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Yoongi woke up refreshed on the weekend, ready to start his day. As he looked through his kitchen, he realized there was no food left for breakfast. He decided to head to the grocery store nearby to pick up a few essentials.

On his way, he unexpectedly encountered the same woman he had helped the previous day. She was once again struggling with bags of groceries, this time looking visibly tired. Concerned, Yoongi approached her with a friendly smile.

"Hello again," Yoongi greeted her warmly. "You seem to be here often. Is everything alright?"

The woman paused, a mix of surprise and gratitude crossing her face. "Oh, hello," she replied, her voice tinged with weariness. "Yes, I come here quite often. I'm picking up groceries for my daughter."

Yoongi's curiosity piqued. "Your daughter? Is she doing alright?"

The woman sighed softly. "She's in an isolated place right now, where she needs specialized care," she explained with a hint of sadness.

"I see," Yoongi nodded empathetically. "It must be challenging for you."

The woman nodded, her gaze briefly distant. "It is," she admitted, "but I do it because I want to make sure she has everything she needs."

Yoongi felt a wave of compassion for the woman and her dedication to her daughter. "You must miss her a lot," he commented softly.

The woman nodded again, a small smile touching her lips. "Very much so," she replied, her voice filled with love and longing.

They reached the entrance of the grocery store, and Yoongi offered to help her with the bags once more. Together, they walked inside, chatting briefly about everyday things and exchanging pleasantries.

As they parted ways again, Yoongi couldn't shake the encounter from his mind. He realized that everyone carried their own burdens and stories, hidden beneath the surface of everyday interactions. It was a reminder to him of the importance of kindness and empathy, especially towards those who may be silently struggling.

With a newfound appreciation for the complexities of life, Yoongi continued his shopping, reflecting on the brief but meaningful connection he had made with the woman. He vowed to carry that empathy forward in his interactions, knowing that small acts of compassion could make a world of difference to someone's day.

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