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Callie sat nervously on Stiles' bed. She felt the light blue cotton duvet underneath her fingers as she focused on Noah's words. 'Yeah, I'm not finding any clues here' he sighed down the phone, his eyes scanning his sons room- which for once was tidy.

'Listen if he- If he shows up at the hospital...okay, thank you' Noah nodded, pushing down the lump in his throat. Callie sat cross legged, her eyes looking down at the floor, memories coming in.

'I'm right here' Stiles smiled cowardly as he dropped his gloves to the floor. Callie let out a sigh of relief as he stood battered in front of her. His eyes presented sorrow as the wet fire tracks of tears stained his face. A red bruise painted his cheekbone and blood stained his lips.

Callie felt pain run through her veins, he was hurt. 'It's okay, dad. Dad! It's okay' Stiles let out a warning as Noah grabbed his face, turning it to the side as his eyes looked at the bruises welding on his skin.

'Who did it?' He ordered, his hand clasped round Stiles' neck, the teenager had no other option but to maintain eye contact. 'It's okay, it was just a couple kids from the other team' Stiles reassured, shrugging his dad off him.

Callie sat still watching as Stiles' father slowly broke down in front of them. This was a moment that Callie wasn't needed in, leaving the room would draw attention to herself, it was about Stiles.

Callie muted them out, their chattering, their ranting, their constant reassurance. Callie blocked them out as she stared at the floor. She remembered when Stiles pushed her onto the bed, feeling his mattress shift beneath her as he hovered over her.

She could remember waking up in his arms, it was so familiar to her. Waking up and looking up at his smile- he was usually awake first. But Callie was always grateful that he waited until she was awake to move.

They weren't a very affectionate couple, they didn't have to be on each other all the time, but Callie wished that she had more good moments in their relationship, some that she can savour.

Stiles wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her in close, gently rubbing her back- reassuring her that he was okay. Despite the heaviness she felt in her stomach, she felt her body flutter at the feeling of her body pressed against his. Callie smiled, sinking into the warmth of his chest, Stiles was always brilliant at hugs. His touch made everything better, warmed somehow.

'Your phone keeps going off' Callie mumbled as she felt Stiles' phone vibrate against her hip. 'It's Scott' Stiles muttered, wrapping his hand around a still straitened strand of hair. 'Are you ignoring him?' Callie asked, looking up at him, she pulled away.

Stiles rested his hands on her hips and Callie wrapped her arms around his torso. 'No, no not really' he cocked his head, lying- Callie smiled slightly.

Callie's eyes flickered to his lips, god she hadn't kissed him in ages. Stiles' hand drifted to her hip. It settled their and he pulled her in closer, their body touching. Stiles leaned down, placing a delicate hand on her chin, his eyes burning with love.

Stiles smiled, locking his lips with Callie- he finally kissed her. The soft touch on her hips sent a strong feeling of warmth through her system. She felt her hands begin to slide up his chest and encircle his neck as the kiss which was so gentle and warm became heavy.

Stiles' hand tightened around her waist as they continued kissing, Callie wanted more. She felt herself slowly be pushed back, she grinned as she felt the bed hit her legs. Stiles' body leaned over hers as Callie sat down on the bed, their kiss going on as their lips moving in perfect sync, their kiss becoming more passionate by the second.

Callie's right hand flowered onto his open skin as she felt his top slowly rise. Greedily, she raised his top. With their lips suddenly parted, they had a small, yet intimate moment as Stiles removed his shirt.Their lips parted again, clasped onto one another, once again adding more pressure. Stiles' hand slid smoothly up her waist as the heat flowed through their body.

'You gunna get that?' She smiled, pulling away from the kiss as she felt Stiles' phone vibrate through his pockets. 'No' he grinned, reconnecting their lips and Callie felt the heat flowing through her once more. Stiles' hands ran up and down her sides, connecting as he felt the metal button cold metal button under his skin. Callie let out a small whimper as her jeans became lose.

Stiles let out a frustrated growl as he felt his phone vibrate once more in his pocket. Reluctantly, he pulled away and Callie gulped. She was shocked that they were both capable of doing that.

Callie quickly did up her jeans as Stiles looked down at his phone. 'You sure you aren't ignoring Scott?' Callie chuckled, smiling as Stiles turned off his phone. His head darted to her as she spoke 'Huh?' He muttered as she smiled. She shook her head, leaving her poor attempt at a conversation behind.

Stiles sniffled slightly, placing a pillow on his lap as Callie stood up. Stiles clenched his jaw, he was frustrated- normally, they went somewhere, but this didn't. 'Stiles' Callie smiled, turning around to face her boyfriend- holding up a gold bracelet.

'Why do you have women's jewellery?' She chuckled. Stiles stood up, rubbing his hand along his chest, he stuttered 'uh, nothing, it's just some stuff I brought, you know..for you' Stiles hung his head in shame.

Callie's face softened 'for me?' She mumbled, placing the bracelet back down on Stiles' desk, she smiled. 'Yeah' he gulped, slouching down on his bed.

'I just- kind of wanted to get you something, so I just brought you, like l, a bunch of stuff' he chuckled. Callie tried to contain her grin 'you know, I was gonna return anything that i didn't give you' he added.

Callie bit her lip as she chuckled slightly. Placing herself at the edge of Stiles' desk she looked down at the floor. 'Stiles.' Callie smiled. Her face quickly dropped as she felt a vibration in her pocket. She let out a small sigh, she wasn't able to say what she wanted to say.

Seeing the name flash up on her phone, she looked up at her boyfriend, his face slapped with frustration and embarrassment. 'I think this is for you' she suggested, walking towards Stiles with her phone in her hand, the name Scott brightening up her screen.

'I'm coming, Stiles' Callie ordered as he slid on his top. 'No, Callie. You don't care about getting hurt' Stiles announced as he stood tall. 'But you know his I'll feel? I'll be devastated, and if you die I will literally go out if my freaking mind' Stiles exclaimed, grabbing her hands, he pulled her in close.

'And you think that I won't? Stiles, I am going with you, we go together' Callie warned. Relieving herself from Stiles trembling hands, she stood tall. 'You see, death follows you around, Callie' Stiles gulped as he brought his hand into a closed fist, he stared determinedly at the girl. 'What about all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it?' Stiles argued as he flung his arms around, slapping them down by his side.
Jumping out the jeep, Callie took a deep breath of fresh air as she she shut the door behind her. 'So you really think that she'll come back?' Stiles questioned as he walked around the back of his car, meeting Scott at the boot. 'Yeah, I know she is' Scott beamed, crossing his arms.

'You know, if I were her I would be crushed with extreme awkwardness and self hate' Callie notified as she rested on the corner of the jeep. Stiles let out a laugh as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder 'that's not nice Callie' Scott pouted, trying to contain his grin.

'What? It's true, what girl would go out her way to kill her boyfriend?' Stiles shrugged looking down at Callie. 'Don't give her any ideas' Scott warned, pointing to the brunette. Smiling, Callie somehow unpacked herself from Stiles' comforting hug as Scott opened up the boot. Grabbing their lacrosse nets and bags, Callie walked besides Stiles, her hand in his.

Book 3 is out

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