Escaping Prison 2

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It had been a while ever since Tommy passed out...

3 weeks?.....he should have woken up in a day.But he was getting worse every day, he was getting a fever,  he sometimes woke up for a small second and then falling back into a deep sleep.  "Do you think that he will wake up?"  Ranboo was the first to speak the first one in a while  "Ranboo i am not sure...."  Phil spoke hes tone was cold and sad  "Okay we all need to get a wieght off our shourlders."  I cant actually believe i said that they all looked at me i put my hands up quickly in defense  "S-...sorry its just we do need a small breal and staying in here will just keep that wieght on our shoulders..."  

Techno stood up and took one last glance at Tommy laying on the bed  "Dream is right.We need a small break and leaving Tommy for a couple of hours wont hurt anyone"  Techno faced hes back towards me but i knew he was crying....  "Okay but we have to stay hidden at the same time since we helped Tommy escape prison"  Ranboo got up he was already beside Techno when--

"WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!COME OUT!"  Sam's voice was the only one we heard it was everywhere  "What do we do now he knows where in here and-and--"  Phil spoke in a low wisper when noises came from behind us

"Ugh...WHat the fuck are you guys doing in my cel!!--"  Tommy was awake he looked around confused then Sam's voice was heard again  "I know you guys are in there i heard Tommy!"  In this situation if it was only me i could have escaped and be long gone by now....but we have Tommy and he is not fully healed.  "I'll speak to Sam."  Techno said when Ranboo grabed hes arm 

(Techno Pov) 

"Let go of my arm Ranboo--"  Ranboo hugged one evr hugs me..

I felt the voices back off they where scared of the affection Ranboo was giving me?

"Ranboo let go of my arm you need to go and help the others get out of here safely"  I wanted to cry but i had to stay strong and not seem week  "Please dont waste more canon lifes Techno"  Ranboo walked away but he had shoved something into my hand  "I wont waste more like i said Technoblade Never Dies."  I smiled something i really am not good at but i tried my best.

I was in front of the door Tommy was getting help getting out of the house unseen,i felt Ranboo take small glances towards me  "Sam im going to open this door dont attack me"  I opened the door and the first thing what Sam does.Is pin me to the ground he had hes sword,hes armour,and what did i have.Nothing.Absolutly nothing

"Get the heck off of me!"  It was getting hard to breath he was at my throat he was chocking me

"Promise me you wont run or attack me...."  I quickly noded scared to lose my consiosness  "Where is Tommy..."  Sam looked at me hes eyes where like a void but they only had a red dot in the middle honestly i could stare at them all night...but thast not the case  "I said"  Sam was getting closer i backed up nearing the wall quickly  "Tommy."  I was at the wall sword at my throat hes eyes where in my opinion.(No ship ew >:p ) "Sam and this is the last time i tell you to let me go."  I said shooting back  "Dare even lay a finger on me and I will have you dead in second Technoblade"  I put my hand behind me  "Aw come on you cant kill The Technoblade?.."  I grabed something i hoped it was a poison potion from my belt i had around my chest

"Yeah alright i can kill The Technoblade you dont even have armour or a weapon--"  I had pushed him back he fell onto the floor with a painfull thud i had the potion of poison in my hand  "Time to get a small break Sam im quite thirsty..I hope you dont mind"  I got closer to Sam kneeling beside him i opened hes mouth giving him some poison from the potion he tried spitting it out  "Nah-ah-ah you drink it not spit it out Sam..."  I made him drink almost most of the potion when i saw him fall to the ground he was calmed down like he fell asleep.

Kill him here..

I shoke my head like there was a fly near my ears

He deserves it...

I got up and walked to the door

Take him and show the others...

"Now you're finally usefull voices"  I walked back to Sam hes checks where getting a light green  "Ugh i was supose to kill him not almost kill him and then save him."  I took out my bucket of milk and gave some to Sam hes checks imeadiatly went back to its normal color  "Alright there we go now time to find them--..."  I heard something fall but it came from me?  "Oh!Its the book Ranboo gave me before they left?"  I picked up the book opening it to see a sentence writen in morse core.  "When did he find out i can read morse?"  

-What it says-

.-- . / .- .-. . / --. --- .. -. --. / - --- / -... . / .- - / -....- .---- ....- ----. --..-- / ....- ----. ..---

(Sorry if i got the cords wrong im like tommy i dont know how they fucking work -v- )

"Okat not to far away bur good enough"  I looked at Sam  "That the problem i need to make sure he must be uncuncois the whole time"  Sam was quickly in my arms bridle style  "Alright....i hate carrying people like this"  I walked out the door and headed to where Ranboo told me with the cords

But like i was afraid....

I wasnt paying attention to Sam.Or hes consiousness...

Next thing i took a step i was on the ground--

"AW COME ON!.."  I yelled out in anger  "D-dont carry me like that EVER!"  I look up to Sam he was red from emberasment it was funny to see him like this  "You know i cna just simply give you more poison"  I dint have the one i originally used on him but i did have more.  "No you wont be poisening me any time soon!"  And now we where back to me back on a tree and sword at my throat im not going to lie but this was getting quite boring.  "Come on you know that the last time i piosened you, you noticed it wasnt actually me....."  Sam looked at my eyes our eyes locked he looked away no emotion on hes face.

" know about the voices in my head."  I knew the he knew about them  "Stop it you're playing games whit my mind.Now you will take me to Tommy and it will all be solved--"  I grabed the sword out of Sam's hands he wasnt fast to react to me pinning onto the ground  "Bruhh! That was easy you really think im going to let you just go and take my smaller brother back to prison!"  He was strugling to get out my grasp but i had him on the ground he wasnt going anywhere anytime soon

"Let me go Techno!"  Sam grabed at my hand i just smirked.....  "Come on....why fight me when im not in control...."  I open my eyes and see Sam's reaction to seeing them change the color to a light blood red to a deep...bloodier red..  "They say....Blood For The Blood God.....Im the god of blood bud...."  I made Sam come closer to my face this time i could tell he was in fear  "Im going to take you and you will not try to attack me again.Got it?"  My voice came lower the loower it got the deeper it sonded.....the deeper the scarier  "Y-yes just dont kill me!"  I let go of Sam making him hit hes head on the ground

"Good because i dont want to clean my gown or hands again"  I said in a annoyed tone  "Now come on Sam it is night and i am not in a good move if you try to do something im kiiling you no mercy."  Sam got up and noded we both walked for some time no words where spoken in the walk.

But another small goat was there....watching....every move... not taking hes eyes off of them.He was going to help Tommy no matter what....   "Its always you and me against, Dream, Tubbo..."  Tommy had said those words in the first war there where ever in.But this time it was not Dream,but the people who dint want Tommy out of prison and wanted to lock him up...

Tubbo was done being pushed around being the "Sidekick"  he will show them what he can Really do....

(Sorry if there is any misspealling im not the best and im still learning the English language)

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