Pt 5

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Hello guys, i want to tell you that this part i will keep it short to end this chapters how i didnt even intend to make this thing so long so...yeah...

I will start another chapter about a complete diferent storys, and this is what i was going for from the start, making small chapters about some of my ideas that whold have been guite intresting to be in an episode..


The next day wen corto was going back to manta and his team place. She found manta waithing for her at the door his face completly red whit his diary in hand clearly knowing she read his diary.

Manta was clrealy mad and emberassed and simply said nothing while corto was making the chores she promised him she whold do.

After a while corto asked manta on who he had a crush on which maked manta even more embaresed and red while shino simply chukled as he was siting by his side.

After some time manta and corto go out on a walk to be in private so he could tell her on who he had a crush on.

They wen and bought some fish oromo and wen manta felt it was right he told corto that he had a crush on corto and turned aside felling to embarased to face her.

Corto blushed felling small butterflyes in her stomach she turned to manta but didnt knew what to say so she simply huged him and wisherd that she had a crush on him to.

The two beacomed a cuple but kept they relationship secret a while till dabbye found out and posted it on aguagram making evrebody found out about them.

Surley they had some haters and felt șlightly unconfortabal wen people found out but worked out throu it and worked togheter to win the queens prize.

And after corto wins it she also gives manta some of it.


This is it sorry i kanda rushed it but i wanted to be over whit this to start a nother chapter completly diferent and also didnt really have other ideas for this chapter...

Here are some of the things manta wrote in his diary if any of you were curious to find out what he wrote in it.

These arent mine. These are writen by

Baleine_kiddo, and all credit for these two goes to them.

Sorry i maked it this long, initially this story was sopoused to be only 2 chapters but yeah...

So i will start a newer chapter, that will be diferent by this one.

So...Goodbye have a good day/ evening/ night!

Words 441

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