Chapter 7

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It was quite some time before I heard from Jade after that. Sure I saw her a few times a day, when she'd serve food but we never exchanged any words after she told me her "plan." I wasn't sure what prompted her to want to break me out, but I was worried she would get into more trouble than me for trying.

I think this as I slowly chew tonight's dinner. I notice the exra cup of pudding and smile. Ever since she had gotten kitchen duty she would smuggle something extra for my meager meal. Although I was rarely hungry enough to ever finish a meal to begin with, nevermind the horrid taste of the slop, I always ate whatever she'd smuggle me, like this extra cup of pudding today. As I swallowed a spoonful of it, I felt... wrong. The room started to spin and before I knew it...



At first, I thought I was dreaming.

It was cold. Not the kind of cold that you hardly take notice of, but the cold that chills you to the bone. Rain poured down striking against the ground in an endless beat. The wind was the worst, it howled in terrifying rage. The streets were empty as water gushed down the gutters taking litter and natural debris with it. The night sky was alive with fury.

I opened my heavy eyelids groggily and found myself face to face with this storm. My eyes widened in terror. What the hell? Where was I? I looked down at myself; I was in a skin-tight black long-sleeved shirt that only clung to me more with moisture, equally tight black jeans and scuffed sneakers from who-knows how many years ago. I vaguely remember the clothing from when I was first admitted, which was however many years ago, so that explained their size. What was worse, they hardly lent any relief from this weather and I found myself unable to keep from shivering violently. 

I check my pockets for something, anything. I found a damp slip of paper. In a slim beam of moonlight I manage to read the words scribbled on the scrap.


I couldn't leave with you or they would have suspected me as your conspirator. Things are gonna be pretty chaotic here, so I'm going to pretty busy for a while. I left you in slums for your own safety, they're unlikely to find you there. I'm sure you're competent enough to survive out there on you're own. Well... don't get killed or anything.


Where should I go? What should I do? The slums? Where was that? I was too terrified to even take the time be angry at Jade, that stupid, inept, bloody- Okay maybe I could. From my surroundings I could tell I was currently in an alley, completely unprotected from the weather and alone in the dark. 

Well, it was probably safer to get moving than sit here waiting to freeze to death or worse- for someone to find me cowering here.

I kept walking, I had nowhere to go and no sense of direction. I haven't even been outside that goddamn institution in years!

I told myself that if I kept moving I'd be okay. At least the blood flow that resulted from the movement would warm me up a bit. Torrents of rain and harsh wind beat against my defenceless form. Suddenly I could see some lights in the distance, and I moved toward them with renewed vigour, hoping to find some help. As I moved nearer, I started to make out distinct forms. Women. The women were lined up and down the street, wearing very little in clothing. The lights came from the multicoloured lighted signs from the buildings. All the buildings appeared to be sketchy looking clubs and bars. I felt my skin itch. No, not this. Not here. Oh God.

Shaken, I all but ran into an alley without thinking. I kept moving through the alley until I was lost in a labyrinth. The rain still pelted against me, as I rushed through each alley gradually growing more and more afraid. Just as I was about to slip into full-blown panic, I nearly fell out into an open street. I don't have much chance to recover when I was met with a pair of headlights coming toward me. I thought, This is it. I'm gonna die right here in the street like a cheap whore.

But then the car stopped about an inch away from me. The driver ran out of the car, presumably to help the quivering, humiliated drowned rat he nearly ran over. I was terrified out of my wits, and could do nothing but allow myself to be led into the stranger's car.

By the time I was able to focus on my surroundings, the man was driving. I studied him quietly as he drove. The man would have been around thirty five. Dark brown hair was neatly cropped and there were few wrinkles across his face. I took in the suit and wedding ring. He didn't seem like he would hurt me...

"T-thank you." I stammered, still shivering despite how high he had the heat to accommodate me.

He smiled widely.

"You must either be crazy or seriously devoted to your work to go throw yourself about in this storm in clothes like that."

At first I didn't understand.

"Don't worry too much though. I'll make this worth your while. You give me what I want and I'll take good care of you."

He... he was... I felt bile rise in the back of my throat. He thinks I'm a prostitute!

I force myself to keep from panicking. Ok, this man said he would take care of me. He's not going to hurt me. If I only give him what he wants... 

What he wants is sex! 

I forced the thought away again. So what? I'd get shelter from this storm at least. New clothes if I'm lucky. And to top it off, I'll get paid for it. Be happy he's not ugly, I chided myself. 

I repeated this over and over until I felt myself gradually calm down.

"So what's your name?" the I asked, managing to keep my voice from quivering.

"Charlie," he said. "You?"

"Damien." I answered.

"Got a place to spend the night, Damien?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Well you can spend the night with me. Like I said I'll take good care of you so long as I get what I pay for."

I eye his wedding ring at this.

He smiles as he catches me doing so.

"The Missus is out with some friends of hers. She won't be back for a few days."

I nod. It wasn't my business anyway.

The more I thought about it, the more detached I felt about the whole thing. I was warm, comfortable, and now had a safe place to spend the night. What more could I have asked for? To top it off he was a guy too.

When the car stopped in front a large house, I allowed myself to be led inside by the man- Charlie.

As he took my hand and led me upstairs to a bedroom, I hesitated for a moment.

He turned to me and flashed another smile.

"Don't worry, Damien. I promise to make it worth your while."

I nodded slowly and followed him inside.


When it was over I told myself it wasn't so bad.  I hadn't slept a wink though. One thing I couldn't manage was convincing myself to fall asleep in a stranger's bed.

When Charlie woke up, I quickly shut my eyes. I wanted him to believe I had been comfortable. I felt him stretch before he ran his fingers through my hair, at which point I feigned gently waking.

He smiled at this and indicated for me to wait so I did. He came back with clothes and led me to a large bathroom to dress and take care of my morning affairs. He told I could take a shower if I liked, an offer I took him up on. After trying to wash away the night, I went on with my necessities and quickly dressed. Before I left the bathroom I stopped and stared at my reflection.  

Dark grey denim jeans hung low on the hips of the male in front of me, and an over sized purple hoodie adorned the top half on the body. Pitch black hair framed the face, cut roughly, no longer than shoulder length. The features were almost delicate but carried a stoic look. And then, there were the eyes. Abyssal black eyes that appeared hollow at first glance, though upon further scrutiny a deep pain and longing were visible. Those emotions, those eyes... They went on forever.

They were my eyes.

I carefully masked the afore mentioned emotions, and when I was sure no trace was left, I left the place in a hurry.

Downstairs Charlie had prepared a meal and had packed it neatly into a container and a white plastic bag.

As he smiles his eyes squint a bit, giving him an amiable appearance.

"I told you that you'd be well taken care of didn't I?"

I nodded, a gesture that seemed to be becoming a common occurrence.

As I take the bag from him, he takes out his wallet and doles out two hundred dollars for me. I stare at the money astounded for a moment before tucking the bills into the back pocket of my jeans.


What seemed like a life time later, I watched the headlights disappear into the distance. Once the lights blinked out of existence, I drop to my knees and my stomach rebelled on me. The meagre contents wrenched their way upwards and spilt onto the ground. I finished vomiting and leant back on my heels. After a moment, once my stomach had settled down, I stood back up and slowly looked around. Charlie even had the decency to drop me off here. I ignored the pain radiating from my lower half and force myself to get going and look for a place to shelter me from the growing drizzle that had begun pattering against the asphalt. I tug up the hood of my newly aquired hoodie and get moving.

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