13. Locked In The Attic Part 1.Kaede

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Another lovely request from Kirbyfan123 .
Probably my biggest supporter.


This takes place in an AU where you and the 16 students live in one big dorm, where you and Kaede where pressed into grabbing a 'special' book for Ouma in the attic. Until someone locks the door and you two are stuck for 5 hours, what will happen?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kaede •
"Pleassseeee?" Ouma whined, staring at you with pleading eyes.
"No way! Get it yourself" Y/N hissed, crossing their arms.
"But my little arms can't carry such heavy boxes!" He cried, wiggling his arms to show how skinny and 'fragile' they were.

"Get someone else to do it, like Kirumi she would never refuse" You said calmly, turning to Kaede who was on the couch reading some book.
"Everyone is out though, and I need this book so I can pay back this company who is trying to sue me!" Now that was a bit suspicious, Ouma surely isn't stupid enough to get a company to sue him.

"Also" he added, a grin forming on his face that had a sinister feel. "You need to bring Kaede, you'd find it faster with two people and I need this book NOW."

"What's in it for me?" Y/N questioned, watching the males face turn a bit paler (if that was even possible).
"Uh..... 50 bucks?" He asked, pulling out some money.

You scoffed before agreeing, leading your friend along the halls and up the attic stairs. God was it dusty, a small room equivalent of a bedroom, with boxes and cobwebs stacked and scattered about.
"What does this book look like?" You yelled, staring at Ouma from the top of the latter.
"Idk" he spoke, pushing the door up until it latched close. So much for little arms!

"Hey! Open this right now!" Kaede yelled, pounding her fists against the wooden door.
The only way to get in and out of this attic was pulling the string to let the ladder down. And you can only do it from outside, meaning you and your childhood friend were stuck.

•Hour 1•

You sighed, rubbing your sore fists from punching the door. Turning to Kaede who was frantically looking through a small box.
"Just give up, he even said himself that this was pretty much a lie" you mumbled, dusting off a sofa with a white sheet layed over it.

"It probably was, but the quicker we find it the sooner he'll let us out" she reasoned, stepping over to the next box.

•Hour 2•

Kaede finally gave up, sitting down next to you on another sheet covered chair. You two chatted a bit about school, hopefully this will go fast.

•Hour 3•

You and Kaede found a deck of cards, and were playing an intense game of Go Fish.

•Hour 4•

You both were bored out of your minds, and kept banging at the door.

•Hour 5•

After 5 long hours you both were tired, not the physical tired but the mental one. Sitting on a couch you had found you placed your hand right beside you, which landed on something a bit less... Couch-ish.
With a bit of a jump you turn your eyes to your hand, which is placed firmly on a very smiley Kaede's hand.

"I-I'm sorry I'l-" you stuttered, beginning to pull away. However her firm grasp stopped you. "No it's ok, I like this position" she smiled, enjoying the sound of your heart which was pounding very fast and loud.
You relaxed a bit, leaning back into the couch.

"Remember when we met in first grade?" She suddenly whispered, turning to you with a flushed face.
"Y-Yeah we were best friends" you stumbled, remembering the time when you were short and wearing your underwear backwards.

"Ever since that day, i've loved you like I love my favorite song" she breathed, getting closer. Before you could respond she kissed you, as that happened the attic door swung open and Ouma popped his head in.
He made a creepy face, before laughing lightly.
You almost shoved Kaede off to beat the hell out of that midget but Kaede got to him first. Grabbing his ear like a mother would to her guilty child, Ouma cried like a little girl. Maybe it was a good thing you were locked in that attack, just maybe..



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