35. Cheering You Up

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Also a sneak peek is at the end! <3
Non killing game AU, your pet died
F/S= Favorite snack
P/N= Pets name

- She arrived as soon as you called saying your pet died
- Now she loved this pet too, and was heartbroken
- She entered your apartment and hugged you tight
- "Oh Y/N I'm so sorry!"
- You were a sobbing mess
- She comforted you and offered F/S
- "T-Thanks Akamatu"

- You called her in the middle of the night, she was always up late studying or doing any extra errands
- She immediately came over when she heard the news
- She barged in and hugged you tight
- And then proceeded to wipe away your tears
- "A shower will help you calm down"
- And so she forced you into the shower and watched you fall asleep
- Made breakfast in the morning, and you felt a little bit better.
- "Thanks Kirumi"

- She was at your house when you heard the news
- Dropping your phone to the floor and bursting into tears
- Now Angie is the GOD of hugs, and immediately comforted you
- "Oh Y/N, P/N is with Atua now~ everything will be ok"
- She offered you F/S and made of a big oil paint portrait of P/N
- "Thanks Angie"

- You delivered the news the next day at school
- She loved P/N too, and also burst into tears
- She was a bit more emotional than you (surprisingly)
- "O-Oh Y/N, this is HORRIBLE"
- You were the one to calm HER down
- "Thanks Y/N"

- She didn't really know what to do when you told her over the phone
- If anything she was grumpy you called her so late at night
- Still she came over and hugged you
- "I'll buy you a new one if you stop crying"
- You cried harder
- Miu's not the best at cheering up, but can help even if it's a little bit
- "Thanks thot"

- She hugged you tight and said it was gonna be ok
- Took you out to distract you
- "P/N was really cute, I'm sorry for your loss Y/N"
- Made sure to keep your mind off it and helped comfort you
- "Thanks smoogi"

- Again not one to comfort people
- So when you called her late at night she was confused
- Still she came over
- And slapped you
- "Thanks..."

- She cried with you after you told her
- "P/N was soooo sweet!"
- You cuddled that night
- *Yawn*

I got lazy towards the end, sorry fam

But a sneak peek!

-You walked into the room quietly, turning the corner only to see the most horrible sight. Your lover, was kissing another.-

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