that I watched them perform with someone I love with all my heart. Concerts like that are always great when you're with someone you care about.

Louie: You know…I couldn't agree more. Ooh! By the way, I got you a little something from the concert before we left.

Lena: Really? What'd you get?

Louie: Close your eyes. Lena places her hands over her eyes and after a few seconds… Okay, now you can open them again.

When Lena opens her eyes she gasps in surprise and happiness to see Louie on the floor presenting a black Featherweight T-shirt with their logo on it.

Lena: A Featherweight T-shirt!? She jumps down.

Louie: I waited in line for half an hour to pay for this. But it was worth it.

Lena: Lena is touched and near tears. AWW! Louie, you shouldn't have!

Louie: But I wanted to…since you mean the world to me.

Lena grabs and pulls Louie for a massive hug much to his surprise.


She gives a huge kiss right on his beak, putting Louie in a romantic trance as hearts come out of his blushing face. Lena sets Louie down before taking the t-shirt and slipping it over her usual shirt.

Lena: So, how do I look?

Louie: You look great in that shirt, Lena! They sit back on their seats. By the way, have you settled in with Violet's family?

Lena: I sure have and I've been feeling good there. It's way much of an upgrade since Magica.

Louie: I can imagine.

Lena: Yeah. They chuckle a little. Ty and Indy are pretty cool.

Louie: Who?

Lena: Violet's dads. As for Vi herself, I love having her as a younger sister. She's helping me get through living a normal life away from an evil sorceress. She really knows how to make someone feel at home, just like you guys. She's also been opening my eyes to a more positive perspective on magic. I still hate it but since I'm no longer using it for evil I'm willing to learn good things about it. And I've been helping Violet be more sociable and learn how to have fun.

Louie: That's great! You finally have your own family to be a part of. I'm happy for you Lena. You deserve to be happy after everything you've been through.

Lena: Thanks Lou.

Louie: But just remember: You guys are honorary Ducks/McDucks too. You are family after all.

Lena: Lena's heart melts. Aww! Thanks Louie!

Louie: Suddenly, Louie gets excited. Speaking of family, you gotta hear what happened to Dewey the other day.

Lena: Do tell.

Louie: Ok, so he was trying to create a jetpack out of soda bottles. Huey and Webby were helping him while I videotaped it. The moment he pulled the caps off with a rope, he went flying... right into the pool head first.

Lena: Louie and Lena laugh their heads off. Now THAT sounds like a blast!

Louie: It was! I still got it on video.

He takes out his mobile and shows the video to her as we hear it.

Dewey: I shall be the first ever Soda-Flying Duck in history!

A burst of soda, followed

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