Double Triplets

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Daisy was driving through the streets of Duckburg in her car. She was a humming a tune to herself as she drove around in a good mood. At the back seats were her 11 year old nieces April, May and June Duck. Strangely, the same ones that had Donald, Panchito, Jose and Xandra defeat Lord Felldrake and Baron von Shellgoose years ago and they haven't aged a bit for some reason.

Daisy is wearing her primary outfit.

May is wearing an orange tank above a light orange full-sleeved shirt similar to Dewey but with the left sides being slanted down a little, an orange headband and she has short hair that reaches above her shoulder.

April is wearing a light blue striped t-shirt underneath a yellow cardigan with a dark green skirt. Her hair stands rolled up out front, a little hair standing up at the bank she wears a yellow ribbon.

June is wearing a purple hoodie similar to Louie. Her hair is done in a short ponytail.

Daisy: Now April, May, June. Remember that when we get to McDuck Manor I want the three of you to behave. Is that clear?

April, May & June: Yes Aunt Daisy. The girls seem pretty excited.

April: I can't believe we're going to the home of Scrooge McDuck!

June: June has a mischievous smile on her face. I wonder if there's a few expensive stuff in there that he won't miss. They deadpan at the youngest triplet.

Daisy: Now June…

June: I'm kidding! She whispers to her sisters. Well…half-kidding. They both roll their eyes.

May: I wonder how Donald's doing. We haven't seen him in like forever. Didn't you see him about a couple of months ago Aunt Daisy?

Daisy: That's right May. It was during the Shadow War when we fought Magica De Spell together. And he's been doing so wonderful since then. He's come to terms with losing his sister, he and Scrooge have made up and he's regained his adventuring spirit. He's so much happier and energized when I speak with him on the phone. I thought I'd use this vacation time to spend some time with him. I can't wait to see him.


Donald's staff and Scrooge's dime falls out of the sky. The dime rolls and the staff flies away from Donald and Scrooge who are smirking with confidence. Donald motions Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Scrooge to follow his lead and they run after both items while running from all of their enemies.

Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg!

They now run in the city itself, everything zooms out to reveal multiple people to Launchpad who give a salute before quickly taking back control over the plane.

Race cars, lasers, airplanes

It's a duck-blur!

Webby uses a flashlight to help search the dime and staff in the darkness but the kids gets scared away by Demonworth.

Might solve a mystery or rewrite history!

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Scenes shift to a room where Donald, Scrooge and the kids relish with the treasure they've found but yelp in horror when a lobster monster arrives causing Louie to make a run for it but loses the gold he picked up in the process.

Every day they're out there making

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Donald is in his houseboat with a determined expression sailing it across a violent storm across the seas with Scrooge right next to him and Launchpad placing the boys in one life jacket. Unfortunately a rope from a pirate ship ensnares Launchpad and swings him around.

Tales of derring-do

Bad and good luck tales! Woo-oo!

Beakely drives Scrooge through a safari where he fails to grab his dime. The kids ride on a rhino with Donald being dragged a long rope and failing to catch his staff.

Scenes shift to a room where Dewey pulls out a sword, opening a cage that releases the Golden Dragon. Beakely and Donald get into a battle stance the and the fire on Scrooge's torch goes out.

D-d-d-danger! Lurks behind you!

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do, just grab on to some...

Scrooge is tapped on the shoulder and now the mummy of Toth-Ra is chasing the 6 ducks across the room. Webby fires her grappling hook which grips onto a pole. Everyone holds onto her and they fly up. They surround Toth-Ra, grab onto lose papers sticking from his body and pull. He spins until he's reduced to nothing but bones.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

They run back to the gold room.

Every day they're out there making

The Duck/McDuck family are surrounded by their enemies again. Donald holds out his hand and his staff comes flying back to him. He leaps up and a blast of lightning changes his clothes before casting a thunder spell that shocks the Beagle Boys and clashes with Merlock. Scrooge stops where he is fearlessly before flipping up and diving inside the coins. He comes back and Donald, Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby continue fearlessly running across the floor of coins with the Sunchaser following.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Tales of derring-

Bad and good-

Not ponytails or cottontails, no

DuckTales! WOO-OO!

As he's chases by his enemies, Scrooge swims after his dime until he reaches the top of a formation where Beakely pulls the kids and Donald up. Donald points his staff at their enemies and the rest get into a battle stance while Scrooge finally catches his dime. Just as they were about to crash the Sunchaser crashes into 'DuckTales' signs, knocking their enemies off.

Speaking of Donald, he, Scrooge, Beakely, Launchpad, the boys and Webby have just returned from another adventure. The Sunchaser crashes into the pool, blowing off Donald's houseboat. They all walk out of the houseboat in complete excitement with Louie holding up a golden egg and Donald resting Save the Queen on his shoulder. All of them are wearing their primary outfits.

Dewey: That was the best adventure yet!

Louie: You mean the most profitable adventure yet!

Webby: Who knew phoenix's hate being tickled!

Scrooge: Another fun day of family adventuring and learning! Donald can't help but be proud of himself.

Donald: Yeah! And it's a good thing you had me and my mage magic on your side. The kids look at their Uncle Donald in complete excitement.

Dewey: Oh man! I've gotta say that giant water spell you used on the phoenix was amazing!

Webby: My favourite part was when you spun around your staff and blasted it with lightning!

Louie: Ooh and that part when you threw your staff and it was constantly smashing against its face.

Huey: You just keep finding new ways to be even cooler Uncle Donald!

Donald: Thanks kids.

Beakely: I must admit dear, using a large shield as a boat to sail down the volcano by attaching a tent pole and a gravity bind to it was a brilliant method of escape!

Scrooge: Indeed! That same method saved Della in the Underworld and it still works today!

Donald: Thanks Unc. Just like old times. He then widens when he sees his houseboat on the ground. Ohhhh! Come on!

Launchpad: Don't worry Mr D. I'll put your house boat back in the pool once I get the Sunchaser out of it.

Beakely: Some things never change alright.

Dewey: While he does that, let's see if we can hatch this thing!

Louie: Maybe there are jewels inside!

Webby: Let's go find out. The kids run of laughing and the adults watch them in happiness.

Scrooge: Ah, kids these days.

Donald: Donald chuckles a little. It's so good to be back.

Scrooge: Scrooge pats him on the back. It's good to have you back laddie. To think you used to hate adventure months ago.

Donald: Donald smiles at his uncle. Well now I'm back and I'm better than ever. I'm telling you Uncle Scrooge I haven't felt this good about adventure in a long time, aside from that adventure I went on with Webby she stowed away to help me save Daisy from Merlock. It can't get any better than this! They all hear the doorbell ringing.

Scenes shift to the living room where Donald opens up the door and becomes delighted when he sees his girlfriend who spread out her arms.

Daisy: Hi Donald!

Donald: Daisy!

The two of them have a hug before pulling back to hold onto each other's hands.

Donald: What a surprise! I didn't know you were coming!

Daisy: Well, I haven't had any royal duties lately so Queen Minnie suggested that I take a vacation and I thought Duckburg would be the best place to have it!

Donald: That's great to hear! Scrooge arrives and is equally delighted to see Daisy.

Daisy: Hi Uncle Scrooge! It's great to see you again!

Scrooge: Ahh! Daisy, good to see you too lass. He motions her inside. Come on in!

Daisy follows the men inside and when she does she sees Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby running down the stairs. The kids leap with joy when they see her.

Huey, Dewey, Louie & Webby: Daisy!

Daisy: Hi kids! They all jump onto her for a hug to which she reciprocates before letting them go.

Webby: When did you get here!?

Daisy: I got here just now and I brought some playmates for you four.

Louie: Playmates?

Daisy: Come on out girls. April, May and June pop out from behind and give a good greeting to Donald.

April, May & June: Hi Donald!

Donald: April! May! June! They jump at him for a hug to which he happily reciprocates before letting them down. I haven't seen you 3 for 2 years! You've grown up a lot. How've you been doing?

May: We've been doing fine.

June: Everything's been cool.

April: Yeah! Like just today I've signed up for the Junior Woodchuck's society!

Scrooge and Beakely have their mouths and eyes open in surprise to see another set of triplets.

Scrooge: Bless me bagpipes. Daisy, who are these youngins?

Daisy: These are my nieces, April, May and June Duck.

The three of them turn around to greet Scrooge.

April: Hello.

May: Hi.

June: 'Sup.

April: They immediately run up to Scrooge in excitement. So you're Scrooge McDuck!?

Scrooge: Indeed I am lass.

May: You have to answer these questions for us! How many adventures have you been on! April gets on May's shoulders.

April: Is it true you're over 150 years old!? June jumps on April, completing the stack.

June: Do you have any expensive stuff that you don't want that I can have!? They both glare up at June for asking such a question. What, I'm not stealing anything am I?

Scrooge is at a loss for words; the energy displayed by these kids are the same as the boys.

Scrooge: You kids are full of question.

Beakely: I can't believe you've been raising another set of triplets Daisy? The girls break the stack and become confused with what Beakely just said.

June: Uh…what do you mean another set of triplets?

Donald points behind them and when they turn around the girl triplets are face to face with Huey, Dewey and Louie who have their eyes and mouths wide open in shock. Webby also looks at these girls shock. April, May and June look at them with the same expressions.

Huey, Dewey and Louie & April, May and June walk up to each other, Dewey standing in front of May, Huey is in front of April and Louie stands in front of June. Webby just tries to piece together what's going on.

Dewey, Huey, Louie, May, April & June: Whoa! Wait, what!?

Huey: Well this is…

April: Surprising.

Dewey: Could someone explain why there are girl versions of us?

May: Hold it Bluey. We're not the girl versions of you. You're the boy versions of us!

Donald and Daisy walk up behind their nephews and nieces.

Donald: Huey, Dewey, Louie meet April, May and June Duck.

Daisy: April, May, June meet Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck. Why don't you six go upstairs along with Webby and get to know each other.

Beakely: I'll make some cookies.

She escorts the kids upstairs, leaving Scrooge with Donald and Daisy.

Scrooge: I've got work I need to do in me office. I'll leave you two alone. He smiles at the both of them before walking off to his office leaving just Donald and Daisy.

Donald: Donald puts his hands behind his back and sheepishly smiles at Daisy. You know…I believe I owe someone a date I missed a year ago.

Daisy: Daisy flirtatiously smiles and winks at Donald. Aww, Donald. You remembered.

Donald: Of course I did.

Daisy: I think this the perfect way to spend time together and catch up. Where do you wanna go handsome?

Donald: How about a nice little stroll before going to the movies and then dining at the greasy pan. Daisy cringes from the last part.

Daisy: The Greasy Pan? Eww!

Donald: Donald chuckles and dismisses it with a wave of his hand. I'm just kidding. Got ya didn't I. The old dumber Donald would've taken ya there. The new Donald is taking you to Saint Duckburg. Daisy becomes excited from hearing that.

Daisy: Saint Duckburg! The most romantic and expensive restaurant to dine in Duckburg.

Donald: The one and only.

Daisy: Oooh! I'll go and get ready!

Donald: Me too!

Scenes shift to the boys room where the 7 kids are having the cookies that Beakely has made for them. The boys occasionally take a couple of glances at the girls. May breaks the silence by speaking up.

May: Yes?

Huey: Huh?

June: You keep looking at us for some reason and frankly it's kinda creepy.

Dewey: Sorry. We've just never met another set of triplets before.

April: Fair enough. But neither have we.

Dewey: I'm Dewey by the way. He gestures to his respective brother. This is Huey and he's Louie.

Huey: Hi, how's it going?

Louie: He does a lazy two fingered saluted. 'Sup.

Daisy's triplets smile and May does the introductions.

May: Nice to meet you guys. I'm May. She gestures to her respective sisters. This April and she's June.

April: Hi there.

June: She lazily waves. Yo.

It was at that moment Webby gets in May's face with a look of excitement , freaking them out.

Webby: Hi! Nice to meet you girls! I'm Webby Vanderquack! She holds up May. You have to tell me everything about yourselves! She picks out a piece of hair from April. What's your Aunt like to you? She runs around asking in rapid succession. What are your blood types? Favourite colours? Who's the evil triplet?

May & April: They point at June. June.

June: Meh.

Webby: Tell me everything! She takes a picture and they're taken by surprise. Huey immediately holds her shoulder.*

Huey: Webby, let's just calm down.

Dewey: Actually, I have a question for you. Were you three really raised by your Aunt for 10 years?

April: Well, yeah. Why?

Webby: Webby points at the boys. Because they were raised by their uncle for 10 years.

All the triplets are taken aback to know what they have in common.

May: No way!

Dewey: Way!

April: Really?

Huey: Yeah.

Louie & June: That is way too coincidental. Hearing that they said that at the exact same time causes them to look at each other in surprise and Webby is giddy.

Webby: Jinx.

April: April accidentally knocks over a glass of milk and it shatters much to her horror. Oh my gosh! I'm so, so sorry! Huey walks over and calms her down.

Huey: Relax, it's just glass.

They address the rest of the kids at the exact same time.

Huey & April: Okay, everyone stay back. You don't want to get glass in your feet. They widen their eyes and turn to each other in shock.

Webby: Webby points at them both. Jinx again! You guys are so alike!

Dewey & May: Dewey and May are annoyed with that comment. We are not that alike! What the…? Okay, stop that! They become irritated and point at each other. You stop it first!

Webby: Jinx a third time! You guys are really good at this!

Dewey & May: Okay, this is really weird! This getting ridiculous! This is getting annoying! Okay, you need to cut that out! Stop copying me! Stop copying me! They're both glaring daggers at each other looking incredibly annoyed.

Webby: Wow! You two are exactly alike!

May: Like hell, we are! Okay Dewey! Copy this! She does a back-flip.

Dewey: Challenge accepted! Dewey cockily does a back-flip as well and May growls a little.

Meanwhile, Scrooge is counting up some gold and diamonds in his office until he hears and sees a nervous Donald coming inside.

Scrooge: Is there something I can help you with lad?

Donald: I need some advice Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge:* Scrooge immediately understands the reason for his nerves.* Sit down lad.

Donald does and takes a deep breath before speaking.

Donald: Today, I'm going to take Daisy out on a date…

Scrooge: Right…and…

Donald: And it's the first date I've taken her out on in over a year. It's been a really long time because of my responsibilities with the boys and as a court magician as well as Daisy's responsibilities with her girls and as Queen Minnie's lady-in-waiting so I'm a little nervous that everything is gonna get messed up. I was barely able to keep a relationship with her during my college years.

Scrooge: Scrooge comes up and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. That was ages ago. Don't worry lad. It'll be fine; you know Daisy loves you for who you are. All you have to do is be yourself like you've always been.

Donald: He aims a smile at his uncle. Yeah, I guess you're right.

Scrooge: Good, that's all I need to here. By the way, where are you taking her?

Donald: A little romantic stroll, then to the movies and then Saint Duckburg.

Scrooge: Isn't that restaurant expensive?

Donald: Yeah. He grins and presents an envelope. For once, luckily, my uncle who's the richest duck in the world gave me $1000 dollars that I've been saving since last Christmas.

Scrooge: Scrooge smiles proudly with his hands on his hips. I knew you'd put that to good use sooner or later. He helps up and pushes him to the door. Now get out there and have a good time.

Donald runs to his houseboat and quickly gets out a fancy suit. He also gets out his walkman and puts it inside the pocket of his suit.

As for the kids, Dewey and May are both doing handstands with May being irritated by how flawlessly Dewey's imitating her every move and the rest of the kids just continue watching.

Louie: Man. Your sister is full of so much energy.

June: I could say the same thing about your brother.

Webby: They really are alike. Webby raises her eyebrows in concern when she realizes the bond that could be formed. Maybe too alike.

May: Time to take it up a notch. She now stands with one hand and with great strain. Try and beat that Bluey! Dewey attempts the same. 10 seconds later he drops down and May has a

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