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Bendy growled, dragging the weak human through the ink. Why didn't he recognize the man?! Bendy knew every face that had been trapped here with him, it was part of the deal he struck with Joey Drew.

Bendy would stay in the studio, and Joey would give him the souls who'd tortured him, who'd laughed and mocked him. The ones who'd ran gruesome experiments on him, he remembered every face that had tortured him. So why didn't he remember this one?!

Bendy lifted the human to study him again, pulling him close to Bendy's face to he could see. The man's eyes were closed, he was clearly unconscious. Bendy pulled the man closer to his chest. He was... kinda cute, now that Bendy could see him properly.

Bendy pulled the man up, out of the ink, just outside of his lair, the large ink machine. Now that he had him... Bendy growled, examining the man. He was really quite small, compared to Bendy himself. His hair was slick with ink, just like his clothes and the rest of his body. Oddly, his body itself appeared to actually be human, not ink. Which was... odd, especially since all the souls agreed upon had been merged with the ink.

Bendy sniffed the man curiously. No, he definitely wasn't one of the people who'd mocked or tortured him. So then.. Why was he here? How was he here? Bendy held him, growling to himself. He needed to figure this out. Was the man sent here by Joey? Bendy growled.

He had to discover who this man was to get answers. But until then... Bendy turned his head sideways, smiling with all his teeth. Perhaps he could have some fun with the man.

Bendy carried the human deep into his lair, past the screams of tortured souls and the gurgling of ink. Bendy found a secluded corned and chained the man there, where he hung limply. His chest rose and fell with each breath. Bendy growled, running his hand across the mans face. He really was... really cute.

Bendy nuzzled his face gently. The man stirred slightly, then fell into deeper sleep. Bendy put his face close to the man's, to study him. Bendy growled. He'd swore to himself he'd hate anything to do with humans, but this man had never done anything to him. The thought made bendy feel... strange.

Bendy let go of the man, stepping away. The man hung limply in the chains, his form blurry once more. Bendy turned and stalked away, growling quietly. Who are you?

He stalked into one of his many rooms, where he'd stored the files of every employee who'd ever worked at Joey Drew Studios. Bendy sat down, studying them to great length. But he couldn't find the man's file. Bendy snarled, throwing Susie Campell's file at the wall in anger. Why couldn't he find the man's file?!

He knew the man must have worked for Joey at some point, since Bendy had heard him state, multiple times, about how he'd wasted so much time in that chair. Bendy sat up. Maybe he'd get some clues at the desk in question.

Bendy made his way to the old animation desk. It was tucked away in a secluded corner, just outside the art department, which Bendy found interesting. It also seemed to be older, the wood was darker and carved into over and over again.

Bendy turned his head and looked at the cutout of what he was supposed to look like. Then he noticed something. There was a different version of himself on the desk! Bendy looked down at the picture, picking it up in his clawed hands. This picture was much cuter, with a smaller smile and smile lines on the face. Bendy touched the picture with one claw. Why couldn't I look like that?

Bendy squinted at the picture, bringing it closer to his face. There were- there were letters on the picture! Curious, Bendy squinted until he could make out the letters. H. S. Bendy frowned.

What did that mean? It wasn't a word, like It or My. Bendy didn't understand. He went to put the picture back, then paused. He kinda wanted to keep it.

Bendy took the picture and stored it away (cartoon logic). Then he noticed something. There was something carved into the desk. It had been hidden by the picture! Curious, Bendy peered closer. It was words! A name!

Bendy squinted. He put his face real close to the desk. Harry Stein. No, Henry Stein! Bendy turned his head. Who was Henry? Bendy had never heard of him. Suddenly excitement spread through Bendy's limbs. Could Henry be that human's name? Bendy stood up. He couldn't ask the man himself, but he knew someone who could.

Bendy made his way down into the music department. The infamous Prophet was sitting in his office, thrumming on a banjo. Bendy paused by the door, feeling irked by the noise. After a moment, the Prophet took notice of Bendy and broke into a smile.

"My Lord! What brings you to my humble dwelling?" Bendy innerly rolled his eyes. Suddenly a thought struck Bendy. The Prophet used to be human. Maybe he'd recognize the name. "You ever heard of someone named Henry Stein?" Bendy asked him.

The Prophet paused, his fingers still on the string. "Henry Stein.." He mused. "Sounds vaguely familiar, my Lord, but I cannot place it. I apologize." His voice was very formal. Bendy sighed. "No matter, I think I found him. I need you to ask if that's his name however."

The Prophet bowed his head. "I would be honored, my Lord." Bendy nodded. "Good." He muttered. "I will send for you once he awakes." The Prophet bowed his head in accent. "As you wish, my Lord." Bendy turned and stalked away. He went deep into the studio, back to the man's cell.

He was still asleep. Bendy turned his head sideways, feeling an odd feeling he didn't usually get. He felt... Concerned. Did humans usually sleep that long? Bendy touched his face gently. He was still breathing, and his heartbeat seemed steady. Bendy moved closer to him, pressing him against the wall. His breathing was deep and even.
Bendy curled up by his feet, falling asleep as the man hung above him, his body covered in ink.

Goodnight, strange human.

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