"I'm Joey Lively and I'm the host of my show 'Pucker up.'. Today we are here with Drew starkey!"
"Anyways, first question, what was it like to kiss Y/n Andrew's on the show?"
"It was honestly amazing. I love that girl."
"Ok just to clarify, we've heard some rumors.."
"Oh lord." Drew says chuckling.
"So basically, there have been rumors going around that you and Y/N Andrew's are dating."
"She's gonna kill me," Drew says picking up candy and eating one, "but yes we are dating." He says with a smile.
"Oh yay! How long?"
"2 months."
"Wow! First, congratulations! Second, can you call her and tell her?"
"hey baby."
"hi drew, didn't you have that interview what's goin' on?"
"i told them we're dating."
"Were you ready to tell them?"
"Ok well that's all that matters. Well I'll leave you b, bye love you."
"Love you too."
"Omg!! The way you guys speak to each other is so cute!"
Drew giggles, "thank you."
"Well that's a wrap on Pucker up, I'm your host Joey lively and stay tuned for more."
camera cuts
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