25. Demon Queen Miu x Fem! Reader Pt. 1

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I had to do this one
Fantasy AU
Not edited❌

1,000 rubies.
1,000 rubies to whoever kills the love of your life.
Well atleast you think she is, you'd never met her.
Miu Iruma was a powerful demon who ruled the underworld. A queen to put it simply, an evil queen.
And Y/N was a warrior, who only wanted to ask the queen out on a date.

The hunt only started a few weeks ago after your small town noticed people missing. They'd usually be male, and their bodies would show up days later. Without their genitals and tounges. It was pretty gross, but a bit hot the more you thought about it.

Everyone wanted the reward, even the richest townsfolk had only about 100 rubies.
So 1,000 was a BIG deal.
Well atleast not to you.

Rumor was that you had to preform a ritual and sacrifice a humans soul to see the gates of hell. Then you'd have to defeat the guard dog in a duel and find your way into the castle. Where hundreds of gaurds sat still only awaken by movement, magical barriers prevented the attackers of using witchcraft.
Only 1/10 people made it into the castle, and only 0/10 made it out alive to tell the tale.
Wanted posters where made for the queen, drawn by the only survivor of one of her attacks.

His name was Kokichi Ouma.
A young salesman who often scammed people out of their money.


"Hello sir would you like to buy this ticket to the magic show? Only 5c!"
You stood behind him watching the child give out a fake peice of paper and receive some coins.
You tapped him on the shoulder making him jump, "h-hello miss what could I do for ya? You really gave me quite a scare nishishi."

You pulled him behind a building and looked straight into his eyes. "Tell me how you got to see Miu Iruma and how you survived."
He laughed, "oh your playing a hero huh? Ok I'll be the little peasant boy!"

Looking around he changed his expression impressively well into a sad sickly looking gaze. "Oh would you please give me some bread, I'm starving."
"I'm not playing a game, tell me or else I'll expose your secret stash to the king."

"Ah I'm soooooo sorry! I can't go back to jail! King Monokuma is a huge dick, I'll do anything!"
Dramatically falling to his knees Kokichi begged and cried, what a faker.
With a glare you sat beside him, "now."
"Fine, I was minding my own business when that witch crawled out of the well and left my boyfriend Amami on the ground dead. Then I saw her take my other boyfriend Shuichi and went back down the well! Now NOBODY LOVES ME!"

The well huh? You quickly stood up and ran to the old well, it was a few houses away.
It was just a small stone hole right besides the woods, and it was definitely too small to fall through. Do I just wait?
It only took an hour before a gurgling noise came from the well. Peering down a red blur grabbed your hair and pulled you down.
Very painfully since the tunnel was only the size of a large bucket.


The fall felt like hours, and the lighting grew darker and darker. The only thing you could do was get in a more comfortable position, or atleast try.
But suddenly a huge pain crashed over you as you landed on a rock hard floor.
"Holy shit! OW!" You yelled, checking your legs to see if anything was broken.
Luckily nothing was. Phew.

Everything was pitch black, and you had to feel where everything was. Bars? Metal bars, oh your in a cell.
Just great.

Suddenly a faint light appeared down a hall, as it grew you noticed how small of a cell you actually were.
When a figure stepped into the room and two clanks could be head it must've been your lucky day. The exact person you were here for just appeared.

Miu Iruma, queen of hell. Oh was she much more impressive than the local sketches.
She was tall and pale, long light blond hair rested gently down to her hips. Eyes slanted in a gorgeous shade of light blue, wearing a black thorn dress. You almost drooled before staring her directly into the eyes.

"A girl? I can't get any use outta her! Why'd you bring her down? I asked for men!"
Her voice was menacing yet smooth. Each word coming out of her mouth like silk.
The guards infront of you seemed to talk in a unknown language, pushing apart to reveal the cell door.

"Guess I gotta kill her."
The queen pushed open the door as you just sat there. "No struggling eh?" She cocked her head to the side a bit, "why aren't you scared?"

You smiled.
"I came here for a reason actually! I don't wanna kill you like everyone else, I wanted to meet you!"
Curious she stepped closer and kneeled down, the two guards pointing spears at your throat.

"Why?" She hissed, eyes flickering in torch light.
You stifled a peep out of embarrassment,
"I uh think your hot."

Surprisingly Miu laughed, "of course you do! I mean look at me! I'm the hottest chick in hell!"
You nodded, feeling your face heat up.
God how do you do present this?
"I um..."

She turned around swiftly, yanking your arm up and forcing you to the hallway.
"Where are you taking me?"
She remained silent, the two guards close behind. Until they suddenly stopped, as if a barrier held them to the room.

"Well my names Y/N..."
"Y/N, I guess that's a nice name."
"Thank you!"

You arrived at your destination in a few heart beats, a bedroom. Oh shit.

She pushed you down onto the bed and stared at you. "What do you want?"
"I-I.." You closed your eyes,

To be continued :)

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