Extras one~ Rin Itoshi

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"Okay... who the fuck turned Rin into a cat?"

I was looking down at the feline infront of me. Dark green fur and teal eyes with underlashes- theres no way its not Rin

"Underlashes Junior never looked this better-" Shidou was crackling up in the background

The cat infront of me was glaring at Shidou, hissing too. Yep nothing more needed thats indeed Rin

I sighed "Shidou did you have anything to do with this?" I was holding my nose bridge

"Nothing cutie~" He looked at me with an innocent look

'He did it.'

'No shit sherlock.'

"Did yo-"

"I sent a picture of him to Underlashes Senior!" He grinned as the cat was hissing at him

"And what did he say?"

"He said hes coming over to see it for real." He crossed his arms, seems like hes very energetic

I put my arms around the cat and picked him up before he could jump on Shidou

My arms were holding him up so that ai can take a closer look at its face "Yeah Shidou you might be right. I prefer this Rin." The cat visibly frowned

"I told ya! Cutie~" He slapped my back

"Whens Sae coming?" I was looking down at the cat in my arms, damn did he looked pissed when I mentioned Sae

"He should be about~ now!"

The doorbell could be heard.

"Youre a fucking genius, Shidou." I turned to the door before I got shoved to the side

"I'm seeing Sae first!" Shidou stuck out his tongue to me and ran to the door

"Well fuck you then." I sigh and sat back down on the couch with the cat on my lap

I started to rub the cat's head and it purred. This is a dream come true.

"What the hell." A voice could be heard and yep, its Sae

"There seems to be a little issue with Rin." I rubbed the cat's chin and it was puring louder now

"My useless little brother is now more useless." Sae stared down, he has a disbelieved expression and Shidou was atill laughing

"I assume Shidou has something to do with this." I sigh

"What do you mean~ Im innocent~" Shidou cooed

"I see." Sae said and turned around

"Im leaving now." Sae was now walking to the door

"Eeh? So soon, Underlashes Senior?" Shidou wrapped an arm around him

"I only came here to see what my useless little brother has become of." I heard the little cat meow loudly

"Saeee~ can you stay over for a few more minutess? I need to take as many pictures as possi-"

Sae stopped in his tracke and immedietly replied "Fine."

"Ooh! A loyal dog!" Shidou mocked by barking

"You dont have a single say in this. Demon." Sae scoffed and walked over to me

I was holding up my phone while holding Rin with one arm, Sae positioned next to me

"Smile~" I smiled and took some photos, didnt even wait for Sae to smile because bro has the face of a statue

I then felt a pair of lips touch my cheek

I took a few more photos of my red face with Sae kissing my cheek, and an angry and grumpy cat on my arms that was about to jump on his human older brother


Thankfully Sae's pretty face did not get scratched. A tragedy for Rin. Sae eventually left my home and now I was stuck again with a cat Rin and Shidou

"So.. how do we get Rin back?" I turned to Shidou as the cat was sitting down on my bed

"Dont know!" He shrugged, he seemed like he was holding back more laughs

The cat looked cold and stoic, usual Rin.

"Might wanna take a picture and show it to the othe-.." I looked around to see Shidou disappearing, probably to laugh

'He has a laughing problem.'

'No shit, hes very special."

"Im showing it to the others, I know you wouldnt kill me so stay there and be cute." I took more photos of him and with him being holded by me

I then opened my phone and went over to the Blue Lock groupchat


Blue Cock

Yo Im heading over to (Name)'s house now 🔥🔥
Last seen 2:32




Bro imagine the amount of things he can get away with as a cat

Ooh Im coming over with Isagi, wait for us!

Rin is living my dream..


Who turned him into a cat? Was it Shidou?


It was mostlikely Shidou.
Who else is coming? Besides Bachi and Isagi?

Minor spelling mistake
Replying to Shidou


Do I get you if I come over?
Replying to (Name)

Bro... what about me..

She rejected you so many times, why are you still trying?

Good one Eita, try another one next time

Bro wanna cuddle up tonight and kiss? No homo

Yeah sure bro no homo

Thats so homo

Its not homo if you say its not🤣🔥🔥

Shut up princess, I'll sleep with your sister next

Yeah Chigiri, it aint homo if you say no homo 🔥🔥
Replying to Shidou
Sorry my phone got taken by Shidou
Sent a sticker


"Bachi! Isagi!" I smiled as I greeted the cute bumblee bee and Isagi and they greeted back

"Good to see you (Name)!" Bachira smiled and hugged me

"Wheres Rin?" Isagi asked

"Rin should be with Shi-"

I heard crashes and meows in my bedroom

"Oh dear.. It was a bad idea after all.." I rushed over to my bedroom to see Shidou with a few scratches on his face and a cat that was cuddled up in the blanket

"Looks like they had a cat fight!" Bachira spoke up

"They literally had one.." Isagi sweatdropped at the scene infront of us

I walked over to Rin and checked for any injuries

"Rin's all clear." I put Rin down and then walked over to Shidou

"Now would you mind me asking what happenned?" I glared at him, annoyed

"I told him a way to get back to his human body and now hes all pissy with me~" He was smirking

I sigh "Nevermind. I'll patch up those scratches."


After finishing the entirely of (Anime of your choice) and was now going to go into Chainsawman season 1 that Shidou requested, Isagi offered to get us food so now were waiting on him

I was laying down as I held Rin up above me

"Why so cutee? I might just want you stay as a cat~ isnt that true, Bachira?" I chuckled

"Rin does look cute!" Bachira pet the cat, Rin was now fuming. Visible by the cat's small and yet loud growls

"I just want to kiss him but aaah its Rin.." I poked his nose with my nose and the cat seemed a bit flustered

"What if you do kiss him and he turns back like in those fairytales!"

"Bachira.. fairy tales arent real but.. one kiss.." I can already feel Shidou's smirk and gaze on me

"I swear Im not a furry." I said before leaning in and kissing him

I suddenly felt a heavy weight on top of my body, hands on my hips, and the feel of lips on my lips... wait.. weight on my hody.. hands on my hips- lips to my li-

"Wai-" Rin broke our contact from our lips and took a few breaths before muttering

"Shut up. Your kissing was lukewarm. Let me do it." And then he went in again, kissing me gently. Damn he was a total cutie a moment ago

"I'll make sure your loud screams will be the only thint I'll hear tonight." Rin went in and kissed me, harshly now. Im fucked.

Shidou and Bachira immedietly left the room

"Well arent they cute~" He smiled and then noticed Isagi back with food

"I got the food! Wheres (Name)?"

Shidou smirked "Shes getting a different meal tonight."

Isagu looked at him for a moment before shrugging "Alright."


Fixed the chats 🔥🔥

Live laugh love Rin, better brother tbh

(I can fix him)

Love, Skky♡

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