One has to be dead

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I felt dizzy, thinking I was about to throw up any minute. I squeezed my eyes shut to get rid of that dizziness.

Teleporting could be compared to a ride on a rollercoaster. Not the ones where you would scream out of excitement but the ones where you are begging for it to end, thinking you could die up there.

I teleported once with Jungwon together but I was way too focused on the fact that he was hurt rather than us teleporting. Now that I had to focus on it I could feel my body being thrown into something compared to space. As if I was floating. It felt like my body was being split into its atoms and put back together.

But that feeling disappeared as fast as it came when my feet landed on the hard ground again. Gravity welcomed me back and I almost stumbled as the weight of my body pushed me down.

K, who was holding my other hand grabbed it tightly to pull me back before I could fall.
"Thank you." My voice was just a whisper but he heard me and smiled.

The feeling of teleporting still lingered in my body for a few seconds until I was able to adjust again.

"Where are we?" Heeseung looked around and soon we all did to figure out this place we just teleported to. Only Niki and Sunoo weren't questioning this place.

"Niki and I went to this place the day you came back with Jungwon being injured. A witch named Luna lives here. She gave us the cure for Jungwon."

"And you think we need her help now as well?"

"I don't think we do. I know it. She knows the dreamworld, or as she likes to call it the mirror world, more than we do. She's our best chance at getting some answers without risking you to die."

I nodded at Sunoo's words.
"Let's Go. We can't waste any more time." I said, making my way to her doorstep.

Before I could knock on her door it opened widely, inviting us in. As usual.
One thing I've learned in this short time was never to knock on a witch's door. You don't even get the chance to it just magically opens itself. Which in other circumstances would be pretty cool but I had no time to gush over these things.

A little girl welcomed us as we walked into the house.

"Hello, you must be y/n. Oh and I see you brought you're vampire friends. I don't like vampires. Don't you kill us witches?"

Sunoo, Niki and I were too stunned to speak.
The rest of the boys still stood outside of the house as they weren't invited in yet. K easily walked in tho to join us three.

"And you brought a werewolf as well. I hope he is a friend or else I have to kill him." She smiled at us with this innocent face.

A middle aged woman with shoulder long hair, shimmering in a beautiful silver came towards us.

"I told you to greet friends nicely, remember? And don't say such things. Now go practice the spell I gave you." She scolded the little girl but her tone was still as soft as one of a mother.

Limeria looked at me for a second, then she bowed to us as a sign of apology and went back down the stairs at the end of the hallway.

"I'm sorry about what she said. She still has to learn that not all creatures of the night are dangerous." The woman, who must be Luna, explained to us.

"It's fine. I understand that. I'm-"

"Y/n. I know. The rest of you." She looked at the boys at her doorstep before she continued her sentence.
"Come on in. You don't have to wait outside."

"Did Claire tell you about me?"

We all sat in her living room after she invited the rest of the boys in. I took a quick look around but it looked like an ordinary living room just like the one in Claire's house.

"She did. She warned me that Celeste might come for me as well but you must know, the news of someone like you makes its round faster than you think. I knew of you even before you were born."

I could hear one of the boys whisper the word 'creepy' assuming it was Jay.

"How did you know? And did Claire know as well?"

She nodded.
"I thought she might have told you."

I could see she was quite surprised.
"There's a lot she didn't tell me I figured.."

"I'm sure she had her reasons. You know y/n, there was a prophecy a long time ago. Even before the first vampires and werewolves existed. It was just us witches. Claire might have told you about her vision and why she put that spell on you...but there's way more to it than just that."

"There's always more to what everyone tells us. Can't y'all just tell us everything beforehand instead of sending us to death." Jay gave Luna a scowl.

"What Jay meant to say was that you could have cooperated with us at least. We have no clue about anything and Celeste is about to kill everyone on this damn earth."
Jungwon cleared his throat at Jays remark saving his ass once again with his words.

Luna just sighed.
"It's complicated. But I can give you some answers."

I nodded and no one had any objections so she continued.

"The prophecy wasn't easy to understand at first but time brought us an answer to what we were searching for. It was you."

She grabbed a book from the shelf behind her and skimed through the pages until she reached a yellowed page.
She handed the book to me and I read what it said out loud.

Two souls will intertwine
When arising from the dead.

A split personality,
One good and one bad.

Eyes like the darkest night,
Demonic powers running through her veins.
She fights her way through,
Trying to escape those restraining chains.

And Blood will spill blood,
turning the full moon red.
Before there is peace,
One has to be dead.

I gulped as I read the last sentence. 'One has to be dead'
The sentence was repeating itself in my head over and over.

"What does this mean?" I asked and Luna looked me deep in the eye, her heterochromatic eyes burning holes into my body. I was afraid of what she had to say. She looked serious. But her eyes softened after a few seconds.

"The first part is about your birth. When you died and came back from the dead, your soul split into two and created an alter ego."

"But...but how. I mean I was human..."

"A witch's spell brought you back to must know that a spell like that is forbidden to use. We aren't allowed to change the nature of what needs to happen or what has already happened. Using that spell has its side effects."

I felt anxiety rushing through my body but at the same time I got mad. Why did they bring me back to life, knowing what could happen? And why didn't Claire tell me the whole truth?!

"If a soul has already passed the line of the real world, entering another place, it can be difficult bringing it back. Sometimes it doesn't work and the person, who is being brought back will not be the same as before. Sometimes it does work but it's already too late for the soul to enter the body again without being damaged."

"So her soul got damaged because she was dead for too long, causing it to split into two different souls?" Heeseung seemed a bit confused by all of that, actually we all were.

"You can word it like that, yes."

"But what does the rest of the prophecy mean?" Sunoo curiously pointed at the page.

"You've already experienced the second part, haven't you y/n?"

I closed my eyes, trying not to recall the pictures I had in mind whenever the other side of me took over. Balling my hands into fists I tried to get rid of these memories.

"Y/n..." Jungwon whispered my name when I didn't answer her question.

"I did. Twice." I gulped, opening my eyes to look at Luna again.

"My alter ego...she said she wants to take over. She wants to destroy this world and kill me so that I won't be able to oppress her anymore."

"The second part of the prophecy.." Sunoo added after I finished talking.

"We were certain that this prophecy is about you. To protect you from that damage we put that spell on you."

"But with Claire dying the spell broke. It was all for nothing..." I mumbled.

No one said anything. Even Luna didn't try to whitewash what I just said. She just sighed. A big sigh. I could tell she was exhausted by all of this and it clearly was way more complicated than she may had expected it to be.

"I'm sorry y/n. This shouldn't have happened that way. Claire was supposed to tell you about all of this but I guess she waited for the right moment. Sadly, it was too late for it."

"And why didn't anyone of you tell me? All this time I've been helplessly watching the rest of the boys trying to overcome this crisis. I didn't know anything about me, about my past and even about my future. Now it's too late. Celeste has the cube and probably planned everything already. And guess what? I still know nothing about the cube, why this is all happening and how this is even possible."

"Y/n you-"

"Don't interrupt me, K." I glared at him. It was the first time he said something since we entered this house. I was mad. Anger arose inside of me but I didn't know why. I didn't want to get mad but something inside me told me I had every right to. I just had to accept it.

"My life was pretty normal before I got pushed into a world behind the shadows. A month prior I wouldn't even have imagined vampires or werewolves, even witches to be real. But my life was ruined just like that. No one told me anything, everyone has secrets. EVERYONE IS LYING!"

"Y/n!" Luna grabbed my wrist to calm me down, her eyes widening. Then I saw it. The reflection in her eyes.

I gasped and she let go of me. They were pitch black. My eyes were pitch black. I stood up and stared at all of them in shock. But they weren't scared of me. They just looked worried.

"It's okay, y/n." Luna stood up as well taking my hands in hers.
"You have every right to be mad but you have to control it. You have to control her." She said vigorously.

I took a deep breath and nodded, trying to calm myself down.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.
"I can't do this Luna. I can't control the other side of me. She wants to destroy everything and everyone. How am I supposed to get through to her?"

"You will know when the time is right. And if you can convince her, she will help you. Trust me. I know that you can do this. Just believe in yourself like we all do."

"And what's with the last part of the prophecy?" I changed the subject.

"Only Claire knows what it means, I'm sorry. She figured it out but never told us what it meant."

"Luna." Sunoo stood up from his seat.
"We actually came here because of Claire. We need your help to contact her."

"Contact her?" Luna seemed confused.

"She visited me in my dream. If she can do it than I might be able to contact her as well. We need answers Luna. I need answers. And Sunoo said you know the mirror world more than anyone else does."

She nodded but I could sense hesitation in her movements.

"It's really dangerous...but I will help you."

I was relieved when she said that.


We had moved the sofa to the very back of the room to make some space. Luna gestured me to lay down onto a mat in the middle of the room. We were still in the living room instead of being in her basement where she usually practices magic. She had brought the most important things from her basement to the living room as the light was way better in here and it was way more comfortable. Candles were surrounding the mat and already lit up making it look like some kind of ritual.

I laid down onto the mat, the other boys sitting on my left side while Luna was on my right. Jungwon sat right beside me, taking my hand in his. I squeezed it lightly to reassure him that everything will be okay.

"Are you ready?" Luna was done mixing a substance together and I nodded.

"Remember, nothing is what it seems and it will try to confuse you. Just think of Claire and she will appear. Do not let yourself be distracted by familiar voices you might be hearing. And never, never look into a mirror or touch it. It won't let you go again."

"And one more thing. You won't have much time to stay in this world. Try to find her as quick as possible."

"What happens if I won't make it in time?"

"You won't be able to come back. You'll be trapped forever."

I got goosebumps all over my body but I just nodded, trying not to seem scared.

She gave me the bowl with the substance.

"Come back to me, okay?" Jungwon whispered and I smiled at him. Tho, I wasn't quite sure about this myself.
Then I drank the substance and closed my eyes, soon dozing off. The last thing I felt was Jungwon tightening his grip around my hand.


I'm back and still alive 😃
Had a lot of things going on but here we go. A new chapter. And not just one but two 🙌🏻
Thought I might write two cause I've been gone for some time now :)

The prophecy took me long enough but I love writing poems and prophecies so yeah, pretty proud of it hehe

Thanks for reading this ff and I hope you enjoy it <3

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