Della & Louie Part 3

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Throughout the entire night Della had stayed and slept by Louie's side. By morning Della head was leaned her on the side of the bed. She wakes when she hears a light sound. She gasps to see Louie's eyes beginning to move. Eventually they open up, blurry at first but Louie gained enough vision to see his mother who is smiling and struggling to contain her joy. He's in pain but manages to speak.

Louie: Mom…

Della: Hey buddy? How are you feeling?

Louie: Uh…bad…I feel like I'll fall of if I try to stand.

Della: Probably best that you listen to those instincts.

Louie: Where are we?

Della: We're back in the mansion. Everyone knows what happened and they set this up so you could recover.

Louie: I remember the cave in and then… He gasps in realization and bolts up. Lena! Where's Lena!? He yelps, clutching his stomach in pain and Della holds him.

Della: Easy, sweetie! You still haven't recovered yet! Some of your ribs are still broken!

Louie: He looks in pain. Is Lena safe?

Della: Della rubs her. She's okay, Louie. She came earlier to see you. She would've stayed too but I explained I needed to be with you.

Louie: You didn't get hurt in that cave-in, did you?

Della: Of course not. I'm alive because of you. Thanks to you…we're all okay. It's you right now that I'm worried about.

Louie: How bad was it?

Della: Most of your bones were broken and we were afraid you got into a coma. When we managed to get you out from under those rocks there was so much blood and you were barely breathing. I had never been so scared in my life. You're really lucky Louie.

Louie: I don't feel lucky…

Della: YOU COULD'VE DIED! Louie yelps back and Della gasps a little. Sorry, I didn't mean to shout! I was just scared, you understand, right?

Louie: Louie nods cautiously. "Oh boy…she's gonna disown me. I just know it."

Della: Louie…there's something I need to tell you…

Louie: Okay…

Louie gulps in fear and Della stammers, becoming nervous but says what needs to be said.

Della: Louie… I-I-I AM SO, SO SORRY!

Louie: Louie was shocked. He did not expect this. F-for what?

Della: Della was crying profusely once more, letting out all her guilt. FOR EVERYTHING I'VE DONE TO YOU! I know I wasn't wrong to ground you, but the way I did it was completely horrible! I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, especially in front of the family! When you were alone in the mansion you felt so guilty and terrified by what your scheme did and I only thought about how I felt instead of understanding what you were going through! I shouldn't have shut down Louie Inc. for good. It was your dream and I took it away from you! And gosh Louie I am so sorry for slapping you! I lost my temper so badly I wasn't thinking straight! I should've apologized, but I just let my anger control my mind and yelled at you! That was wrong of me on so many levels! I'm so sorry I abandoned you and left you all alone like that! It was awful of me to leave you while we had fun at Big Rock Candy Mountain! That was another dream I stole from you and it was a place Donald promised to take you! And most of all…I'M TRULY SORRY FOR THREATENING YOUR PLACE IN THE FAMILY LOUIE! Louie is shocked with Della's loud apology and his beak is wide open. The way I went about punishing you, you were right, I was treating you like a bad person. I turned your room into prison and left you with nothing but a robot to keep you locked up! I absolutely had no right to cut you off from the person you loved most! And I left you vulnerable to all of our enemies, especially by taking your khopesh! And it wasn't in my place to take away your friendship bracelet even if Beakely suggested it! You almost died and that was all my fault! I said awful and terrible things about you in my journal! AND WHAT'S WORSE; I THREATENED YOUR PLACE IN THE FAMILY BY SAYING All YOUR SCHEMES WERE BAD AND THAT YOU HAD TO STOP SCHEMING FOREVER! SCHEMING AND HAVING THE ABILITY TO SEE ALL THE ANGLES MADE YOU TRULY FEEL A PART OF THIS FAMILY. AND I TOLD YOU TO STOP BEING WHO YOU ARE! I SHATTERED YOUR CONFIDENCE! I NEVER GOT TO KNOW THE REAL YOU LOUIE! I NEVER SPENT TIME WITH YOU LIKE I DID WITH YOUR BROTHERS! I BASICALLY SCARRED YOU FOR LIFE WITH EVERYTHING THAT I SAID AND DID TO YOU! NO…I BROKE YOU…I BROKE YOUR HEART… SPIRIT… FEELINGS… EVERY PART OF YOUR BEING! I TREATED YOU LIKE I OWNED YOU AND FOR THAT…I'M SORRY!

Louie looks at her sob and cry hysterically in shock and is utterly touched. He feels a pang of guilt and begins to cry too.

Louie: No…I'm the one that's sorry Mom…for everything I've done to you… I caused the Timephoon and nearly destroyed time, space and our family for a stupid get-rich-quick scheme. The thing I said afterwards was completely uncalled for. And what I said at the Bin…I-I-I'm really sorry! I don't know what came over me! I was just so angry and betrayed with all of you that I-I took it all out on everyone; including you… and I hurt you worse with my claws… I avoided you, called you by your name just to insult you, compared you to Uncle Donald and said horrible things I don't think I can ever forgive myself for! I was the one making things worse. And what happened today… I never meant to torture you. I never wanted to say those things! Getting crushed by those rocks… I completely deserved it for the way I acted recently… You finally came home to the family you wanted to get back to… the one you were always a part of before I was even born… and I almost took that all away from you. I know I was upset about being alone while you guys adventures but I should've remembered how alone you were on the moon and how you fought to get back to us! But I completely pushed that aside like it was nothing! I've been the worst son ever! All I've done was insult, hurt you, the family and make bad things happen to us all! I don't deserve to be forgiven…

Della: No. Della wipes away his tears and rubs his face. You do deserve to be forgiven. What you said… it was all true! I was such a rotten person, mother, and sister. The things you said to me…I deserved every second of it. What I did to you was so cruel and I was too blind and naive to see it. I treated you like a disgrace to the family. But, really…I was the real disgrace to this family. I left you guys for one last adventure that got me stranded for 11 years, I tried to rush things so quickly to reconcile, and because I never got to know you at all, I assumed that you were a bad kid, but you're not! You risked your life to save us. You are a good kid Louie. And I was too angry and blind to see it. When I put my foot down and stopped your scheming this wasn't what I wanted! I wanted you to think about the consequences and then try again, but different. You've just stopped trying altogether and it's my fault. You've been so quiet and sullen lately. You don't offer ideas or try to join in on adventures. You've been avoiding everyone, especially ME! You ended up getting controlled and injured because I threatened your place in the family and made you question and doubt yourself. What happened to you isn't on you at all Louie. This was all my fault and I am so sorry for what I did.

Louie: Louie pulls back still crying and tears continue leaving his eyes. All I ever did was cause the family trouble. Scrooge was right; family is nothing but trouble, just like me. I endangered us with the mummies, caused the Harpies too cause havoc to the town, created a Timephoon, stole both Scrooge and Glomgold's fortune… and it all lead to disaster… all because I wanted to get rich. I'll never be a good schemer and see the angles you can. You were right about me Mom. All my schemes do is lead to nothing but bad things for the family. I'm not part of this family at all. But without schemes…without seeing the angles…I was never part of the family anyway…I…I'm nothing…I'm just a nothing… Louie begins hugging his knees and buries his face in them to cry. I've almost killed this family hundreds of time…and for what…temporary riches?

Della watches in sorrow and shame as she watches Louie have an emotional breakdown crying, sobbing and sniffing as he hugs his knees, feeling an immense amount of guilt as she watches. It also brings back horrible memories


In El Dorado's temple after Young Donald and Della's big fight Della is sat down hugging and burying her face in her knees, crying, sobbing, weeping and sniffing as loud and much as possible for her mistreatment to Donald.

It was the same thing for Louie. She imagines herself as 10 and Louie crying and sniffing at the same time, a representation of how emotionally vulnerable they are. (4)

(End of Flashback)

Della: More tears gush out of Della's eyes. Louie…do you know what I wanted I wanted to be when I grow up?

Louie: Huh? Louie looks up a little surprised. Um…I don't know…an astronaut I guess.

Della: Della chuckles a little. That and a lot of other things. I had so many dreams: astronaut, pilot, adventurer, even president. It's funny…I never wanted to be a Mom. Louie frowns a little. But then when I laid three eggs, I wanted nothing more than to be one. I was excited… She then frowns in regret. But I was also scared…scared of the new changes and responsibilities that would happen in my life…which is why I felt I needed to go on one last adventure. But I was young… reckless… and stupid…which caused me to take the Spear. I wanted my you…my boys to proudly talk about how their Mom was an astronaut. But only now I realized I made the biggest mistake of my life. I abandoned you Louie. You, Dewey and Huey, and I'm so sorry for that! I chose adventure over my own sons…and I did with you twice. I should've stayed with you when we went to Big Rock Candy Mountain. I could've protected you and talked thing over with you…but instead I made the same mistake I made a decade ago and chose adventure again, I lost everything…I lost you…in my selfish desire for one final adventure, I missed out on the greatest one of all…raising three kids. When I saw you make the same mistake I freaked out. What you said was right. You got those reckless and thoughtless qualities from me and I wanted to stop a repeat of the Spear of Selene, but by doing that… More tears gush out. I just made things worse. I never wanted to hurt you the way I did. The last thing I'd ever want to do is take away your place in the family. (5)

Louie: But I'm not part of the family.

Della: No, Louie, you are a part of this family. You always have been and you always will be. IF ANYONE ISN'T PART OF THE FAMILY IT'S ME! Louie gasps at that. I was wrong about you. I am so sorry I said your schemes only cause trouble, saying that they led to bad things to this family. Everyone yelled at me for what I said to you. And frankly, I deserved it. They also told me how your schemes actually saved them several times. Huey mentioned the game night fiasco, then there was when you helped take down the Gilded Man, and when you saved Scrooge's fortune from Glomgold and our enemies. When done correctly, your schemes are amazing and helpful.

Louie: Louie is practically shouting. But I hurt everyone! You said it yourself. Everything I do just causes trouble for everyone. When have I ever done something good for the family? Saving you and Lena, that was a good thing. I finally did something right, but it was my fault it even happened in the first place. I was the one who trapped us all in that cave! I tortured you and made you suffer with my words! That's why I had to make up for it. I have to make up for what I've done wrong. (6)

Della: Louie! That wasn't your fault! You were being controlled! You had no choice and that only happened because my words broke your heart and weakened your resolve! And what you did for me and Lena was brave but it was also stupid and reckless.


Della: Della cringes a little. Uh…that's a good point…

Louie: Besides, you told me to stop and that's what I'm trying to do!

Della: AND I'M TELLING TOU, I WAS WRONG! Everything is silent and Della deeply sighs. I know all about what happened between Donald and Uncle Scrooge…the disaster that happened in the Cloudslayer last year…Lena being Magica's shadow… the Shadow War… all of it.

Louie: Louie widens his eyes in surprise. You do? How?

Della: While everyone was shouting and yelling at me they explained the damage my stupid rocket stunt left behind. I now know that I broke the family, caused Donald to hate and cut ties with Uncle Scrooge. My brother raised you all by himself, didn't he? He's practically your father.

Louie: Yes…it's true. Uncle Donald is the only parent we had…he looked out for us as much as he could even though it was annoying at times. But…we never knew we were related to Uncle Scrooge or much about you for that matter.

Della: I know. Believe it or not I sent hundreds of transmissions to give you a good idea of what I'm like, only to find out none of them were received…you know nothing about me…that's why you didn't know how to act around me. Huey and Dewey may have accepted me into the family but it's hard for you.

Louie: I really wanted to spend time with you, Mom…I really did…but…I didn't know how to ask.

Della: It's okay. I understand…it's hard for you to express your feelings…especially when it comes to someone who you've only just met. I should've realized that sooner and come to you first. And when I saw the Cloudslayer disaster…I saw how upset you boys were after finding out what happened to me. You must've felt so hurt and betrayed…because Donald kept me secret for you whole lives…Scrooge built me the Spear…and worst of all, I stole the rocket, got myself lost in space, abandoned you and left you and your brothers orphaned. Because of my selfish actions Uncle Scrooge was left broken and vulnerable for Magica to manipulate him and escape. It's all my fault the Shadow War happened!

Louie: It wasn't-

Della: Della shouts with tears continuing to gush out immensely. Yes, it was! You thought so yourself…Lena showed me everything. I was shocked and horrified out of my mind when I saw the horrors Magica created. I watched as killed Lena right before your and Webby's eyes! I saw how heartbroken you were when she died…and it broke mine and Lena's heart too as we watched! Even when I wasn't around I still traumatised our family! And I especially traumatised you. I'm so sorry Louie! I'm so sorry for everything I put you through, honey! The Cloudslayer, Donald and Scrooge, The Shadow War, Lena dying, IT WAS ALL MYY FAULT! After watching Lena die and finding out what happened to me you became terrified of adventure, that's why you tried to bypass the present.

Louie: It's true…after the Shadow War I was scared of adventuring. I felt I wasn't good at it anymore…I mean, everyone had their own thing, I didn't. You, Uncle Donald and Uncle Scrooge were the greatest adventurers in the entire world but you all still got hurt! I can only talk my way out of adventure! How long before that isn't enough? And what was my place in the family if I'm not an adventurer. When Uncle Scrooge helped me realize my gift of seeing the angles like you could and use them to make a plan…I took it as a sign. That maybe this is how I fit in the family…by being sharper than the sharpies…that's why I begun Louie Inc in the first place. He deeply saddens in tears. But then the Timephoon happened and…

Della: Della feels more guilty than ever as she places her hands on Louie's shoulders. …Then I took it all away from you. I should've understood how emotionally vulnerable you really were but I was too much of an idiot to see that. It was absolutely wrong of me to take the stress I felt from being alone on the moon all out on you! And it was especially wrong of me to take away your hopes, dreams and future. You think you don't belong with us but that's not true! I… She looks down in sorrow and guilt tearfully. I'm so bad at being a Mom. I thought I was being responsible…but instead I said something that broke the heart of someone I loved. And this isn't the first time I've done it. I still stand by grounding you…but I took it all too far. I still have so much to learn about you.

Louie: But…

Della: I'm the adult here, and you're just a kid. It was wrong for me to put so much pressure on you in such a terrible way. You're part of the family, sweetie, more than I could ever be at the moment. I never should have made you doubt that.

Louie: I-I…

She holds out her arms and Louie doesn't stop her from bringing him in to embrace her youngest son in a hug. He's in astonishment.

Della: I'm sorry…I truly am sorry, Louie…Can you give me a second chance? Can you ever forgive your stupid, selfish, mother? Ever?

Louie hears her crying and sobbing on her. He then pulls back in shock, sorrow and guilt to watch his mother cry hysterically, her face on the bed. Louie's beak was wide open, it's like he was staring at himself moments ago.

Louie: Please, don't cry.

Della continues crying and sniffing until Louie finally gives a smile of forgiveness before standing up, his injuries the least of his concerns now.

Louie: Hey, Mom… Della lifts her head to see him giving a teary smile. You're part of the family too.

Della: Della lifts herself up to give a grateful smile. Louie…

Louie: I'll gladly give you that second chance…if I could have one…to be honest…I after what Merlock and that voice inside my head said…I was afraid you didn't love me anymore.

Della reaches out, rubbing his cheeks lovingly and affectionately with tears in her eyes.

Della: No, honey. That's all a lie. No matter what I say…no matter whatever arguments happen between us you'll always be my son, Louie and I'll always love you.

Louie: Louie's beak trembles as tears of joy gush out of his eyes and he smiles through them. I love you too…Mom.

Despite his injuries Louie jumps into his mother's arms, hugging her first this time. Della's beak trembles and more tears gush out of her eyes, this time tears of joy to hear her youngest son who's hated her so much since the Timephoon sincerely call her Mom again and has hugged her first. With a tearful smile she returns the hug, wrapping her arms around his son and they officially, finally make amends.

Della: From now on I'll help you see all the angles you can't. As long as you take care not to hurt the ones you love.

Louie: That'd be swell. Thanks Mom. And maybe…when things die down you and I could hang out together.

Della: There's nothing I wouldn't want more in the world than to spend time with my sons. I have so much to learn about you and this time want to get to know all 3 of you. And you know… maybe at some point…you and I could take a little trip to Big Rock Candy Mountain. Just you and me.

Louie: Louie pulls back, surprised and excited. Really!? You mean it? My dream vacation spot?

Della: Della sweetly smiles. From the heart.

Louie: But…you've already been there Mom. I wouldn't want you to go if you won't enjoy it.

Della: How could I not enjoy Big Rock Candy Mountain even if I've already went there?

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