"You were talking to your dog?"

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David looked at his phone. 10:17. It had been almost 6 hours since he had seen Ren and he still had nothing from her. He didn't even see Alex walk in the room.

"You have literally been staring at that phone for 6 hours David. You need to do something else."

David sighed, "And what do you suggest I do? She said she would call."

Alex looked at him. In all the time Alex had known David, he had never seen him like this. Not even when Liza rejected him the first time. "And she will. When she's ready. But she's not ready and you staring at your phone for endless hours isn't going to change that."

David knew he was right, but he just couldn't help it. He was in a weird mood. Somewhere between sad and happy, leaning more towards sad at the moment.

"Just film a video. Or watch a movie. Honestly David, just do anything except stare at that phone."

David watched Alex leave. He thought about actually getting up and doing something but as he went to get up he got a message.

From: Alex


Looking up from his phone, David slipped on his shoes and left the house.

Ren looked at her phone. She debated on whether or not she wanted to call David. She knew it had only been 6 hours but seeing him today brought all her feelings for him back to the surface.

"Come on Ren. Just call."

She looked at Toothless who was laying by her feet on the floor. "What do you think I should do Toothless?"

He barked. "Yeah you're right. You are a dog and you don't care whether or not I call him. I need more friends."

Toothless barked again. "Yes. I am losing my mind. Thanks for noticing."

He got up and wagged his tail. "Hey bud. Bark once if I should call him and twice if I shouldn't."

Toothless barked. Ren waited for another bark but it never came.

Unlocking her phone, she dialed the number.

David looked down at the ringing phone in hand seeing the name of the person he most wanted to talk to. Ren.


"Hey David, it's Ren."


"So I was talking to Toothless, a-"

"You were talking to your dog? Was he talking back?"

"Yes actually he was. Everytime I said something he barked at me."

David laughed. "I'm honestly not surprised you got a dog to talk to you."

"Thanks? I think. But anyway, I was calling because I wanted to know if you wanted to come over? I know it's late but I spent 2 hours staring at my phone trying to make the call so I figured I still had to ask."

David thought for a second. He wasn't really thinking if he wanted to go over because he knew did. He just didn't want to seem too eager. "Yeah. I would love to come over, Ren."

"Good. I'll see you soon then?"

"Yeah I'll be over soon."

Ren just hung up instead of saying goodbye. She never was a goodbye person.

David continued walking, already heading in the direction of Ren's house. He got there within five minutes of ending the phone call with Ren. He could hear Toothless barking when he knocked on the door.

He could hear Ren talking. "Hey bud, it's just David. Calm down okay?"

He heard her unlock the door and watched as she slowly turned the doorknob. He stood there as she opened the door until he could finally see her.



There was an awkward silence before Ren slowly pressed her lips against David's. David was confused for a moment but quickly recovered kissing her back and stepping through the door. He closed the door behind him.

Pulling away he looked at her. "I thought you wanted to take things slow?"

"Yeah I decided against that. Just now."

They both laughed and David kissed her again. He would never get tired of the way her lips felt on his. Life was good.

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