to nationals

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also, i notice some chapters are getting more reads than others, as they might show out of order for some people. be sure to check if you read every chapter, because it might get a bit confusing:)

Y/N GLARED AT USHIWAKA from across the net, anger filling her eyes. That bastard nearly ripped Tsukki's hand off...and now I'm out here all alone! Wait...

I'm out here...All alone...If I get injured again...I won't be able to help Karasuno. They won't have a defense. The pressure is really on. I can't mess this up, I can't mess this up, I can't. Mess. This-

Suddenly, Suga placed his hand on her shoulder. He gave a comforting smile. "...You can do it. Don't stress about it."

Y/n's trembling eyes became stable again as she gazed back at Suga. ...Can he read minds?

"You told Tsukishima that you guys were going to block Ushiwaka, right? Tsukishima's done his part...And now you do yours."

Y/n clenched her fist in determination. "Right!"

The whistle blew, the round started. Daichi served the ball over the net, Shiratorizawa receiving it. They set it across the court, Ushiwaka's eye on the ball.

Y/n gathered all her strength, running across the gym to the other side of the xourt. Her and Ushijima locked eyes as they jumped towards the ceiling, y/n's arms towering over the top of the net.

Ushijima looked for a spot to serve, a bright spotlight appearing down the sideline. Y/n followed his eyes, read blocking his every move.

This is for Tsukki!

Ushijima slammed his hand into the center of the ball, attempting to do a line shot. Everything felt fuzzy as y/n moved her arm, blocking the ball, the raw power in it shivering throughout her body.

The ball fell back into Shiratorizawa's court, failing to dig it up. The whistle blew, giving Karasuno a point. Y/n landed back onto the ground, her eyes wide in shock. Sweat ran down her forehead, completely speechless.

The gym erupted in uproar, her teammates shouting loudly. Hinata and Noya jumped on her shoulders excitedly. "YOU BLOCKED IT Y/N!!"

Y/n, still in a state of shock, just batted her eyes in response. "...I...I...I BLOCKED HIM!" She cheered.

Ukai and Takeda, along with Kiyoko, watched as her and her teammates celebrated. "She's come a long way." Kiyoko muttered.

Takeda nodded in agreement. "Yeah...She really has."

Ukai smiled to himself. Nice kill...y/n.

It was match point. 19-20, Karasuno in the one point lead. Y/n, Kageyama, Daichi, Asahi, and Tanaka, waited anxiously for the referee to blow his whistle. Hinata, up to serve, twirled the ball in his hand nervously.

This. This rally will determine it all....

Hinata tossed the ball into the air, serving it over the net. Shiratorizawa dug it up, passing it to their setter. Y/n read block their every move, running to the center of the net and jumping to block. The ball bounced off her hand, spinning in the air. "One touch!!"

"Get that chance ball!!" Ukai shouted.

Tanaka set it over his head, sending it to Kageyama. Hinata ran towards the net, the team doing a back attack.

Hinata jumped in the air, spiking it over the net. Shiratorizawa blocked it, the ball about to fall into their court. Just in time, Ushiwaka used his arm to hit it back.

"Tendou!!!!" He shouted, the red haired boy setting it his way. Ushijima jumped, preparing to spike.

"IT'S A STRAIGHT!!" Y/n shouted, her and Asahi running to the end of the net and jumping to block. Ushijima sent it down the line, the ball landing straight at Hinatas head.

"Hinata!" Y/n gasped.

Tanaka dug up the ball. "Follow it up, Kageyama!!"

Kageyama set the ball over the net, back to Shiratorizawa.

Y/n ran by Daichi and Asahi, tugging on their jerseys.

Tsukishima noticed her indication from the sidelines, him smirking. A 3 man move.

Ushijima jumped to spike, y/n, Asahi, and Daichi all jumping in front of him to ball. He was corned. He had no choice but to send a cross court shot.

He angled his arm diagonally and spiked the ball past the blockers, the ball bouncing off Kageyam's arms.

Daichi quickly ran after the ball, flying onto his stomach as he hit it back in.

"Got it!!" Tanaka shouted, bumping the sloppy receive.

The teams backed up towards the end of the court as the ball went to Kageyama to set.

It's time....for....


Hinata, y/n, Daichi, Asahi, and Tanaka, all ran towards the net, putting on a facade as of each of them were going to be the ones spiking it.

Shiratorizawa were on their toes. Who was going to spike it? Who did they need to block?

Hinata jumped, higher than he ever had before, slamming his hand into the ball and over the net. Shiratorizawa dug it up, but the ball...

flew out of bounds.

The gym fell silent. So silent, you could hear each individual gasp from the audience.

The referee blew the final whistle, the moderator turning the point value to 19-21. The gym cheered loudly, clapping and shouting.

The boys on the court were completely frozen. Y/n's feet were glued to the ground, her whole body shaking in confusion and shock.

Asahi and Daichi hugged each other, Suga joining in, them bursting into tears.

The rest of the team tackled y/n and the boys, all of them falling on the ground. Ukai, Takeda, and Kiyoko started crying.

"Come on, we have to line up!" Kageyama commanded. "I don't know if I can walk!!" Hinata muttered, barely keeping balance. Noya and Kageyama grabbed his wrist, dragging him to the sidelines. "Let's go!"

Y/n stood back up from the court, Tsukishima waiting for her. "...How about we share the large pizza?" He asked. Y/n gazed at him before chuckling, her hand over her smile. "Sure, why not."

after credits (yknow like, in a show, theres after scenes?...kay)

"OUR BABY!" Y/n and her team turned around as they were about to board the bus, y/n's mothers running towards her. "H-Hey guys-" Y/n muttered, her parents squeezing her tightly into a group hug. "Oowww..."

"You volleyball killing machine! We're so proud of you!!" Momma B cooed, pinching y/n's cheeks. The team watched as y/n's mothers picked and poked at her, proud of their daughter.

"I wish my mom was that nice." Hinata pouted.

Y/n's parents noticed her teammates watching them, her moms smiling. "And you guys! You all were great out there!!"

"Thank you!" The boys bowed. Y/n's cheeks turned a light pink. This is so humiliating.

"And you must be Coach Ukai and Takeda! I'm Bea and this is my Jackie, we're y/n's mothers." She held out her hand to shake theirs.

Ukai and Takeda smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Your daughter has some real talent."

"She's got skill alright. We want to thank you for letting her on the team! She told us she joined the boys team because it was better, so I'm glad you allowed her to play on a good team for the sport she loves!"

Ukai raised his eyebrow. "Of course..." He turned to y/n, a confused look on his face. She lightly shook her head, telling him to play along. If her moms found out the real reason she joined the team was for a scholarship, they'd definitely be upset.

"Anyway, we'd love to stay and chat, but we're gonna take y/n out to eat, if that's all right?" Momma B excused.

Takeda bowed. "Of course! Go ahead!"

"Great work today, y/n!" Ukai praised. The boys waved goodbye to her as she walked off with her parents.

"We're going to Nationals!!" Hinata jumped.

Y/n chuckled. "See you guys Monday!!"

"Ahhhh, home sweet home." Y/n groaned, running inside and plopping on the couch.

Her mothers glanced at each other, nodding their heads. "Y/n, we actually have some news."

"News?" Y/n repeated, lifting her face up from the cushion of the couch. "What sort of news?"

"Well, it's about your leg." Momma J started, sitting on the couch with her.

Y/n sat up, tilting her head. "My leg?"

"The doctor wants to replace your prosthetic. You said your nerves had been bothering you a bit, right? So we'll get you a new leg and check your nerves!"

Y/n slouched. "Momma, isn't that expensive-"

"Don't worry about expenses! We have insurance!" Momma J seethed. "For a 16 year old, you worry way too much about money."

Y/n pursed her lips. "But...I'm fine with my leg as it is-"

"It may feel fine, but one day your gonna end up straining it so bad and wonder what happened. So let us do this for you, okay?" Momma B pleaded, begging with her hands.

Y/n sighed. "...Yeah, okay." She stood up from the couch, walking towards her room. "I'm gonna go take a shower." She mumbled.

"Great day today, sweetheart! We're proud of you!" Momma B smiled, y/n closing her bedroom door.

Y/n's mothers let out a long exhale. "Why does y/n feel the need to worry about our finances so much? I worry that she's gonna grow grey hairs!"

Momma J sat on the couch with Momma B, placing her hand on her thigh. "She's just worried about us that's all. But we're doing the right thing. Y/n will thank us once she has a new prosthetic."

Momma B pursed her lips. "..I hope so."

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