Gaasp we need more Kaiser content
"Meine Liebling~ I need you to come pick me up."
An annoying german was heard from the other line of my earpiece
"Im on it. Tell me where you are jumping."
"Of course~" and I then heard firearms in his line
'Such a reckless idiot.'
'I dont know how I put up with him.'
I then put on my glasses and sped up the car to the building that Kaiser broke into to assassinate one of the leaders of an organization
I manuevered through the streets until I spotted the blonde and blue haired man on the belcony of said building
"Jump." I said into the earpiece
And Kaiser did just that. With the building exploding behind him-
I caught up to him and he landed safely into the passenger seat of my sportscar
"Flawless~ our partnership must be fate!" Kaiser was laughing now
While I looked pissed off
"Did you seriously have to cause a big scene?" I was speeding with one of my hands on the wheel while the other was looking for a handkercheif. I didnt want blood on my car seats
"Its pretty fun. You should do it with me next time, meine liebling." He got himself comfortable
"No thanks. Im only good at something." I handed him the handkercheif
"Im only good at escaping the police." I said as I saw the red and blue lights on the mirror
"Hold on tight, Kaiser." I changed the gears of the car
I then felt a hand on my thigh, rubbing through the fabric of my clothing
"I'm holding on tight~" Kaiser smirked at me
"I'm not going to stop you at this point." I sighed and then focused
"Let the race start."
I drove through traffic, avoiding as many cars as possible
Took unexpected turns and way more confusing and difficult to trail paths
I then heard helicopters above us
'Seriously... thats annoying.'
My other half mumbled but she kept her calm
'Theres a tunnel if you turn to the right.'
I took the wheel and turned to the right, entering a tunnel
"My~ I didnt know you were so good at driving." Kaiser was amused.
Does he think that I would cause a car crash?
Yeah I would be causing one if he doesnt shut up.
I speed up. Not bothering to look back to see if I got them lost or not
Until we eventually lost their trail, not much to say but Kaiser was impressed.
"Great job~ meine liebling. How about we get in a hotel and have some fu-"
"Shut your damn mouth unless you want me to kill you." I was pissed off
"Come on, I'd like to repay you for being my trusty ride-or-die partner." Kaiser chuckled to himself
"You can repay me by shutting the fuck up." I gripped on the wheel tightly. This bastard is so damn annoying.
"Great! Prepare me a glass for my return." Kaiser got out of the car and headed inside the Bastard Munchen HQ to report his suscessful assassination
I glared at his figure while leaning back on the seat
'How are you both partners..'
'I ask myself that everyday.'
And eventually I started playing games on my phone
He was mostlikely going to take hours to talk to Noel Noa just to piss me off.
'Bro you gotta buy this. Not that one-'
I didnt win.
I stared at the 'Defeat' screen
"Wow~ meine liebling~ youre so good at playing videoga-"
I slapped Kaiser. I didnt even know he was standing right beside
Well shit.
And I had to drive him home. Just the cherry on top.
The car ride was thankfully silent but I heard an occasional giggle from his mouth
'Does he have issues..'
'He does. A lot of issues.'
Thankfully he wasnt annoying me
"Could you drop me off on the nearest stri-"
"Hell no. Youre going home. End of discussion." I said annoyed
I aint changing my route. He can walk there for all I care
"What? Are you jealous?" He smirked
Is he trying to tease me.. what the fuck.
"No. I would be jealous at people who have never met you."
We stopped at a red light. Amazing.
"Really? Thats such a shame.." he put his hands behind his head
"Hey meine liebling." He sounded a bit more serious now?
"What do you want?" I was mentally preparing myself to lose my braincells.
"Are you interested in anyone?" He glanced at me
"Hmm.. not really, why do you ask?" I looked at him suspiciously
"No reason~" he smiled??
Yeah hes up to no good.
The light turned green and I continued driving
I eventually dropped him off at his home, thankfully.
We got out of the car and I watched him walk towards his door
Did he request for this? Yeah.
Why am I following it? Hes Michael Kaiser.
I was on my phone, looking at all the dammed missed calls Ive had
48 from mom.
2 from dad.
'Youre fucked.'
"Hey, miene liebling." Kaiser was now standing front of me
"Hm? What is it?" I looked at him
"I apologize for.. being so annoying and egoistic and.. would you care to go on a date with me tomorrow? Its on me." He was smiling.
'What is this 180..'
'Free food detected. Date accepted.'
"Yeah sure. Text me the details." I smiled back at him
Back to where Kaiser took so long to 'report' to Noel Noa
"What do I do??" Kaiser was panicking while Ness gave him suggestions on how to confess his love for me
"She tells me about how annoying you are. I personally think shes wrong but.. maybe apologize to her?" Ness was a bit unsure about the outcome
"Is that all I have to do?" Kaiser looked a bit relieved
"Ask her out on a date too. She likes food." Ness took out his notepad of things I like or dislike, Kaiser made him keep track of it
"Alright alright thats enough. Im finally going to ask out meine liebling on a date~"
How do I even love this red ahh flag..
Either way- hes hot. Valid.
And hes fictional, not a real red flag!!
Love, Skky♡
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